/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


first for comfy compiling system from source

GuixSD motherfucker.
Install it.

What are the pros of making multiple partition (I.e. /home or /swap) instead of installing everything on a single partition

I literally just want ZFS, no systemD and maybe KDE on my shit laptop with 32GB flashdrive.

What are my linux options? W10 is slow on it

Just read the Arch wiki.

Gentoo GNU/Linux would be a good choice.


You should just use XFS. I use it on all of my Linux machines.

>no systemD

Take your pick.

It's available on like 95% of Linux distros. You should just rice XFCE and use that if your laptop is shit.

>32GB flashdrive
If you plan to use the flash drive as the main disk for Linux then you're in for a slow as fuck experience. Just partition or wipe the internal hard drive. If it doesn't have one, replacements are dirt cheap.

ZFS and XFS aren't even remotely the same. You have blatantly know idea about any of what you're talking about. You don't even have the slightest intimation of what his use case is, so your assumptions are completely worthless not to mention unwarranted.

I never said they were the same, you stupid hipster. I simply recommended XFS because it's good. Why don't you go fuck yourself?

Between the choice of a CoW filesystem and XFS, the latter isn't viable for desktop. It doesn't have any significant perfomance boost (in some areas it's even slower than EXT4) but is more fragile + you can't shrink it. You're an idiot. You don't know what you're talking about. You're the one who's being contrarian here, and at the expense of someone who doesn't know enough to contradict your ignorance.

XFS is good for large amounts of storage (1TB+) and I've found it to be faster than EXT3/4 when writing to an SSD. ZFS is just a hipster meme unless you're running Solaris. XFS also isn't fragile like retards say it is. My servers with XFS have survived several power outages during bad weather.

Kill yourself, brainlet.

Do you even know what you're trying to prove? ZFS and XFS are two completely different filesystems. To try and shill one or the other without any justification to a desktop user who clearly doesn't know what he's asking about is just ridiculous. If you knew anything about ZFS, you would know that I'm not saying ZFS is better than XFS. How pathetic do you have to be to get defensive about a fucking filesystem? You wouldn't be so antagonistic if you weren't so delusional that you would actually think you have something to prove.

Your argument makes no sense. Those two filesystems are made with two different ends in mind.

You seem to be assuming a lot about me. Could this be a case of projection? It sure seems like it. XFS is good file system and it was developed for high end workstations and servers by SGI. It's completely fine for desktop use.

I never said they weren't, nigger. Looks like I'm gonna be shilling XFS in very thread to milk the lolcows.

You're the one resorting to hook shit just to win an argument on an Indochinese clay sculpting forum.


What a rude post, spamming a thread at the expense of others just to make your opinion heard. Need I remind you that this is a friendly thread?

>hurr durr dey were nod da saem ting!
You could've just not responded.

I don't give a GNU.


You're absolutely right. I'm sorry for contradicting you. You are clearly significantly more knowledgeable about these things than I am. Your argument is incredibly persuasive.

Your apology isn't real. Stop making fun of me.

I'm not. Your totally right, XFS is a good filesystem for desktop. I'm sure it's a lot less fragile than I made it out to be. I exaggerated its flaws because I was being petty and I wanted to win an argument.

While trying to get some oldish games on Wine running, I keep getting this error

X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: 10 (X_UnmapWindow)
Resource id in failed request: 0x2200001
Serial number of failed request: 200
Current serial number in output stream: 203

Always a similar BadWindow type of thing. I've tried both in 32 and 64 prefixes, and also wine and wine-development. It almost always goes like this
>Execute program
>Screen goes black for a second
>Resolution changes to a lower one, program crashes, get that output in the log

And I've even checked WineHQ and these programs ought to run just fine without tweaks. So what gives?

Aren't both ZFS/XFS meant for servers? Don't they eat up a lot of RAM? They're not supposed to.be used on desktop.

>Between the choice of a CoW filesystem and XFS, the latter isn't viable for desktop
Haven't used XFS, but I just wanted to mention that apparently Suse trusts it enough to make it default for /home, and I have more faith in their expertise than in two GNU/friends who bitch at each other anonymously on the internet.
If I were to reinstall tomorrow, I'd pick XFS over EXT4, just to try it out.

Suse also used Reiserfs by default for a period of time.

Yo guys, my elitist schoolmate is wondering if it's acceptable to use SwayWM?

Any recommendation for a decent todo-list terminal application?
It has to support hierarchical tasks (=> taskwarrior is a no go)

Org mode.

-any FS you want and is in mainline
-no forced systemdick
-do KDE even work without systemd?

I'd like this too, but with caldav support. hate having to use thunderbird for this

It's too bad they doubled down on Reiser right before he killed his wife. But, yeah, sure, Suse's judgment is perfect. And I'm sure their investment in BTRFS will totally pay off! I'm sure RHEL agrees!

I use vim, cannot make such a paradigm shift.

You can use Vim inside of Emacs.

I've been trying to install fedora through the netinstall image for a while now but it keeps on failing. I added both fusion repositories and livna and whenever it starts the install, it freezes on "Preparing transactions from installation source" and then, eventually, it spits out an error. I looked at the logs and for some fucking reason, it's trying to install both x86_64 and i686 versions of the same packages, all of which are related to gstreamer. Any way to resolve this? I don't want to waste my time testing out numerous configurations just to make it work, I have slow internet and it takes hours to download this shit. Also, I don't have a bugzilla account. If any of you can replicate this, please report this bug.

Forgot to mention that I was using kde as a basis when choosing the configuration.

hint: home belongs to it's own partition.

Install Gentoo.

So to use Wine, you basically always want to have the Virtual Desktop option turned on right?

Otherwise everything keeps crashing as soon as it gets opened because of resolution shenanigans. I don't know if it's i3's fault not wanting to play nice with normal Wine, but switching to Virtual Desktop with my monitor's (1080p) resolution has worked great

Look into EVIL mode, friend. It's vim in emacs. It's great.

It's just GNU.

What's the Fedora rain date for?

Why Linux?

Never had an issue with that on i3, but most of the WINE programs I use end up as floating windows so i3 doesn't tile them.

Well I'm boned.
I have zero experience with this
Where do I look for help?

Boot into a live CD and see if your system and home partitions are actually there. If they are, chroot into it and reinstall and update-grub.

Thanks so far
Two OS on the same harddrive: Win10 and Ubuntu 16.04
What kind of live-CD? Don't have a Win10 CD, will an Ubuntu-Stivk of any Version do or do I need 16.04?
How do I chroot?

>I'm sure RHEL agrees!
Oh yes, RHEL, the golden standard of decision making.
Gnome, systemd, NetworkManager, et al. All great pieces of software.


Seems Ubuntu has a built in boot recovery for you so no need to chroot ect. And don't worry about it, Windows loves to fuck with the boot partition on install.

That's why I always install Windows first and then set up a bootloader forgot that then appears as "Windows10 recovery" in GRUB.
Haven't booted up Windows in a while, but GRUB has been acting up a lot lately. It started with the border around the partition-slection-windows disappearing.
Didn't think anything of it at the time.

You should never install Windows.

FreeBSD 12-current with drm-next-kmod

When already using a twm: tmux, screen, or just your wm?

If I update my system with a cron job, is there a way to store the update terminal log?

Alternatively is there another program that does?

Worked, thanks user

Anyone use OpenSUSE here? Leap or Tumbleweed and why?

Use rEFIt to boot on your GNU/Linux
Then reinstall grub using the instructions for your distro and the CORRECT disk drive
On Debian GNU/Linux ASSUMING your boot disk is /dev/sda it's something like
grub-install /dev/sda


Isn't bsd for server only?


I use Opensuse Tumbleweed because after using Fedora since 2011 I wanted to try out something new.
Tumbleweed because I wanted to try rolling release. Very nice so far

Does it break much/at all?

What I was hoping to find out was how old the Leap packages are? Are they really old and outdated like Debian sometimes is?
If the rolling release doesn't flake out then I will most likely go with that, I just want something stable to program on and also watch films. KDE being a major part of OpenSUSE is what attracted me to it.

I meant that isn't it's intended purpose to be used as a server operating system?

refit is ancient. use refind.

Yes but the same goes for Linux. Why do you want to use a server OS so badly? Go use Winshit.

Thanks, I got confused and mixed them up

so far it hasn't but I'm using it for only two weeks now, so I really can't say. I did a minimal install with only xorg preconfigured (because I couldn't get it to work by myself), and that probably helps with stability - the fewer packages, the less chance something breaks.
software.opensuse.org/search should help finding available packages, then just compare version numbers with Debian stable. I don't use Leap, so i have no clue.
For programming and watching things Tumbleweed should be good enough.

Ok, so say I release something under WTFPL. Someone else takes my software and re-releases it verbatim under either GPL, or a proprietary license, or basically something else that has a bunch of restrictions.

Now if some random Bob wants to use my software in a way that would conflict with that relicensing, he can still do it, right?

Time for my first GNU/Linux install. I'm planning on getting Ubuntu as my first like many others before me.

Should I go with the LTS 16.04.3 version or the newer 17.10 version?


Doesn't matter. if you like it you'll switch to the 18.04 soon anyway.
But if I had to guess go for 17.10 because Unity is dead and it comes with standard GNOME.
but you are free to experiment with DEs as you wish.

What does /fglt/ think of Guile and/or Scheme in general?


Can someone make a Sup Forums android app?

Only when bob gets your copy which is under wtfpl

Sure, I'll get right on it. Do me a favour and wait patiently.. shouldn't take longer than a week. If you don't hear from me, just ask again in this thread, I'm always around.
Send feature requests to my email at [email protected]

But they're so much fun. It's like programming with a puzzle game thrown on top of it.
What about common LISP?


What's so great about ZFS unless your using it in an enterprise environment server?

I'm trying to make chemtex (a LaTeX package) work on Ubuntu, but TeXlive doesn't find chemtex.sty.

I already installed TeXlive full. How can I make chemtex work without having to install each package individually?

I just want to have a shitload of LaTeX packages installed so that I never have to think about it again.

Sure, plenty of people can

Explain the output of ldd
libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007f0b56710000)

Is there a link to a file called "libc.so.6" that is magically resolved into /lib/yaddayadda or is there a link to a hardcoded path "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6"?

Have you tried to force it into windowed mode?

What are some cool android/Linux apps.?

The former, except there's no magic.

good place to start (desu you should ignore the picure, it's outdated to the extreme)

How is there no magic?

Library path.

Kubuntu or Debian with KDE / cinnamon? Is there actually any differences

I've used debian(testing)+kde on my desktop for the past 4yrs and have no complaints.

I tried making them floating windows in i3's config by default, but that didn't give me the results I was hoping for. Games would still open and then close right after a black screen and resolution change. What did work was assigning Wine windows to one workspace, which was nice.

How do you force all applications to open windowed?

So far the Virtual Desktop solution is working well, but it is a bit annoying that I have to do that


Hi, Sup Forumsuys

I would like to Libreboot my shit to make Debian boot a little faster and get all the good stuff on my X200. The problem is I haven't found any concise tutorial on how to do it. I have a BananaPro, I know where to get an IC clip for quite cheap, but I still don't have any idea on how to actually go ahead. Since Luke Smith is busy busting 3D printed laptops, is there anyone else I might learn from?

Thanks, bois

I feel really really stupid.
I can't get into GRUB, searched the web and everyone says "hold Shift", but it doesn't work, so I must do something wrong. When I enbale a timeout, it shows up as expected.
What am I doing wrong?

What is the OS?

Noobuntu LTS.

try holding the *right* shift key when the bios disappears

>Buy a dirt cheap Lenovo IdeaPad S12
>Via Nano U2250 processor
>Can't find a distro that works with the processor

What do?