Search Engines

DuckDuckGo? SearX? Startpage?
What google alternatives do you use?

Other urls found in this thread:

google is pretty good

Startpage is proxied google so that

Takes more hoops to cover your tracks with Google.

Searx and Startpage. Searx is a really good results aggregator and you can select what major search engines are queried.

I prefer Google Images for image searching.

>cover your tracks
for what purpose?

They don't need to know what lolis I'm into

>it's perfectly okay that my search history is saved
>I have nothing to hide and nothing to fear
>I am a good law-abiding citizen

I hate google nowadays. If I search like 4 or 5 words it gives me results with missing words and the results just makes no sense anymore.


what are these statements supposed to imply?

>I happily work my 9-5 job
>I work 5 days a week
>my boss graciously gives me Saturday and Sunday off
>I spend my weekends watching the news and footaball
>I go to church with my family
>I am a good law-abiding citizen
>I have nothing to hide and nothing to fear
>my name is John Doe

dumb cephalopodposter



source? i know it's splatoon but that's all

Ika no Gohan



What searx instance do people use?

Use yandex.

I just use startpage. Works fine for me.

Searx ddg yandex bing

Any opinions on Qwant?

It's French.

>want to avoid google, probably damage it
>kinda use it anyways
yeah ...

I want to use Google without (most of) the botnet it comes packaged with. When it comes down to it, Google is a great search engine.

Listen you cunt, don't you have enough experience on the internet to know how to use the fucking URL bar? Searx for little research.

I don't even fucking use search engine anymore i know where to go most of the time.

They imply his lack of argument.