What's best for mango reading, tablet, phablet, Kindle?
What's best for mango reading, tablet, phablet, Kindle?
>book with pictures
American education, everyone.
why are you assuming he is american? these are australian shit posting hours after all
>picture book has text
>text isn't read
Kindle, but you won't be using it for anything else, alternatively get a tablet with the highest dpi screen you can find. I read manga daily on my one plus 2 and the 1080 screen really helps to avoid burning my eyes out however the tiny screen means i have to be relatively close to the screen to read something.
I have an Oasis, how do I make it good for mango reading? Calibre and convert it to something Kindle friendly?
They can't afford one because the average bogan salary isnt enough dollary-do's.
I'm sure ozzie education is so much better, learning about all those spiders, snakes, and weird pouched animals that can maul and kill you.
Buying the actual book
>manga reading
This isn't reading. This is akin to calling yourself an artist because you did a coloring book. It's probably worse because it will make you have ADHD in the long run and unable to sustain attention to actual books.
If you want to read, get a book, not manga or if you are going to go the digital route, get an e-ink device rather than a fucking AMOLED/LCD tablet.
OP is a retard.
Physical copy
Grow up and stop reading cartoons. Start reading books.
I would recommend David Foster Wallace and John Steinbeck.
user, who hurt you?
Stop shitposting, idiots.
> calling other people idiots
> not saging
>recommending physical copy for manga
Personally if I was focusing on manga reading I wouldn't settle for less than 12'' screen. Which makes it difficult.
I believe there's methods to convert manga to e-ink but I've never tried it.
Perfect would be an adroid or something with a 13in display like retina macbook.
When us Aussies arent living in shit country with free Healthcare
The real world hurt him.
He grew up and learned to adapt, unlike you.
>i want to read magna :D
That's a shit post, not the one's you've quoted.
Get a fucking job, stop reading magna and stop watching rick and morton.
user, you sound so bitter. Do you need someone to talk to?
not OP but I've read Wallace and Steinbeck years ago, and I also enjoy manga.
>Kindle, but you won't be using it for anything else
you people never read actual books, eh? that explains a lot
I prefer a tablet for reading comic books in general, anyway.
Galaxy Tab S2.
Decently large and the aspect ratio makes it nice for when reading double page spreads
I got one, agree with this. I'd never read any longer texts on it but it's fine for comics.
I have a 7" 16:10 phone for more than 3 yrs now. It's quite comfy for manga tho an 8" phone would be more ideal.
What the hell does reading books have to do with the Kindle capabilities vs an Android phone? You can't make regular phone calls with a Kindle and unless is a Kindle fire you won't be running any apps.
I read on a phone (does 5.7" count as phablet?), but I imagine tablet to be the best experience.
Use tachiyomi.
>Has writing
>Have to read it
It's like saying a motorbike isn't a vehicle because it only has 2 wheels