Pirateay is kill


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>jews thinking they can get rid of piratebay

it hasn't been consitently live for over a month.
I've been cucked my private tracker ratios since

any alternatives?

Works absolutely fine here


just use one out of the bazillion mirrors in the meantime

Sounds like a problem on your end.



Again? How long will it be dead?

2 hours 3 minutes and 49 second... I think that is a new record... Pirate Bay is not in the same shape it used to have. Usually they would be up within minutes when the police raided their servers.

thepiratebay.org works perfectly fine here.
Do you want me to find a torrent for you?

Works for me in Burgerland

Yes, find something awful and Sup Forums related

This awful enough?

no, that is awesome

Free Software Foundation

>not superior qbittorrent search


got real scared there for a sec. life would get real shitty without tpb

Could you pass all magnet links you find for ida 7?

why am i not getting many results?


"IDA Pro 7.0 FULL Incl Hex-Rays Decompilers Win & Mac OSX [Ny2rogen]"

"IDA Pro 7.0"

doesn't work on tor or any proxy sites, only main page loads


any non shit alternatives?


feds took it over forfucking ever ago

I thought its unsafe to pirate in Germany


oh yeah i love getting 4k movies with slavdubs

Why not just use qbtorrent search engine with extra plugins?

That's true. I live in Austria though, where you can torrent all you want.

t. East Coast America

don't know what this website is for, don't know what a torrent is tbqh, but it's working for me. Just slow.


>dubbing films
Why are Slavs such niggers?

Germans too. And they're at least supposed to be a civilized nation...

Reminds me of the time I came across a pirated Jurassic Park: Lost World. Dubbed in Russian. By one single goddamn guy who sounded like he couldn't have been less interested in the job. Read all the lines in the exact same nonchalant monotone.


>dem downloads
>doesn't know what a torrent is

yes i know am pleb i don't browse this board often

The general populace is not only too lazy to learn a different language, they've become too lazy to even read subtitles.
To add insult to injury, the quality of dubs is absolute dogshit right now, because distributors are cutting costs where they can. It's not uncommon for a low-cost flick to be dubbed using two literally-who voice actors, one doing all the male roles, the other all the females and kids.
It's like no one realizes or cares that speech is half the acting performance, or even more, depending on the genre, so you can totally destroy a good movie with a shit dub.

t. East Euro Slavnigger

Strange. It works for me when communicating directly with the server with telnet/openssl, but it doesn't work in the browser.

you've missed out on so much

Update the list

People getting too lazy to read subtitles? Damn...
And yeah, it's a real shame dubbing qualities have gone down, even though I'm of that persuasion that live-action films should only be dubbed if they're kids under 7 or so.
Well, at least in Germany they have the tradition of certain voice actors dubbing certain actors in movie dubs and put some actual effort into it.

t. Finski Tsuhna

Why is a relatively advanced civilization such as Germany composed of such niggers that there's demand for dubbing of non-kids films?

Unification of Bavaria, Baden Wurtemberg, Switzerland and Austria when?

Oh it will happen when the United European Caliphates are founded

>Well, at least in Germany they have the tradition of certain voice actors dubbing certain actors in movie dubs and put some actual effort into it.

That's true here as well, but the good voice actors are dying out and/or not being used because they're good and therefore expensive.
But we used to have pretty good dub. I can't imagine listening to de Funès in any other voice than this one.


Because slavs can't read.

Are you trying to be funny?

Laziness (so called ease of having to read the subtitles), gradual acceptance of what critics in the 1930's deemed as "bastard hybrid forms", and my personal guess: a least a little bit of butthurt over German not being a lingua franca anymore...


No, I'm dead serious.

>butthurt over German not being a lingua franca anymore
It ever was? I can understand why Frenchies are ass blasted about that, but has German ever been some sort of world language?

It used to be quite widely used in Europe, especially in sciences.

Being in common use on a single continent isn't being a lingua franca.

I mean not as a lingua franca among ordinary people and the masses, but as a language of international communication.

Why would it be a language of international communication? Germany had less colonies than fucking Belgium.

Don’t let Europe’s current round of playing pacifist dress-up fool you: This is the continent that perfected genocide and ethnic cleansing, the happy-go-lucky slice of humanity that brought us such recent hits as the Holocaust™ and Srebrenica.

The historical patterns are clear: When Europeans feel sufficiently threatened – even when the threat’s concocted nonsense – they don’t just react, they over-react with stunning ferocity. One of their more-humane (and frequently employed) techniques has been ethnic cleansing.

And Europeans won’t even need to re-write “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” with an Islamist theme – real Muslims zealots provide Europe’s bigots with all the propaganda they need. ISIS™ and its wannabe fans are the worst thing that could have happened to Europe’s Muslims. Europe hasn’t broken free of its historical addictions – we’re going to see Europe’s history reprised on meth.

((((They)))) got rid of TheDailyStormer, that was just their trial run.

Back when the world was Europe, yes, it sort of was. The main reason it didn't spread much outside was because you could count German and Austro-Hungarian colonies that actually mattered on the fingers of a clumsy carpenter.

Also look at this and consider the fact that after WWII, massive amounts of ethnic Germans were chased out of all these places, then imagine how it probably looked like before.

why is Poland so big?