if she doesnt remember 4-letter file extensions shes too young for you bro
If she doesnt remember 4-letter file extensions shes too young for you bro
all my jpegs are jpegs and not jpgs because im not some faggot that can't handle 4 character file extensions
so if she's old enough to watch a webm she's old enough to suck my pepm?
only if she remembers WebP
If she knows how to read a four-letter word then she's too old.
>file extensions
4-letter file extension always sounds cool
what do you call them friend?
Why should I give a name to something that doesn't need to exist?
>using file extensions
because it is the norm and has little downside in use
Well someone gave you a name
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
>seems like yesterday, doesn't it?
If her age is on the clock, it's time to suck her cock.
winbabbies detected
> .docx
> .xlsx
> .pptx
> Profit???
>implying she even knows what an extension is
But 8.3 filenames came first
all of your images are jpegs because youre a newfag that cant into quality.
>Not using TIFFs
>all of your images
I never mentioned all my images, I said all my jpegs. Maybe your the newfriend that can't into reading comprehendos.
See above.
If she never used or does not remember extensions before the filename. She's too dumb / young for you.
Even in gahnooslashloonix non-executable binary files tend to have file extensions.
How about a resource fork.
From everything, data, media to binary. No extensions needed.
This. AmigaOS, MacOS. You can rename a .jpg to a .exe, .wav, whatever, and it will still open it with the picture viewer and not shit itself like Windows. Windows is STILL more primitive than good OSes where 30 years ago.
you're misunderstanding how windows determines how to open the file. For speed they read the file extension and do a lookup and open the associated program, it doesn't check any file headers or read any bytes from the actual file. It's explorer and the shell that does this. In your examples, the operating systems 'explorer' and 'shell' equivalents actually read the file and determine by header how to open it, which is actually worse because you lose control.
>saving inferior jpgs
Nice bullshit.
Not only did you misunderstand the point, that Windows DOES IT. No matter what.
You don't understand that in my example you still have perfect control, it's built into the OS, feel free to change the file to open with a music player even when it's a picture.
You have less control, because your little nude.jpg can be an executable that could be triggered automatically.