Suckers on this board are buying new CPU meanwhile my i5 2500k is still go-

Suckers on this board are buying new CPU meanwhile my i5 2500k is still go-

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It's still over 60 frames, I don't get it.

Bottom right graph shows the frame-times are a bit iffy though

My eyes start to hurt when watching vidya being played below 120~ fps.

Still can game normally, even more so if one decides to go 4k.

>he doesn't have a 100hz+ monitor
you should watch this too

>75 FPS


i kek everytime someone post ''le only 10% improvement arguement meme''

Currently on a i5 2500, gonna build a new 8700k rig in a few weeks.

I'm so excited, can't wait to see the performance gains.

This is gaming, place where MMX had found it's home, of course literal codemonkeys are going to use shitty code just to finish their job,

Only true for console ports (like tw3) which use the CPU for things that belong on GPU.


>tfw still @ 2500k/560 ti, 120hz monitor
Graphics are a meme, don't need anything new for WoW or rocket league anyways.

g-sync monitors dont have this problem.

Not everyone play shit low poly games like you.

I hate posts like these
"hurr durr I can run old/not demanding games at high FPS on my outdated hardware, upgrading is for suckers"
ok, try not playing games with 100 polys and 256 flat textures

What people don't understand that lacking sync means that values over 60 actually modifies what frames show up on the monitor. Getting something like 90 frames is actually horrible. 60/120/180 fps is going to otherwise be identical. Anything inbetween is going to be worse. It's not as bad on 90/160 as if you had only 30 fps, but it's still bad.

Upgrading is for suckers though. The only game that made me think about upgrading was battleshit 4, and even then the only reason to upgrade is because they insist on adding useless fucking solar flares and shading that isn't even realistic. Keep being a good goy though, I'm sure you "enjoy" the same old shit gameplay dressed up with new graphix.

tw3 was not a port

t. paid employee

Who else /8400/ here?

99% don't have a 4k monitor
95% don't have a high frequency monitor
80% don't have an hd monitor