Why are apple lagPhones so laggy?

Why are apple lagPhones so laggy?

I thought a11 was supposed to have 2x the die size and 2x the transistor count? Yet it's still getting BTFO by a half size Snapdragon 835.

Other urls found in this thread:



They haven't used a high res display before and since IOS 7 software optimization has been pretty bad even though apps dont not run in a VM.

Just did the same test on my 7 plus, and it starts before both. lol

How will iCucks ever recover?


This is from youtube?
Whats the link?
I love to read the damage control commentaries from Fapple cucks //

"iPhone X vs Samsung Galaxy Note 8 SPEED Test!"

How will iCucks ever recover?


Why is the lagPhone screen such dimly lit washed out garbage?

Muh gaymer applel top jej. Manchildren for applel!

iCucks will defend this.

Thanks for these. SAVED.

It's not dimly lit. It looks natural. The Note 8's colors look oversaturated in this comparison.

>t. iCuck

Clearly the graphics are rendered on higher settings on apple, while the pajeetdroid is running on low.

just showed Netflix opening faster. I call this bullshit.

>1136x750 iTrash vs 4K Note 8\
>"""""""higher""""""" settings

Ok iToddler.

>dont not
El Retardissima

We're not talking about your fries here Poorone.

He is right, the color calibration is terrible on loodroid.

I like how these never focus on how the apps/games themselves perform

Hey sergey. You ran away from the other thread when you were identified. Glad to see you haven’t completely left.

Must be getting close to quitting time for you tonight.

>32 rupias have been deposited in your account

>My mature argument

Iphone isn't even 4k, and it's still slower.

so shitposting aside, anyone care to explain why the A11 is murdering Snapdragon like iphone chips usually do? iOS 11 perhaps at fault? heard it was buggy.


It’s about 2x as fast. That’s not “murdering”?

>why the A11 is murdering Snapdragon like iphone chips usually do?
I don't remember iphone cpus ever really murdering flagship android cpus outside of a couple of benchmarks.

lagPhones have always been trash and can't perform in anything besides rigged benchmarks.

lagPhone 6 vs Nexus 5

What reality do you live in? The chip designer apple bought has blowing everyone out of the water.

lagPhone 7 vs Xperia XZ

Hi sergey. Is Samsung paying your troll farm now that Putin’s funds are drying up?


in benchmarks. in real world performance it's not faster. also it's having trouble keeping apps in ram.

everyone knows those aren't real. stop posting them.

No one’s falling for it sergey.

The colours look so awful on the S8, reds look orange for gods sake

Why are iPhones such poorly made cheap chinktrash?


>What reality do you live in?
The real world.
>The chip designer apple bought has blowing everyone out of the water.
Show me.

Samsung really isn’t getting their money’s worth. You better hope Putin starts paying you again.

The same thing would happen to any other device if it fallen from the same height. So you can either buy a case or stop being a butter hands.

The sanctions are really taking a hit.

Imagine being such a 3rd worlder you get your product experience from videos on the internet. Glad I can have any high end smartphone in front of me basically immediately to evaluate it for myself.

Its hard to think that there are people on this board, right now, who won't see an iPhone X in person for like 3 years. Why are these people allowed to pollute my board and why can't I just hide posts from certain IPs based on location?

Note 8 and V30 survived the same drop, but keep damage controlling iShill.

The pajeets are jealous that they will never be able to afford a brand new iPhone.

Off topic, racist, troll comment outside of Sup Forums.
How dare you violate global rule #3.

In all drop test videos I see the iPhone being dropped by manlets, while the pajeetdroids are dropped by 6+' Chads.

Why are the Note 8 red colors orange?
>Superior Samsung OLED's

Cry some more sergey.

How will iManlets ever recover?

>Cry some more sergey.
It's like I'm being bullied by an unfunny retarded kid.
>show me
Crickets obviously.
Note 8 best phone confirmed. Does anyone know why Samsung uses exynos outside of the U.S., and Snapdragon for the American market? Also which one is better out of the two (exynos vs snapdragon)?

Really makes you think.

Why is A11 such an inefficient steaming pile of shit?

Qualcomm owns CDMA so the only way to make CDMA phones for the US is by using Qualcomm.

that iPhone screen isnt that bad

Is that an actual benchmark? How are these phone cpus getting such high scores when compared to those workstations cpus?


A11 is better.

>slower = better

iToddler logic.

Amazing they can 2x performance from the a11 from just 1.25x the transistors. Nice architecture. Great memory throughput.

Lol sergey. No one is listening to you. Samsung should get their money back.

If you didn’t already know, the posts with itottler and btfo are coming from a Russian troll farm payed by Samsung. However the Russians only know how to troll and so are fucking up samsungs marketing campaign. Someone leaked an email from the Samsung USA marketing complaing about the performance of the russsians.

Amazing lagOS runs 10% slower than a 835 from 2016 that has 30% fewer transistors.

>Amazing they can 2x performance from the a11 from just 1.25x the transistors. Nice architecture. Great memory throughput.
It looks like the Samsung is faster. Where is everyone seeing the 2x performance on the iphone, and what are you comparing it to?
Serious question, because I'm pretty lost here.


>Where is everyone seeing the 2x performance
Rigged benchmarks that have been debunked years ago.

thanks for the info pajeet. By the way, your shift is up soon.

I want an iPhone 7 best design


>icuck that can't get it in

The S8 is set to normal color mode. that's how red is supposed to look like. the iphone is oversaturated as fuck. luckly you can get the same oversaturated look on S8 in the settings. Android gives you options while iPhone makes you deal with their retarded design.

Cringe commercial.

iToddlers will defend this.

No Problem. Oh by the way, your wife called, appearantly its time to prep the bull

I thought it was a nice jab at apple though lately its been getting stale. Apple is gay and it sucks is kinda like saying water is wet now.

> "It is the most color accurate display that DisplayMate has ever measured."

My friend is complaining how her iPhone has slowed since ios11

most color accurate when using the correct color profile. by default the iphone is set to oversaturated mode to make normies think the screen is amazing

>"The iPhone X has Automatic Color Management that automatically switches to the proper Color Gamut for any displayed image content within the Wide DCI-P3 Color Space that has an ICC Profile, so images automatically appear with the correct colors, neither over-saturated or under-saturated."
Are you fucking retarded?

Do you have any sources that aren't clear as fucking day being paid under the table by Applel?

Black isn't color, idiot.


>when you realise they're both made by the same manufacturers and they're spec'd identically other than resolution.

apple cranks saturation

>hur durr, I dont know the difference between amoled and lcd HHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUURRRR

no they dont, you retard. Samsung is the one who loves to crank saturation

Apple use to(dont know if they still do) have the most colour accurate display on any phone


>Black isn't color,
sauce on this?

pajeet street shiters gtfo you cannot even afford a s8 anyway

>sauce on this
>he wasn’t taught about colour in school

After you

A third of android lusers are Indian, so statistics dictate that there is a 33% chance you are a pajeet.

Compared to only 800,000 iPhone owners.

It's past your bed time Ahmed.

>black isn't a color
Crayola's been ripping me off for years user, so sauce me the proof to bring the ink, color, and paint industries to it's knees.

>argument not found

>retard can’t google

>show me the evidence
>okay here’s the evidence

Your autism, and lack of common sense is showing.
>Black is the darkest color

It's a fucking Mario game. There's nothing natural about it, the iPhone looks washed out.

>uses Wikipedia as a source

i never felt like my iphone was laggy

in recent years tho i feel like glitches are getting more common which is fucking embarassing. like the top panel is transparent rather than black as it should be, stuff like that