Linux-only softwares

ITT: show me some linux-only softwares that are better than the windows-only

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>muh exclusives
get out gayman

No point, you would immediately disqualify any such software by saying "lol no you can use wsl/cygwin/mingw/shitport so it's not linux only"


Oh wait

Pi hole

What did she mean by this?

I was about to smugly reply with simply "Linux" but then I remembered this

That would be legit as WSL don't have linux itself. Maybe :^)

gcc, vim, emacs, to name a few
And kvm since it is a part of the kernel
Don't forget all the package managers that exist

>Winfags will claim that their ports of Linux software perform just as well
>Winfags will defend having to install software using binary packages with large self-installers built in downloaded from potentially unsecure sources

The command line/shell in general is far better than the Windows version.


The primary reason to use linux over another operating system is how well integrated everything is in a single location

There's not a single god-damned thing I can do with my entire operating system that I can't do from the command line, even the graphical sessions like the one I'm in now for shitposting on Sup Forums are simply a display server running on top of a login shell

Bash/Zsh/Ksh FTW, also C Shell, but if you use that you're weird

Nothing, all the good software is cross platform, except the cli itself.

i think there is one....isomaster
i fu**** hate that there is no windows version of it. cause its free and works really good.

Any tiling window manager ever.

There is a windows version of it.

Visit the fucking website.

Also imgburn, WinCDEmu etc

gcc: (linked to from

OP said Linux *ONLY* you dumb fag.

Cinnamon DE

Fuck this meme of Linux not crashing. Half the programs are so badly made and buggy that they crash all the time. You only have cabal of 20 actually functioning programs, everything else feels like its in alpha phase.

So far I've been running W10 from August and I think only fallout 4 has crashed on startup (which as we know is bethesda's fault, since their whole reputation is built on games that crash on PC). Running a Xubuntu on my thinkpad was just an endless stream of configuring, and if you configure too much everything just breaks.

>Don't forget all the package managers that exist
>implying windows doesn't have a package manager
Windows Installer is actually a package manager so that is not Linux only. If you want a *repository* to install software from then Windows has one of that also. (Though I guess the Store now counts also)

The only shit in your post that is valid is KVM. But even then HyperV is really good and I like it better then KVM.

Pytorch, which doesnt even have a windows version. Other deeplearning frameworks are ported to windows, but they all suck compared to the native linux versions.

GCC + vim > visual studio

Not Linux only.

Can no one read on this board?

>if you configure too much everything just breaks.
kek, is that a fact?

>it doesn't work on my machineā„¢
is about as useful as
>it works on my machineā„¢
For all we know you could be lying and you have never actually used Linux

not him but this is my general vibe from using any KDE distro. But after you configure it, usually everything is ok.

>Visit the fucking website.
fucking website was only fucking linux sources.
i actually absolutely hate when programs come in sources instead for binaries. but anyway. there is no windows version of official site


I used Lubuntu as my first distro and LXDE, which was supposed to be buggy as fuck, worked fine. The only major problems i've had were figuring out how stuff works.
Using GNOME now, it's bloated trash but works out of the box and I don't care enough to change it. DEs don't really matter that much except if you're a screenfetch ricer fag, provided you install something that just werks.


Gparted. Partitions on Windows suck bad

honestly i never seen xfce or lxde crash, gnome only crashed for me if i updated parts of the DE and tried for example using gnome-control-center without relogging. KDE however likes to crash a lot if you mess with settings from my experience.

MiniTool Partition Wizard free
works fine for windows usage

>Fuck this meme of Linux not crashing.
This. I made multiple bug reports of kernel panics on the lkml and one (broken) fix that was provided for my bug even triggered an angry Linus.

>You only have cabal of 20 actually functioning programs
Which? I've found bugs even in ssh.

The good part is that you get support and patches fast directly from the devs even as a normal user as long as you provide good reports.

the kernel, the everything is a file mentality especially with how well it integrates with everything I'm about to list, bash and other shells, terminal emulators, window managers from tiling like i3 or lightweight like openbox to full blown desktop environments, gnu coreutils, common command line utilities/editors/whatever like awk sed grep bash scp rsync wget curl vim emacs links dd hdparm testdisk/photorec man youtube-dl, vast majority of package managers and repositories, pdf readers that don't end up pure cancer after a few years, filesystems, system encryption, hypervisors and virtual machines like qemu xen kvm, media centres (kodi), literally any programming language distribution that isn't microsoft centric
>but user, builds of most of those exist for windows and if you bankrupt yourself paying for licenses you can get alternatives on windows!

>OP said Linux *ONLY* you dumb fag.
>Can no one read on this board?
arbitrary restrictions so that you can claim windows wins by default because someone, somewhere, has likely compiled an unofficial broken and deprecated windows version, despite the other conditional that it needs to run better than the windows alternative with the implication being that windows alternatives are always going to be superior
see also >>Winfags will claim that their ports of Linux software perform just as well
see also >"lol no you can use wsl/cygwin/mingw/shitport so it's not linux only"
see also all the other shitty alternatives that probably aren't quite as comparable as the people suggesting them think they are, it comes off worse than when linux fags recommend shit like gimp over photoshop

>GCC + vim > visual studio
Are you retarded, user?




you clearly don't know what a package manager is

install debian stable

problem solved



muTorrent Linux Server
>inb4 but muTorrent is on Windows
No. muTorrent Linux Server is a completely different (and vastly superior) product.

this desu


Any decent window manager (openbox, i3, etc.)



Native SSH

Not any particular software necessarily, but the general user experience and culture. Linux is Unixey, automated, configurable and free. You can pretty much get everything you can get on Linux on Windows and more, but you're not going to be guided in that direction. Instead, you'll be getting a bunch of bloated, scattered, locked and proprietary software. So on Linux, you'll be guided toward the better software. In a way, the less software is sort of a plus, since it allows me to get more work done with my computer, leaving me with just the good software, with still plenty of entertainment of course. Linux has good programming tools, package management, support, freedom, customizability, culture, guidance, the command line, tons of native programs, tons of programs emulated through Wine, and a huge selection of DEs, if you want to get right down to it.

The fuck is "native" ssh?

In the past you had to use some shitty third party client for SSH on Windows, but I think Windows 10 supports SSH now.

Or maybe it's you who doesn't know what a package manager is?
Win10 has one package manager preinstalled (Win Store), one full-fledged 3rd-party package manager (Chocolatey, maybe there are others) and it still can use at least apt-get.
Well, that's a bunch of useless crap. Also, pic related.
I wonder why would you need precisely these on a GUI-intensive OS with a wide variety of software already performing their tasks.
Nevertheless, both are available for Windows.
Available for Windows.
>Native SSH
Windows has it.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

It's "carrot" you fucking idiot


I've been running xfce for nearly 3 years and never had it crash on me, installed KDE on a secondary computer and within the week it had crashed or broken in some form 12 times.
xfce really is the comfy distro

Linux is not about having exclusive programs, but exclusive platforms.
You're literally surrounded by platforms that can't possibly boot or run windows well.

>even triggered an angry Linus.
sauce nao

People don't use Windows because it's great or anything(it's not), they use it because it runs all the software, and it keeps running it long after the author has abandoned it, and it doesn't rely on repositories and markets. You can get a 20 years old binary and run it. This is tempting for devs, as you're not obliged to maintain your software.

A fucking package manager and a repository

>Oh wait
I'm still waiting. You know, to see that software actually working as intended. Will you deliver?

>You can get a 20 years old binary and run it
You've obviously never used a Unixlike system. Most of my fucking software is 20 year old binaries.

Anytime I need a linux shell I just launch a headless VM with my windows user automounted and ssh into it with one click on a small script in my taskbar.

Turns out I need to do it less and less now I'm learning powershell. With some cmdlets and functions it's pretty fucking strong, and it's only getting stronger with new windows updates.

Not going to go through the trouble of installing linux support for visual studio.

>Winfags will claim that their ports of Linux software perform just as well

>Or maybe it's you who doesn't know what a package manager is?
no it's pretty much just you
>Windows Installer is actually a package manager
>Win10 has one package manager preinstalled (Win Store)
windows installer, is as the name implies, is an installer and not a package manager, the distinction being that installers are shipped and bundled with the software and only manage that particular software rather than being independent and managing the system
windows store is a (software) distribution platform and not a package manager, steam, uplay, origin, etc, aren't package managers for similar reasons

chocolatey is actually a proper package manager and the team behind it should be commended but there should be no surprises that it's heavily based on existing linux package managers, it also fails the "better than windows software" requirement too since most modern linux package managers are inherently superior as chocolatey's software selection is going to be very poor and dependent on vendor support (or lack thereof) not to mention the free/open source version is going to be gimped in favour of charging businesses out the ass for the paid version, not that there's anything wrong with them charging customers and businesses but you're not getting a lot for what is inherently going to be a niche platform
powershell also has a package management system fwiw, it's shit and irrelevant

>Uses and endorses windows

I cannot load all of the software I desire with my eyes closed with the store.

I try to get my winfag friends to install this new free and open program that I use for all my shit but they're too lazy to go out and click next eight times and uncheck the crap boxes.
They all use windows 10. The store is useless UWP shit.

Plus it's completely proprietary. It is scary that it's just acceptable to use a black box OS.
Especially when it's been shown to harvest user data the way it does.

>Native ssh in windows

When have you seen this being used successfully to remotely administrate something? Nothing integrates.
The environment was never intended to be interacted with by shell so all of the freeware that your typical user loads up just can't be touched.

Windows has native ELF binary support


(these are unix only; windows sux)

>ITT: linuxtards BTFO


>windows installer
I wasn't talking about Win Installer, though.
>windows store is a (software) distribution platform and not a package manager
Why? It manages packages. The GUI you see has an integrated package manager that allows it to, essentially, work.
The same goes for Google Play, actually.
If you personally had decided for some reason it doesn't count because it doubles as "a software distribution platform" - that's your own opinion.

Win10 in particular also has OneGet package manager available via PowerShell.

The reason Windows users don't commonly rely on package managers (including the ones genuinely available to the system itself) lies not in them being "inferior" but in the fact workflow on Windows isn't really suited for the usage of a package manager.

If you ever worked on a Unix-like (and no, shitposting doesn't count as "work") you would realize that package managers will not streamline your working environment setup as much as you think they would - sooner or later you'll face the necessity of managing packages manually which is essentially the same as going to a dedicated website and getting the installer (and reading the manual) there.

The bottom line is: you have no idea what you're talking about.

>I cannot load all of the software I desire with my eyes closed with the store.
You can't do that with apt-get, yum, or homebrew either. If your necessities are so primitive you are fine with the packages available by default - good for you, but it kinda makes your opinion irrelevant.
Not to mention, Win10 will satisfy all of "your desires" out of the box.
>Plus it's completely proprietary. It is scary that it's just acceptable to use a black box OS.
user, judging by the package of "knowledge" you are showing at the moment, that point here is of no relevance to you.
>When have you seen this being used successfully to remotely administrate something?
Today to ssh to my local CentOS VM.
>Nothing integrates.
That's your delusion.

it's caret


>You can get a 20 years old binary and run it
>This is tempting for devs, as you're not obliged to maintain your software.
This dig Windows' grave for the long term.

>The bottom line is: you have no idea what you're talking about.
Talking about larping...

Man, you sure told me.

>When you're so autistic and starved for attention you have to start an argument about OSes on Sup Forums

Consider doing something productive like getting a job, OP.

Sorry, user, I forgot your (You) here

Almost all good GNU/Linux software is also available on Windows, because, being FOSS and not requiring stupid Windows-exclusive libraries, it's truly cross platform.
That said, you want an example of software available on GNU/Linux and not on Windows that completely blows the fuck away every Windows alternatives, I will say

So much effort and no one give a shit, because you are obvious. At least try to be a good troll against linux. With retarded W10 desktop and reused biased bullshit you won't achieve that.

The advantage is not so much about Linux not crashing (which admittedly does happen, but quite rarely), rather it's about the fact that, being open source, bugs are both discovered and fixed earlier.
Windows and Mac OSX may have a shitload of vulnerabilities no one knows about, since most of the source code is not public.

>and no one give a shit
You sure do.

Also, I love Linux and use it for my work all the time - unlike OSX, the process does not resemble torture. But I'm not stupid enough to preach it's a superior desktop environment.

Are you two, by any chance, 12 year old pajeets?

Smart answer.
Also Nginx.



Here's the real challenge:

If everyone here is failing to name anything Linux-only, explain to me why I should use Windows if Linux has it too.

i don't use xubuntu because it's necessarily better as far as functionality goes. i just refuse to cuck myself with windows 10 with how blatantly terrible it is and worst of all give microsoft money

> MLP wallpaper
> Overwatch
WTF autist


>MiniTool Partition Wizard

No TRIM support.
Some features are limited in free edition.
Cannot lock volume in some conditions.
Stuck at updating system information in some conditions.
Costs too much time when partitioning a large disk drive.
Major upgrades tend to be far less frequent in recent years.

>Freeware (some features removed) Trialware (Pro version and above)


Although Waifu2x does have a Windows port, I've found it's OpenCV implementation is immensely faster in GNU/Linux than in Windows. I've yet to try Cuda in either, because I don't own any Nvidia graphics cards.

I should also include that Blender renders with CPU much faster in GNU/Linux.

Windows is a superior jack-of-all-trades desktop environment.
Windows and regretfully MacOS actually have exclusive software with either no alternatives at all or with the alternatives being vastly inferior (which doesn't usually apply to simple GNU tools).

That being said, for singular tasks Unix-likes is a better choice. For example, Windows Server is a thing and it's a powerful OS, but if you know your shit, spending some extra time and setting up FreeBSD or CentOS instead would be in my opinion a much better idea.
This also works in favor of getting said "simple GNU tool" functionality on Windows. Using WSL (or setting up a light-weight VM if you're a pervert) to use some specific GNU tool seems much more reasonable to me than going for the opposite and emulating huge-ass Windows for a specific task.

I'm sorry user, I like Blizzard since Diablo and they had a huge discount on the game.
I played it for like an hour total.

I couldn't find image viewer for windows that works out of the box like this:

What were you even trying to prove? As I recall, outside of some CLI based software, nothing works as intended on the Linux subsystem.

>As I recall
How can you recall something you never knew?

Out of everything I've used WSL for I only had problems with Cassandra - and even that was for a more than half a year old version of WSL - it works just fine currently.

>How can you recall something you never knew?
Are you going to help me? I suppose not. I'm asking again for screenshots of software for Linux running on WSL. It should have reduced the use cases for Linux, right? Let's see it then.