How do you stop yourself from procrastinating, and shitposting on Sup Forums instead of working on your project?

How do you stop yourself from procrastinating, and shitposting on Sup Forums instead of working on your project?

keep procrastinating you reddit sucker

>pretending not to browse reddit
y lie

>browsing reddit
Hiroshima please just shut this place down.

It's easy, I don't have any projects to work on.

Browsing reddit doesn't mean you participate in it's culture.
I just browse /r/all for funny videos and shit, and pretty much any time I make a post I get banned.

From 11:30 to 12:30 (UTC +1, calculate for your timezone) close all distracting sites and work on your Project. After an hour you may waste your life again lurking memes


you just have shit habits, my dark friend


Stop using home internet.


I actually fell for this meme but linux killed my ssd so I need some time to have my programs and documents transferred to another drive so I can go full intellectual mode.
Also he had access to the internet at his work. I need a laptop for that otherwise it would be very hard for me to do schoolwork.

How important is your project?
Do other people depend on it?
Do you have a set deadline?
Do you actually schedule shit or are you at least organized enough to wake up, eat and go to sleep at specific hours?

You can't easily stop your bad habits if you don't have anything that can actually motivate you to stop them. Maybe your project isn't worth much, therefore you think that it doesn't have that much important and you'd rather shitpost on Sup Forums.


Get out normalfag scum.

I'm not 13 so like every well adjusted adult I use selfcontrol 2017, it just werk.

If you use Sup Forums, then pretty much by definition you're a procrastinator. The trick is not much work. Low ambition people, here.

shitposting is my Project.

Practice self-controll. If you actually do something you enjoy, or working towards being able to do something you enjoy, it should not be a problem. If not, then what the fuck are you doing?

fucking BASED

>linux killed my ssd
I question that assertion.

> I need a laptop for that otherwise it would be very hard for me to do schoolwork.

You should probably do all your schoolwork away from any place you usually procrastinate anyway.

The big problem is that most people procrastinate because they have nothing better to do, but most procrastinative actions are usually "great" for dopamine release, meaning you can get addicted to doing nothing.

You don't need to go as far as but consider making it so your "work" computer doesn't connect to the net.

>Browsing reddit doesn't mean you participate in it's culture.
>I just browse /r/all for funny videos and shit, and pretty much any time I make a post I get banned.
Then you realize that you are the cancer that is killing this place when?

Im in the same fucking boat
I lack the self control to abandon shitty time wasting sites and fuck up most of my projects beacuse of this
Are there some other good tools beside cool turkey which is pain in the ass to uninstall?

would you care to share your background with us, son?

By turning 18


It has nothing to do with age. The modern web is a prime source of dopamine, which can be as addictive as any other pleasurable thing, add into it however that there's no limit to the time one can spend online nor now much novelty one could find.

move computer to somewhere else, maybe another room or something
don't move it back for one month

When it comes to a matter of death/life you dont procrastinate unless youre suicidal and you want to starve to death