/pcbg/ - PC Building General

Coffee Lake has been released! Benchmarks / Reviews
techpowerup.com/reviews/ (Seach 'Intel')


>Assemble a part list
>Example gaming builds and monitor suggestions; click on the blue title to see notes
>Learn how to build a PC (You can find a lot more detailed videos on channels like Bitwit)
>How to install Win7 on Ryzen

If you want help:
>State the budget & CURRENCY for your build
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

>G4560/G4600 for non-gaming (light tasks) or bare minimum gaming builds with a dedicated graphics card
>R3 1200 - Budget builds (best with OC + fast RAM)
>R5 1600 / i5 8400 - Great gaming or multithreaded use CPUs
>R7 / Used Xeon / Threadripper / i7 - Heavy Multi-Tasking / VM Work / Mixed use

>Current CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3000-3200 MHz is ideal
>Before buying RAM for Ryzen, check your Mobo's QVL or look for user reports

>Crypto-Currency miners have driven GPU prices up (particularly Radeon)
>GTX 1050Ti and 3GB 1060 are the only reasonably priced cards; 6GB 1060 or 4GB 580 if you want to overpay a little
>GTX 1070 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
>GTX 1070/Ti and 1080 are standard choices; currently overpriced
>GTX 1080Ti if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
2160p (4K)
>GTX 1080Ti

>A 240GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor


Other urls found in this thread:


>people who use automobile slang to reference using their InternetBox
Why do you do this?


>had to spend 2/3 my budget on unexpected medical costs
>saved back up again but still 3 months away from having the same
Would it be irresponsible to wait just one month and then purchase half my build on a credit card (55 days) knowing that I can make the payments? I really don't want to wait even longer - its been a year already.

Best 2TB hdd?

Sounds like buying on credit is irresponsible

I would say HGST/Hitachi, but they're supposedly loud and often they're sold as new when they're actually refurbished

>Crypto-Currency miners have driven GPU prices up (particularly Radeon)
When will this shitcoin meme end

once it hits the moon and they are all driving lambos

Toshiba > Hitachi > WD >>>>> Seagate

CMK16GX4M2B3000C15 or HX430C15PB3/8 x2?

Will an 8400 pull 144hz 1440p at max with a 1080ti?

depends entirely on the game obviously but it won't bottleneck it if that's what you're asking

this is for browsing and porn.
no games.

Brainlet here

I'm in the process of upgrading my old system and just bought a GTX1080

My PSU is a Corsair HX620W

The GTX1080 requires a 6pin and 8pin input, and my PSU has two 6pin to 6+2pin power connectors

From what I've read online, it should work fine but I've read some people saying that 6pin is 75watt and 8pin is 150watt. My concern is that the 6pin to 6+2pin cables only provide 75watts, while the 8pin input on the GPU will be expecting 150watts.

Will this shit work without burning my house down?

Normie tier coffee lake mobos when? Not paying for gaymen tier shit I'll never use. Is AyyMD my only choice if I refuse to use pleb core kaby pentium?

I guess I'm asking for worst case scenarios toughest games shittiest ports, whatever. Would I be a lot better off going for the i7, or would it be pointless?

ditch the HDD and spend a bit extra for an SSD, chrome will load faster so you can go to your porn website more quickly.

Like I said, the 8400 isn't going to bottleneck it. Games hardly utilise processors as it is. The GPU is what matters and the 1080 ti is still the most powerful thing on the market. The only thing you can really do for any significant gain is get a 2nd one.

>miners have fucked 1070 prices so much that its more expensive than the just release and better 1070 Ti

Hello friends, would you know what the best AM4 B350 Mobo is?

Why do you need a quad-core for internet browsing and porn? If you're just doing that then you can get by with a Kaby Lake Pentium unless you have a hundred porn tabs open at once.

They're all more or less the same. I have a B350 Tomahawk and it's fine.

The ASRock B350 Pro4 is up there.


How long until 1070 Ti prices rise? I was thinking about buying one...should I jump on it now? It's the same price as a 1070 here


1060 6GB or RX580?


For what reason?


580 8gb


Good cheapish keyboard?

>he unironically bought Covfefe Lake
Explain yourself, user.

I play video games

don't buy amd if you have multiple monitors and pay for your electricity unless you want to spend about 20 bucks a year extra

But Razen let's you to play your game and watch porn at the same time smoothly.

>20 bucks a year
It is almost as if you were going to make an argument and then you didn't go all-in.

General consensus on Vega 64? Suicide to put one in a Phanteks Evolve atx?

>installs Vega GPU
>turns computer on
>Ride of the Valkyries starts playing
>PC flies away

less compatibility issues than kingston

what's your definition of cheapish?

I'm just not a multitasker user. I need complete focus when getting off

Loud and power hungry.

You can do that with Coffee Lake too, familija

>vega 56 more expensive and weaker than 1070ti
>somehow better perf/$
Explain please?

around 20

All reference cards are garbage no exceptions. Either wait for the partner cards, do morpheus or whatever custom cooling or just go Nvidia.
If you do custom cool a 64, the performance is fine and it shouldn't consume that much power if you undervolt it. Performance is great in a lot of games if not all.

Anything cheap and Microsoft. Or Logitec. Their membranes work well. Don't buy chinkshit.

>he doesn't get off loudly while yelling at his teammates to rush b in CS GO

I've got all my parts for my 8700k build but no 8700k.

What the fuck, all these sites litrelly sell out in like 4 minutes. I probably won't get one until a months time.

I do good?

$400 for Vega 56 vs $450 for a reference 1070ti.

20 bucks a year might not sound like a lot, but if you keep your gpu for 3 years, that's 60 bucks.

rx 580 is like 250, so 60 on top of that is 310. if two similarly performing graphics cards had a $60 price difference at that price range, people would basically never buy the more expensive one. but when it's hidden in the long term costs, they either don't notice it or simply don't care.

this is because most people are brainlets who only focus on the short term. their spending is limited by the paycheck they get every month. in order to actually afford something more expensive, they need to consciously save money for it, but do to their lack of patience and only seeing the short term costs, they end up making investments that are bad for the long term. because of this, they will never amass a decent amount of wealth unless they simply get lucky or inherit it.

for someone who isn't a brainlet, 20 bucks now is the same as 20 bucks in a year, excluding factors like possible interest and inflation.

you made some clear mistakes, but i'd say you did well overall.

Like what?

Fuck it's like 470euro for 1070ti and 500euro for vega. I hate this country.

if you really want one pre-order and wait. Its really the only way if you don't want to be waiting months

It's called a paper launch user. These CPUs weren't meant to come out until January at the earliest, which is when the cheap motherboards are coming out. They simple haven't made any supply of them.
If you hadn't realized or heard about this before deciding to build your rig around it that's your own fucking fault. You bit Intel's bait. Congratulations. You played yourself. Now just go out and buy a 1600, overclock and be happy with it.

>he can find a 580 for 250$
In what planet exactly?

why buy an xbox when you can buy this?


4GB models start at $250. dunno if anyone even buys them

I buy AMD because the difference between a Freesync monitor and a Gsync monitor is like 200 to 300€. Buying an AMD GPU and Freesync monitor is cheaper than Nvidia + Gsync unless I keep this Vega for like 5 years or so, which I don't plan on doing anyway.

They literally trade blows. It's like a 60/40 split and if you Just Wait™ for drivers Vega might have the upper hand soon.

1. buying an aftermarket cooler when the ryzen has a fantastic stock cooler
2. buying 2666 ram when 3000/3200 is the same price
3. buying a semi modular psu with too much wattage for your build, when a fully modular 550W is cheaper

overall you did well though.

1070 ti oced is better than 1080. 56 only wins against 1080 in vulkan games and there's whole 2 vulkan games.

>not even a 1600x
What kind of corelet and clocklet faggotry are you trying to push on him?
Stop being a 1600 shill and buy a 1700x, rajeesh.

You can overclock the Vega too.
You better have a hefty PSU tho.

I realized the mistake with teh Aftermarket. And I couldn't really fit the 3000/3200 in my overall budget.

Shit really? They start at 270 here.
They used to all go for above three hundred.

>ryzen has a fantastic stock cooler
Its fantastic by stock cooler standards. It does a great job at stock but still gets hot/loud when you overclock

yeah if you want freesync then obviously you go for amd because gsync is jewish as hell. vega isn't even that bad when it comes to idle power consumption with multiple monitors.

i noticed it with my old amd gpu when it would idle at pretty high temperatures with multiple monitors, but with a single monitors, the idle temps would drop by 20. pic is one of the worst examples of this

I have 600W 80+ bronze psu running 1650/950 overclock for now.

>don't need the 1700
>want the nice ring light of the cooler

>buying a CPU that misreports its own fucking temperatures.
Yeah no fuck off with that shit. Don't trust any X series stuff. Just overclock you dimwit. It's the same fucking silicon.
Also obvious bait is bait but I felt like I had to address it anyway for the sake of the many tech retards lurking this thread.

Stays below 50 or 60 in gaming if you don't clock above 3.8. It's decent by most standards and definitely fantastic for sff builds.

As I plan to just let the CPU do its on thing (No manual overclock) It will be just fine, right?

That's what they are made to achieve.

yeah you'll be just fine for that mate

Goes without saying.

It's a really shitty conundrum, I have a single monitor now (ultrathicc) so my old 380X was idling much lower, when I had a dual monitor setup it was always idling pretty hot and the fans were spun, which never were on idle single monitor.
It's so gay.
>Cheap Freesync display
>Okay priced Vega card if you're lucky
>Expensive energy costs

>Expensive JEWsync display
>Okay priced Nvidia card if you're not too unlucky
>Cheap energy costs

However, most people going for the absolute "cheap ass" won't get anything that's either Gsync or Freesync so this doesn't even affect them. Also fuck jewvidia for not allowing Nvidia gpus to use Freesync.

Pls respond

>Stays below 50 or 60 in gaming
not my experience but maybe that's because I live in Australia. Also I'm considering the 1600x because I've seen a fair few reports of it hitting 4 and even 4.1ghz with a half decent cooler.

Hey most high refresh rate monitors tend to come with freesync by default these days anyway. Because, well, it's free. I can actually find 1080p freesync displays for 100$ here.

Different guy, but I'm literally gaming and watching stream right now on stock cooler @3.8ghz

You'll be just fine with the stock cables. Don't worry about it. Corsair knows what they're doing.

Right. Also any suggestions for Monitors? Plan is 144hz.

definitely our summer then

Yeah it's comfy winter here using my vega as heating. It's a really good heater btw don't even have to use central heating.

Lol serves you right, cuck

It's all bullshit. It's all silicon lottery. Only chips AMD bins for that sort of thing are Threadrippers. The X series chips were made for benchmarks and suckers.
Yeah the fact you live in Aussieland in the your summertime, that might be it. Or you might have been experiencing an X series chip that overreports its temperatures by twenty fucking degrees.

Hey, you knew what you were buying when you bought AMD's reference.

>it's the same fucking silicon
But not the same fucking silicon lottery chance you ignorant fuck. Google it. -x series Ryzen chips have higher clock rates.
>obvious bait is bait
Says the retard recommending a 1600 when you can pay a little extra to have an 8 core 16 thread monster. Stay mad corelet.

Not complaining it's a good card and it was cheaper than 1070, but fuck I think I need to put my pc somewhere else because right now it's like 0.5m from me and it's too loud.

actually decided against the vega for this exact but opposite reason. It would be unbearable

This is /pcbg/, it's safe to say that we're all cucks here

Vega central heater bros!
Seriously it blows such hot air.


Is this a good monitor?

>when you go full ultra 4k settings

Except that "monster" also comes with no cooler and a ludicrous price tag for something that games about on par with an 8400.
Personally I'm waiting for Zen+ before I drop any serious money on the platform, and so should you because it's only a few months away and the performance bump could be as significant as Nehalem versus Sandy bridge. Or that performance bump might come with Zen 2. Either way, the 5 Ghz 8 core platform will be the one I'll want to drop three hundred large on.

>when you set fan speed to 4000 rpm

about to buy parts for first build
is it worth it to get warranty on any parts or is warranty a meme?

Meme. Massive meme. All of your parts will come with their own individual two or three year manufacturer warranties (by law) and that's all you need

if I bought a vega 64, would I kill my self?

I feel like 3300 is enough at least for my settings. Keeps it below 70 even on 100% usage.
What's the average temp in your country?

Already have the RAM and I can salvage the ssd + case from my old pc.
I'm not so sure about the gpu though, this is the cheapest 580 available here atm but I've never heard about the brand. Any reason why I shouldn't buy this one (other than that it's not XTR)?
Or any other recommendations?