What should I study at Uni?
>"Computer Science bro!"
>Classes full of Indians
>Full of women with short hair and scarfs
>Full of nu-males
>Full of nu-guys that can't shut up about video games and chewbaka
I mean the degree sounds promising but I don't really want to be associated with these people. Is it really as good as people are telling me?
What should I study at Uni?
those people are only there in the first year
>Classes full of Indians
They're in for the long haul, or until they got caught cheating (seriously, Indian and Chinese foreign students cheat their asses off).
>Full of women with short hair and scarfs
The ones that enrolled as a social statement (the "more womyn in STEM!" girls) change their majors after they drop C.
Some last until pointers, but most will drop before that.
>Full of nu-guys that can't shut up about video games and chewbaka
Most of the "I wanna work for vidya gaems" kids drop out in C, too.
They get weeded out because they can't pass Calc II, then change their major to some bullshit help desk degree (IT).
MIS, desu, filled with Normie's mainly because it is in the business school.
>also there will be pajeets but there generally cool
>also there is only one free software Autist and its me desu.
>Intro to Programming with Python
60 students in class
>fast forward 1 year
>Data Structures & Algorithms with C
22 students in class
>fast forward 2 years
>Advanced Programming Methods and Design Patterns
8 students in class
My first year of Comp Sci the professor intentionally filters out the fuck heads. He's one of the types that "If you don't drop the class.. you will be okay probably" ie. As long as you're in the standard deviation of the average on exams and hw you will be fine ... But he's brutally difficult so the people as you described drop the class
> Mfw the reddit memelords I sat near switched majors
> Mfw only people who sat near me who weren't consistently scoring 0-20% is an EE bro some chad who transferred schools and had taken higher level classes before since his credits for this specific class didn't transfer
tl;dr - They are in the class no but they won't be for much longer
> Indians
Before I transferred (went to Community College for Gen Eds) I took a stats class and sat near a group of hunjabis who one time literally asked me to change seats so they could cheat off of each other (and got caught)
> Women
Pretty much this... I sat with a Qt3.14 my very first comp sci class ever and she was actually pretty bright though (wasn't comp sci major but was something that had to do a lot with AutoCAD)
> nu-guys
Only the truly autistic survive
If I could go back in time I'd chose Electrical Engineering or Physics instead of CS meme. It is much easier to learn programming and algorithms/data structures on your own anyway.
I agree desu
I honestly just want nothing more than to be a future family man and a good father.
If that's right what you said I guess comp sci is an alright choice for a degree. Maybe I'll get an mba a bit later after? I'm confident I can handle comp sci but I'm not one of those naturally gifted at it who can work on some real shit for top companies.
I did physics in undergrad, and did CS master/phd. Worked out pretty well frankly. I took a couple of CS classes but I actually learned coding and algorithms by myself. The math skills of people who did CS undergrad was almost embarassing and it was kind of funny seeing them struggle with calculus, statistics etc.
This OP. I pretty much ended up with 5 other students in my final year. Everyone else dropped out at some point or another.
The one Indian guy in my class cheated 97% on a written exam piece. Copied a piece from the internet and changed only the front.
>Full of nu-guys that can't shut up about video games and chewbaka
This. I swear it's one the cringest people to be around with while you're in a lecture you can hear there side conversations about them and some go as far as bringing there gaming laptops just to do simple tasks instead of using the the computers in front of them
In my math and science classes the smartest people seem to be the autists, muslims, and asians.
There's this guy who literally carries a wand on his belt and wears an aviator cap, but he knows his shit.
LOL. Ever hear of upper level classes before? This happens in every discipline.
Isn't this just for everything? I mean hell for my business undergraduate a bunch of normies couldn't handle accounting. The chads struggled through it and made it with a 5-6, the moderately smart guys got through pretty easily but it was literally a filter of dumb normies who just wanted a degree.
This. There will always be a few, but you can probably avoid them. Consider making friends outside your degree as well. PolySci/Business tends to have good friend material
>wanting to be friends with chad
You're a literal faggot if you don't like the idea of having a chad friend. I have one business chad friend, he's a godsend.
>I mean the degree sounds promising but I don't really want to be associated with these people. Is it really as good as people are telling me?
This is actually a great question, and a serious one. It's not just the actual work you'll be doing in the future, it's the people you'll be doing it with, the environment you're in. Find a career that also matches those other aspects favorable. Don't look at just the job work itself.
Chem and Geology majors are usually cool peoples. Smart but still willing to chill.
>"Computer Science bro!"
>Classes full of Indians
>Full of women with short hair and scarfs
>Full of nu-males
>Full of nu-guys that can't shut up about video games and chewbaka
I felt the same way -- so I chose math.
Now I work as a software developer, with only cis white males as coworkers. Lol.
If can't already relate to these people it's not for you.
>I honestly just want nothing more than to be a future family man and a good father.
Sheesh, doesn't sound like a natural-born hax0r to me, why don't you just skip right ahead to the MBA?
>Classes full of Indians
Oh boy, these fuckers and iranians are the reason i wont be making a MSc at my uni.
Once your uni opens the floodgate and makes a partnership with a 3rd world country, just leave.
I love algorithms and statistics which is why I'm looking into compsci, also if I have a compsci degree and an mba I imagine I can get some pretty lucrative managing jobs for tech companies.
An older friend I knew from my gym went into compsci and was pretty much like me, just bigger. He got an offer for some digital distribution platform straight out of the degree. It seems so promising.