Why does Sup Forums always have such a bad constant quarrel towards Indians?

Why does Sup Forums always have such a bad constant quarrel towards Indians?

What's your quarrel with Indians Sup Forums?

Poo-poster detected


No other thing than this.

That describes every poster on Sup Forums except me.

Pot calling the kettle black I see

In general they are shit at everything they have degrees at.

I know a few that are genuinely good, and they openly admit that the stereotype is real and the only way to make a difference is to distance themselves from Indian culture in general.

hello sir

I’m calling from internet service providings

you forgot street shitting

Better at programming than me and does it cheaper. It's a danger to my future.

Even Alexander turned turned back once he got to India.
The legend says that the stench is unbearable to this day.


hindus shit out apps in 4 minutes

These, also having Indians flood the internet from nowhere was a mistake.
>show vagene open bob

>street shitting
>piss bottling
What’s the difference?
Still describes Sup Forums to a tee.

This place reminds me of pic related.

why are you mad ranjeesh? Your people are disgusting and theyll never be treated as normal human beings

end of story

would you be interested in providings a service our internet service providings is six times quicker?

100% pure bred white here

six times fasterings
Forty two megabytings

you have the curry soul of a punjab shitter

color doesnt matter

Did I touch a nerve, neckbeard?

They exist.

Most of Sup Forums are poos


clip your dirty disgusting nails

Hello, I am Mark calling from Windows because you have a virus. Plz download this file so we may diagnose your Windows


clean the shit out of your buttcrack beard

>he F5d like a maniac so he can reply instantly

get a life you fucking queer

I see you got skin cancer. My condolences, Kunal

There’s an update button at the bottom doofus

d&c thread
they're allies against the kikes

irish are not white
the same way Italians, gypsies and turks are not white. You're caucasion but not white.