>he uses mouse acceleration
He uses mouse acceleration
>he uses a mouse
>he fell for the rounded hipster keyboard buttons meme
what if your screen is big and you dont want to move your moues for long
>living a meme this hard
Mouse acceleration is ok when you're gaming on shit mouses. But if you have a decent mouse, it can be a pain in the ass.
>implying I'm a gayman
increase your sensitivity retard
>wasting that on windows
Work the same, looks good though.
>Quake III guide.txt
What, you don't? software mouse capture emulation is quite bad.
You need a hardware mouse acelerator to get the full pointer capture rate and precision.
no you don't otherwise pro gaymers would always use acceleration
this, only reason not to use it is gayming
Yes, they use acceleration.
Even some beefy cards with liquid cooling and all to increase the scan rate.
Assad's hairline looks like the iPhone X.
most of them don't
Yes, the losers.
no one plays cod or counterstrike with acceleration
As far you know.
Also some high end motherboards might have mouse acceleration integrated on the north bridge, but it's not as good as a dedicated mouse acceleration card.
There is nothing inherently wrong with the concept of mouse acceleration for both desktop and gaming use.
The Windows implementation of it (Enchanced pointer precision) is retarded and used to fuck with games. Many games also had retarded implementations of it. This is primarily why you want to avoid acceleration by default.
However, good implementations like in the Quake games or the povohat driver are perfectly fine. As long as you understand what you're getting yourself into, of course. Accel (with sensible settings) or no accel is entirely preference.