Is there an untraceable way to destroy someone's computer tower?

Is there an untraceable way to destroy someone's computer tower?

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You're a fucking retard and I hope they'll find the child porn you're trying to destroy.

Yes, usb stick full of c4.

>destroy someone's computer tower
sudo rm -rf /

>You're a fucking retard and I hope they'll find the child porn you're trying to destroy.
what? why the fuck would he destroy physical hardware if his goal was destroying data.

even this old ugly cunt knew how to do it..

yeah, just break into their house and fucking destroy it.

Just get a kill switch for the drive.

yes, just put one of those apple stickers on it. XD

Lol chill. I'm repaying a room mate who has no respect for my own stuff. Since I have to live here for the time being and I'm under circumstances where I can't move, I can either punch him in the face or exact some sort of revenge.

Any help would be appreciated.

If you can't provide me with some info on how to destroy a computer you can provide me other ways to fuck with someone

>i wanna destroy my bfs computer because he needs to grow up and ditch video games already why wont he give me attention :(

don't fall for the vaginal jew

Well you sound like a woman since you don't have the balls to tell him off directly or fight him/her. Anyway you better hope we are not talking about an expensive computer because if it was me I'd be willing to send you to the hospital with permanent damage.

If he broke something yours, try breaking something of equal value or things could get fucked up.

Or better yet, don't be a cuckold and adress the matter with him directly and warn him of the consequences, so he can't say you didn't warn him beforehand.

>hmm my expensive computer got destroyed
>i wonder who could have done it???
>no, it couldn't possibly be my dumb bitch roommate who has access to my living space at all hours of the day

I've already confronted him and told him off. I was close to slugging him but my residence has a 0 tolerance policy for fights. I would lose out on where I live and still be under contract for a lease. That's the dumbest thing I could possibly do.

A total of 4 people share the room I'm in. There's 17 people in the house.

Sand in GPU fan
Sand in CPU cooler
Sand in PSU
Virus on computer
Install Gentoo

Can't you fucking store your shit in your zone safely and be done with it? Like, a box, or something private that others aren't allowed to touch?

>dumbest thing I could possibly do
You're contemplating fighting a guy who could probably pin you down without any effort at all.
You're also contemplating destroying his computer as if he won't know it was you.
If he's not dumb, he'll press charges or complain to your residence and have you kicked out anyway for instigating fights.

Also, 17 people in one house?
Is this an apartment or some kind of hostel?
Because if it's a subleased rented house, this sounds illegal.

>not just shooting him in the gabber the moment he touches your stuff for breaking the NAP

You're doing it wrong.

I'm really not here to argue.
I'm a guy, not a girl.
I feel as if I have every right to store my belonthings in my room, I shouldn't have to deal with someone touching my shit when I pay rent.

I've made it a known issue in my room and with the others in my apartment.

It hasn't stopped him.

I'm seeking to release my anger in a way that won't physically harm anyone.

If you know how to do this, please post below.

big hardware goes under the hammer, little hardware goes in the microwave.

What I'd like to know is where is it legal to subdivide a rental property amongst 17 people?
Most states don't allow more than 2 occupants per bedroom.
And these have to be original bedrooms, listed on your floorplans, not some makeshift crap you put together by splitting the living room into multiple rooms with some spackle and drywall sheets.

What's he doing to your stuff?

>I'm a guy, not a girl.
If you were, you'd stick to direct confrontation of said person

Can you elaborate on what things he does?

I'm going to give you a way to do it, but I want a greentext story in exchange.

How to: electrostatic discharge, load up a shitload of static electricity and touch the motherboard and components, do it several times, charge yourself like a mad man and fucking wrek the computer, no traces, you can't even tell what happened

secondary: get a strong magnet and put it on his hdd with several motions to give it a good rub.

Lmao, you can't imagine a house that accommodate 17 people?

>how do i destroy his computer tower anons?

Get the fuck out normie

Also, seriously none of you motherfuckers have mentioned flipping the voltage switch on the power supply? Fucking casuals this subreddit is full of fucking consumer faggots

This Or boot into a LiveUSB and change his Userfolder name so it logs into a temporary file when he turns on his computer. His data is still there, just not where he thinks it is

No, I have a hard time imagining a scenario where a typical house has 4 families living in it without it being a living hell and also illegal.

don't listen to any of these fag/g/ots. just take it out of the house and throw it in a dumpster. untraceable.

Thanks for coming through guys.

In short I live in a sober living home. It's mostly for addicts, but I got in because I was homeless.

Most people here are chill, but since most people are, or were, former addicts, there's always bound to be drama.

The drama I'm trying to resolve here started yesterday. I took a shower in the restroom and noticed the toilet was plugged so I plunged it.

Either the shit came back out, or someone else clogged the toilet and blamed it on me (the last guy in there was a former meth head who is incredibly shady)

So my room mate thinks I did it. He keeps saying "I'm talkin to everyone in the house" but the fucker is talking only to me.

So because of that he's been passive aggressive and has been resorting to calling me all sorts of disrespectful names and I'm not cool with it.ive also found that my stuff is being fucked with.

Since I've been here 3 people have moved in and out. All 3 left because the older members of the house had beef with them. It seems like my roommate and some others are actively trying to get me kicked out over petty bullshit.

I always get bullshit because I dont like going with the crowd and I keep to myself. I do yoga and journal because that helps my depression and anxiety and because of that I get labeled weird and people use it as a reason to attack me. Because I do things that aren't regular. It's behavior for grade school children, but it's in line with behavior for addicts.

I'm not going back to the streets.

Fuck that. So I'm going to take the advice on this thread and use it for the purpose of keeping my sanity while keeping a roof over my head.

I do plan on moving since this isn't a good place to live but I need to save up first so I'll be here some months.

Fuck, now I can feel empathy.

as stated

>strong magnet to the hard drive, several wipes, the more, the better

>electrostatic dischargue to motherboard/gpu/whatever

>try to look into shorting any circuits or exposed ends while computer is on

>you can probably fuck with the computer fans and clog them in some way so they don't spin right or at all

>try to give straight out of the socket voltage to the whole system as if you were not using a psu and AC current went through the computer (guaranteed absolute wreckage)

>you can fuck the ethernet port connecting a plug cable to an ethernet cable, connecting the ethernet end to the computer and the plug end to the wall socket

>you can use corrosive substances to corrode components (visible if he looks inside the computer)

>you could also try to put some kind of trojan on his computer that you control to gather info, credit card info or other data to fuck him over later (if he's computer illiterate)

>you could use some kind of strong acid to put a hole through a pcb and the hole could be hidden by a heatsink, for example on a gpu, you could also use a drill, pretty much 99% chance of fucking it up with just one hole

How do I get enough electricity for an electric static discharge?

damn spring has sprung look at them caterpillars on her face

Buy an USB killer or make pic related.

>live with mentally unstable tweakers and druggies
>destroy their shit
lmao enjoy dying

Google it, things that work iirc are rubbing your feet at the carpet, there must be other ways.

If you have a tube TV just rub your hand on it while wearing socks, and rubbing your feet on rugs/carpets.


imagine having this always ready on a flick of a switch
Would it damage SSD's enough to wipe data?

It's so simple, yet so evil.

No. It would burn out the power circuits but those memory chips would possibly remain intact

Probably not since most ethernet ports are optocoupled, if you want fast data deletion you can use LUKS with a 4Mb key on a pendrive (there is a script that auto mounts and looks for keys on boot to unlock your drives) then you can just destroy the flash drive and the backup, with a key that big i doubt anyone will be able to recover the data. Pro tip use a C2D or am3 platform.

user, don't ever beat a woman when you can sue one. You'll lose all sympathies in the courtroom.

USB rubber ducky

a sledgehammer