What are you guys going to do when national and international governments start banning encryption in order to keep people safe from terrorism?
No law abiding citizen needs more than 128 bits
What are you guys going to do when national and international governments start banning encryption in order to keep people safe from terrorism?
No law abiding citizen needs more than 128 bits
>No law abiding citizen needs more than 128 bits
Why don't you just give me your social security no, account number and PIN already, since you're only delaying the inevitable of someone capturing traffic between you and your online banking and then breaking the weak encryption to reveal this info.
And here's the entire article
>I j-just need to do online banking I'm not downloading CP or communicating with ISIS I swear
he's partially right, though. i doubt any basketball american would know how to or look for tools to decrypt basic encryption
128 bit is fine on some algorithms. But of course I'll say no, vote and speak against faggot control freaks, and use encryption. Also I will help file a referendum & hope to take the law out (switzerland).
PS: It won't happen easily at all, we actually have companies, banks and so on on our side. Plus IT and comp.sci people in general.
>government is able to spy on everyone everywhere according to Sup Forums
>government is able to kill 2500 people by controlled demolition and then keep it a secret for 16 years in order to justify invading the middle east
>government is able to redact official governments so a Kenyan-born muslim is able to become president
>government is able to fake going to the moon in order to establish itself as the superior state in the cold war
>government is able to control flight paths and keep the fact that the world is flat a secret
>despite all this, government is unable to unlock a fucking iphone
t. 3letter propogandist spook
All alphabet agencies are unconstitutional
The first is probably almost accurate, they almost for sure are hooked to the fat internet data pipes and logging and analyzing a lot of plain text. Doesn't take that much hardware unfortunately.
Make this man director of the FBI
Friendly reminder that a entry-level IT contractor was able to topple the NSA by just copying stuff from the intranet to his USB. What good would weak encryption do to the intelligence community, they're not even able to prevent that Russian online trolls influenced the election by coordinating memeposting on Facebook
some say communism represents gnu/linux, but I say its more pic related
You use stronger encryption than that simply to post on Sup Forums desu.
They're at it again, yes they can unlock it. They did this same thing with the San Bernardino shooter's phone.
Raised a big stink in the media saying they couldn't do it and then a few months later quietly unlocked it. This is just a ruse to try and create laws against encryption. They don't even need it when the baseband is compromised.
>believing this shit
It's to get idiots into a false sense of security
In all likelihood they hacked his phone and found nothing of interest, or info they don't want made public
Does the article mention what phone?
PS: Give me 15-50 million a year and the right to force ISPs and companies to cooperate and be sworn to secrecy and I could probably get and keep you a very good fraction of text and images people send around in messages in the USA. Plus very broad analysis (find people who talk religion or politics, find what looks like dick pics or credit / customer cards)
Oh no we can't decrypt phones because were lazy fucks who can't do out jobs. Better take encryption away from all the goys then. Its to keep you safe we promise.
They could unlock that iPhone right now if they wanted to. But the FBI would have to get with the CIA or the NSA to do so. They would never want to do it with a small fry case like this.
>government is able to kill 2500 people by controlled demolition and then keep it a secret for 16 years in order to justify invading the middle east
>and then keep it a secret
I don't think they did a very good job of that.
Exactly this. They can get whatever they want off these phones. This is just an act to get general population scared of good encryption and accepting that by banning it the people will be safer from terrorism.
>I don't think they did a very good job of that.
If it wasn't a secret, then why haven't Cheney, Rumsfield and Bush gotten arrested for mass murder?
>being this naive
>says the conspiracy theorist when he has no more far fetched explanations
A detailed explanation is way beyond the scope of a post on Sup Forums and nor do I have the time or patience to enlighten a fool whose mind is already made up.
>implying people would obey such retarded laws
How are people safe from terrorism if they only look at the phone after all the people are already dead?
Anyway, when there is no encryption, there's the next problem that next to nobody in law enforcement speaks hurrkadurrka.
What does his phone have to do with the case?
Why do they need to get into the phone anyway? It's not really going to prevent further crime, is it? It's not like they need evidence to give the shooter a harsher sentence.
Won't be long.
>lol just trust me on this
You’re right, we don’t need encryption. Even worse, evil nazis are using it to hide from law enforcement breaking hate speech laws, they have to be stopped.
The feds are faking inability to decrypt the phone to take away more freedom
NSA niggers could activate the backdoor anytime, they are false flagging because they want to ban encryption.
Why do you think Apple builds its own chip?
It’s big enough to tell them to fuck off.
And how do you know backroom deals won’t result in a secret backdoor
t. iShill
You realize that it's mostly the political right that doesn't like encryption right?
>supporting banning encryption
literally gun grabber logic
Think about this for a moment
The american copycat of a chinese cartoon forum was enough to meme a racist president into the biggest government of the world
>racist president
my sides
Not the same thing. Pretending to be retarded is not an argument little one.
We are not here to discuss politics, just realize that even a bunch of neo nazi neckbeards are enough to change history, now imagine a group of people with unlimited resources and politic power
Trump does want to run a gas pipeline through an Indian reservation.
yeah and?
Who's to say what kind of gas actually runs through it. Maybe its Canadian crude, maybe some Zyclon B "accidentally" falls into it.
It is a big world, lots of thing can happen on accident.
use your brain for 5 seconds and realize they're just saying this shit to put people at ease and trying to relax the laws even further, they already know everything they need to about the guy and there's zero information on the phone that would change anything about the situation, we know it and they know it
If you actually think that a few thousand neckbeards who probably didn't even bother to vote are the ones who made the deciding vote out of 126 million people then you're fucking delusional. This is a lie Sup Forums tell themselves to make up for the fact that they made a terrible choice based purely on internet memes, and that they ignored all of the warning signs that everybody else saw.
>"Well, he isn't going through with any of the policies we wanted, so let's just claim it was all a social experiment and that we were supporting him ironically."
>”I was only pretending to be retarded!”
>What are you guys going to do when national and international governments start banning encryption in order to keep people safe from terrorism?
Start abusing encryption backdoors to gain unauthorized access to people's shit, obviously.
same shit with the boston bomber..
only that they unlocked it after 2 days with the help of the israelis
alphabet boys pls
>banning encryption
>implying this is even possible
Still rather have Trump than Hillary. Sure he isn't keeping his promises and is doing sweet fuck all, but at least that psychopath isn't in office.
they can easily unlock it. It's a stunt
They are both equally bad. Don't kid yourself.
>government claims they can't unlock a phone so theycan push for more bullshit laws
When will the US implement common sense math control?
>why would the cops be interested in learning who a mass murder was talking to and what he was saying before his rampage?
Gee, that's a durn good question, Cletus.
7 more years.
It's not an iphone, you stupid fucks, it's definitely an Android ,even if the brand isn't mentioned.
When shit like this happen and it's an iphone, Apple propaganda fills the media with articles making it crystal clear that one of their phones ""''couldn't""" be decrypted and they're refusing to cooperate with the authorities. They're also making a deal with the authorities to make a fuss and act angry towards them publicly in exchange for them decrypting the phone.
So did he use iPhone or not?
>"I bet those leftists would be really shocked if I shot myself in the foot."
Lol it's your problem not mine dude. I live in a first world country.
>If I make up a slide and write top secret on it, it must be true
sure kid
I don't have anything to hide I don't care.
You're a retard if you think they don't already have a backdoor. The same thing happened with the San Bernardino shooter's phone and it turns out they had access the entire time.
They want people to willingly give up their freedoms. Not take them away by force. It's easier that way
....You do realize who you speak of.
Yay let's ban maths!
ban the numbers 1 and 0
kek lol
Why would they need the data on his phone?
people are more inclined to hate on Hillary because she was clearly playing identity politics and trying to make the whole race about social justice and other bullshit.
they're both liars but at least Trump didn't pretend like he was a saint who's dodged sniper fire and gives money to the poor in Haiti.
not to mention all the people the democrats paid to come forward with rape accusations and the people they paid to incite violence at Trump rallies. is there even a single rape accusation that actually became anything? i only remember a few people rescinding their claims, never of one actually becoming anything substantial.
the only thing I really hate about the Trump team so far is Ajit Pai and his fucking pajeet face. there is someone i know who looks just like him and he's equally a faggot so this is actually personal too, minus the fact that Pai's counterpart didn't get paid out by the telecoms.
>What are you guys going to do when national and international governments start banning encryption in order to keep people safe from terrorism?
Become a terrorist I guess? They'll be the only ones being able to use encryption after all.
Bullshit. They just need to figure out how to disable the timer. Otherwise, there's merely only 5040 combinations for the pin.
What? If it’s an iPhone, it’s a 6 digit pin and each number can be one of 10 digits.
Do the maths retard.
Of course it wasn't Sup Forums, it was the reddit autists from Sup Forums and reddit + absolutely retarded media helping them by trying to make Trump look bad (but instead making him look better than the other garbage alternative to retards)
>all those leaked documents clearly stating that everything is backdoored and that they *can* unlock nearly anything
>"uhhh guis sorry we cannot unlock dis killers phone haha"
Really activates my almonds
Why would they make math illegal? Especially when the NSA niggers literally designed AES and published it for common use. Their evidence is already on fucking facebook.
Shady people would get very rich and a lot more people would start doing shady stuff.
I'd kind of like to see happen, honestly.
>Shady people would get very rich and a lot more people would start doing shady stuff.
"psss gringo, you got dem 256bits? the DEA niggers are fucking me up the ass."
$800, $2400 if you want to see the source.
It's because the feds are a joke when it involves national security the nsa or CIA would have it unlocked within a day.
Almost. They could definitely unlock the phone right now, even by their lonesome, but they're not going to as they want to take it to court so as to get a ruling to set precedent that the FBI can compel you to unlock your phone
Poor Chapo, he thought blackberrys were safe cause they're not a murrikan company and cause Obongo used them.
> browsing Sup Forums
> he didnt read snowcone's leaks
>SSL encryption is not the same as encryption
Fuck off moron
>to keep people safe from terrorism
you are naïve. terrorism is a scapegoat for trying to grab more power and ultimately will do nothing to prevent terrorism while simultaneously allowing every US citizen to be spied on even more easily than they already are.
>banning encryption
Im sure all the bad guys will stop using existing open encryption standards as soon as they realize it's illegal. just like how all Americans stopped drinking during prohibition, or like how stricter gun laws prevent criminals from getting guns, or how the DEA makes it impossible to get drugs.
>thinks terrorism is a government conspiracy to justify grabbing more power
>still hates brown people from the middle east
>psssst... kid..! ...you wanna buy some 256bit encryption??
>Almost no gun control and the little there is they don't use right
>Drop the ball and let a violent criminal get guns
>Also suck at decrypting phones
>tfw I didn't believe my mom when she told me steganography was a gateway to hard encryption
>look at me now
>I'm sorry mom
It's likely an android not an iphone. 4 digit passcode
Yeah, you'd think they'd at least be smart enough to realize that if we all know they can't decrypt shit, that would be better than if they can, but inevitably fuck it up somehow.
There was a Hacker Con recently, where a guy representing his security company hacked the new iPhone with something like 3 or 4 different exploits and walked away with nearly half a million in prize money. There's no doubt in my mind they can get into that phone.
If it was going to happen it would have already happened by now.
>What are you guys going to do when national and international governments start banning encryption
Move to a better country.
>government is able to spy on everyone everywhere according to Sup Forums
>government is able to kill 2500 people by controlled demolition and then keep it a secret for 16 years in order to justify invading the middle east
>government is able to redact official governments so a Kenyan-born muslim is able to become president
>government is able to fake going to the moon in order to establish itself as the superior state in the cold war
>government is able to control flight paths and keep the fact that the world is flat a secret
Lol wtf are you talking about?
In 99.9% of these kinds of cases the encryption is literally never even set up by the criminal, and they probably aren't even aware of it. If it was some weird niche thing I could actually see them banning it, but fucking Apple colludes with them yet makes it default on every one of their very popular smartphones so that even some legally insane hillbilly will have his data protected.