Have a group project due today

>have a group project due today
>pajeet has submitted broken trash and chink's comments are all in moonrunes

>allowing yourself to end up in a position where you're dependent on lim sun and rajesh
absolute state of your life tbqh famalam

Looks like you didn't work as a group.

No sympathy

You should have expected this when you grouped up with them.

Just do the entire project yourself and hand it in. And hope that the teacher gives Chinky and the Jain a failing grade while you pass.
>b-but that's not fair!
Life's not fair. There will always be useless people skating by on other people's work. You have to learn to move on despite that.

>falling for the "diversity is our strength" meme

>java ee project making a website for handling bank transactions
>stuckwith white fuccbois and a mudslide
>have to do all the work myself while the rest of the retards keep going what do we do
>try to issue work but they return incomprehensible shit
>have to train one of the white kids to create proper sql queries so I could test the functionality of the site and services
>had to scream at him and degrade him to even get him to do work, feel bad afterward
>but we pass with good marks, but could've been more if they didn't obviously flub their parts if the presentation

Never met more than one competent white kid in my cs program in university. Der juden? Yes, quite a few, but never white. They were all dumb as brick retards who were probably better off in gender studies or some other hot trash major, no work ethic either. They were lazy weed smoking turds who were probably spoiled by mommy and daddy and attending state university to party (it's a known party school). The professors were basically begging for actually competent kids interested in CS to mentor but got none, literally every office hours I went to the professors would try to coerce me into the grad program, but I had to get a job asap to support my family.

Literally the only smart white guy I met was a 6'2" ottermode Chad who went out on weekends to get his dick sucked for free. Work ethic like he ran a successful small business, had a part time job as a developer before he even graduated, and all around cool dude who made me feel like a slacker because he would pump out work like a mad man and finish prrojects a few days after they were issued and then double check before they were due. Would go gay for this guy, but literally one smart white guy out of like 8 classes of just cs

That's your university's issue

Even better, let china do it all himself since he's probably better than user. And tie pajeet to a chair.

I don't think so. I think it's an American issue. Every time you see some insane social justice kids going insane at university or BLM protesters going nuts it's almost entirely black and white kids. Their parents clearly spoiled them and fucked them up. Parents should be beating their kids straight but instead they let the little monsters do whatever they want and unsurprisingly they turn out to be social sludge.

>social sludge.
this is actually quite true of most white and black american students

t. international student doing graduate work in the US

>t. TA Chang with an accent so thick not even the Chinese professors can understand you

t. social sludge

find the closest drain near you and stay there, sludge

Most people in US university are (unironically) privileged as they are either receiving gibs to get a free ride for being "an oppressed minority" or straight-up poor, or come from a rich family that can pay for everything 15 times. The middle class is what gets fucked over by tuition as they don't qualify for FAFSA and can't shoulder the burden of 10s of thousands of burgerbucks to get (for most people) a worthless meme degree and even then the financial cost for a STEM degree is too much for most families to bear..

and no, i'm not talking about the "white privileged" meme, im talking about welfare and trust fund babies

Can confirm, most whites in college are very cringeworthy, and I'm saying this as a white myself. I did a previous job with a korean chad-like (dunno if ottermode or built as I'm skinny and don't really distinguish) transfer student, kinda like the one you described except I didn't really know what he did in the weekend (except the times we saw each other to work) and he was great to work with, very energic and practical in what he did, he never lost sight of what could and should be concretely made and we ended up a quite impressive software in less than 1 month.

Now I'm starting to work on a class project that could also "theorically" become the beginning for a start-up with two white neckbeards and it's being a pain in the butt. I know them from a long time and in this class they're the only "friends" I have, except for a girl who's already doing a project with others, so I'm kinda forced to work with them. One of them by himself wouldn't be very toxic, he's just a mildly autistic chubby guy who's quite depressed and insecure, but lately he was getting better by attending a Church group. Problem is, the other guy is the most whiny, angsty and know-it-all person on the fucking Earth. He's basically the 20 years old version of a 13 who can't solve his mommy/daddy issues and only wants to make money with this project to become independent and run away from his life.

Every fucking discussion about what to make with our software ends up with his existentialist drama in which he wants to drag us (like saying "we need to make money to run away" when he's the only one who's so desperate, and openly criticizes us when we say we're alright and just want to make some good software, as if we were the problematic ones, and never wants to hear our reasons when, dragged in these angsty discussions, we try to explain him that his way of living won't make him feel better).

american whites that go to college are probably the worst this country has to offer after welfare leeches in the south

And as a finishing touch, t. angsty doesn't even have any common sense and wants to develop obscure services when the aim of this project is clearly developing an app, just because in his rotten mind he thinks those will make him richer faster just because they're harder to make.

And in this toxicity even t. chubby gets drained in, as he's kinda weak to influence, and unlike t. angsty (who's kinda good in programming even though he's a fucking know-it-all) he's not even that good of a programmer if I remember well, he spends all of his time playing videogaymes, so I'm kinda pessimistic about how this crap is going to end.

American whites are really, reaaally too much spoiled and useless.

This. Be them white or black, they are worthless fucks who don't even realize how much they have and only waste their parents' fortune.

>starts a "pajeet" and "chinks" hate thread
>Gets rekt as american whites are the real annoyance factor

>mfw i didnt do shit for my senior EE project and got an A because of my group

Teach me how to do that.
I'm sick of dragging projects with worthless fat slobs who only know how to complain

You people are just as bad. You're like hypochondriacs and every little perceived slight becomes a battle with you so I can't even take you seriously when you claim these guys are a drag.

>muh positivity
>much negativity!
Probably a dumb broad too


I'm gonna send you this guy, let's see how you deal with him.

I don't want people to jump around and be energic all of the time, I'm just annoyed by unthankful fuckers who talk all depressed and complain about everything as if they lived in a third world country, while they're actually pretty privileged (and not in the tumblristic meaning, they're actually privileged to have well-earning parents and the chance to study at a good college) and don't want to understand when a friend tells them that with their attitude they won't be happy even when they're rich (if they ever become that).

It's pretty annoying to deal with people like these, absolutely nothing wrong with calm/non hyperactive people otherwise as I'm a pretty silent dude myself.

>Chinky and the Jain

Yeah at least Indians don't complain do much since they understand what real shitty situations are. These white sissies should make a tour in India's poor neighborhoods.

I always soloed group projects in university. It was way easier in the long run. Just get used to it early on

I wish I could, this project is for 3 people or more

And you two immediately turn it into oppression Olympics because OH NO but think of the poor starving African (indian) children!

The problem is that they are indolent because their parents spoiled them and never taught them work ethic, not because they're well off and have complaints. Plenty of rich people teach their kids the value of work, the problem is too many middle class Americans don't. Next you should tell me no one should complain about corporations jewing the fuck out of everyone since we're all privileged here in the 1st world and poor Indians can't even get their hands on an iPhone x. Fuck off, you're just as much of a problem. The first chance you get you disrupt the work so you can show off your self-righteousness and lecture everyone.

I don't give a shit about self-righteousness or whatever, just want to work with non-retarded people.

The point of my post was to say that while we meme on pajeets and the such (never worked with a pajeet so I don't know), middleclass whites tend to be the most cringey.

Yes, because it's about school. Once you enter the workforce you'll understand the hate.

Doesn't matter.

In the future, on the first fucking day of class you go to your professor and tell them that you'd prefer to work on your own. They'll give you some shit like "learn to work in a team."

Then when it comes time to work in a team, show them that no one responds, turns in shit, etc. and you do not wish your perfect GPA to be dragged down by the likes of them. They'll say something like "be a leader, lift up the team, etc."

And at this point you say "can I turn in my own project, as well as work on the team, and have my grade be my own work?" They will have to say yes.

Let them crash and burn, you turn in your own shit.

This was my method for every group project I was ever forced into. Do not for the love of god tell the other layabouts that you are doing your own work.

This is also good training for the real world. Guess who does 90% of the work? 10% of the people that's who. Let that person be you, lead a virtuous life, and enjoy what you do.

Good luck. And GTFO of university it's a waste of time if you're majoring in CS.

None of that matters. The professor will continue to assign group projects because ultimately it's easier for them to grade a few projects than one for everyone in the class.

>And at this point you say "can I turn in my own project, as well as work on the team, and have my grade be my own work?" They will have to say yes.
No, they won't. They will tell you the assignment is a group assignment and you have to complete it in a group. You will receive a poor grade for your group's project because only 2 people were working on it and your individual project will not be accepted. The professor will hate you for being a pretentious little shit, your classmates will hate you for abandoning them, and you will hate yourself for getting a bad grade. Your advice is terrible.

I like your perspective but sadly what says would happen.

its good practice/experience too

>looks like you don't speak my third world hellhole language
>no sympathy
oh wow that's a major surprise from the cold uncaring savage

>Good experience
Yeah it's great to not learn to work with unpleasant people as you will work with your waifus on a golden throne once in the workforce huh?

Right, which is why you should kowtow to faggots and their every whim instead of just doing it yourself right the first time and maintaining your dignity.
Yeah, fuck all that shit.

>Most spoken language in the world, from the world's most powerful and technologically advanced country
>Third world hellhole language

what's a social sludge?

to be honest 3 normies is equivalent to 0.25 experienced engineer and by this time if you aren't nearing experienced engineer levels of skill i got bad news for your job prospects buddy

been there, just move on. the sooner you get over the feeling of being wronged the sooner you can produce desired results. gtfo the board user
all correct

Come on goy, embrace the diversity and the degradation of your field. I think somebody needs a little more multiculturalism.

Just track what you do and go to your professor and explain.

In the work force all people need to cooperate,
if someone is being a hindrance and is being a drag I'm sure the boss isn't giving out free salaries to useless people, that's why you gotta make sure you're on top of you're game with your work,maybe you can get filitered from all the other and put with people that share your work values, point is just try to be good at what you do, I'm sure if you snitch on someone at work for being a lazy ass or whatnot could cause you some social backlash but you're trying to move up, get experience then better jobs and hopefully better work environments.

>I am bad at working with others. Clearly this is the Jewish people's fault.

wtf is this thread..
>complains about Asians
>complains about whites

are you all god damn Mexicans?

The most spoken language in the world is English.
Did you mean "first language", Lee?

Is CS hard? As in dealing with all the different types of people in your classes and whatnot? I'm going for CS next year so any advice?

I believe the term is 'poo in loos'

On the first day of class with group projects I always make a posting on class message board asking for group members that are willing to do absolutely nothing and let me do all the work. Professors never had a problem with it. Goes to show that """group work""" just means professors are lazy and want to grade less submissions.

What did you major in?
BTW, he won't say yes.

It's hard in the sense that 90% of what you will be forced to memorize is useless for any job.

>and no, i'm not talking about the "white privileged" meme, im talking about welfare and trust fund babies

"I'm not talking about X, I'm talking about all these things that are characteristics of X but it's not called X"

White privileged as fuck boiiii