I actually need more ram

I actually need more ram...

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firecucks doesnt have this problem

I'm using firefox too

re-open all those tabs in firefox
and uninstall chrome

The reason I'm using chrome is because firefox lags so much when I'm using these tabs in it. They have moving charts and stuff so firefox can't handle it all. Don't like chrome but its speedy and I need it

enable multiprocess on firefox

I'm in the same boat except along with Bittrex I have an accompanying Coinigy tab open. My answer is to get a used Xeon with a bunch of ECC ram off eBay. You can get a dual socket x5660 with 12 cores/24 threads and 96 GB of RAM for $600 ameribucks. Problem solved.

>League of Lolz

Damn bittrex, theit website is so demanding, can't be bothered to get a new computer for that man.

What's running in the command prompt?

Install uBlock Origin you fucking retard it lowers RAM usage by like 50%

this should seriously help, try it OP

I bet Avast is using at least 12+ GiB.

>be chorme user
>have 16GB ram
>chrome user is uniroically run out of ram because of user's shitty brower.

top kek

That font you picked for the UI is horrendous m8


>Mining on windows
Enjoy your 10% efficiency drop thanks to the GUI.

I left bittrex open on my phone once and it ate a gig of data.

That's what you get for using a fucking browser to view currency charts. I have 20+ charts open in the software provided by my broker and it's using ~100 MB of RAM.


>doing literally anything enjoyable on your shitty faggot OS
Have fun at your dead foot skin dinner party with your faggot cuck leader later.

>what is windows nano

>He doesn't have an Arch RAM ROOT disk, booting systemd in under 10 seconds, that he plugs into public PCs to convert them into a miner.

Sup Forums nerds stikes again, out please with your lincuk operating system

Seriously though.
How does one take pride in an OS which is entirely proprietary from the ground up built by a company with a rich history of fucking anyone who brushes against them?

Got no time to learn how to write nerdy commands all day, I need a GUI

Literally making bank right now by leveraging some reverse ssh proxies, RAM roots, and sgminer while you stay hunched over your gaymur PC clicking things on a screen and warming the room.

Get the fuck out to your containment board faggot.

Don't see any memecoins expect buttbeans anywhere...

I'm sorry I forgot there's actually a thing called meme coins.

Your crypto coins are memes, thus memecoins. Trade real securities or go back to /biz/ where you belong.

heh you'll regret saying that once bitcoin takes over fiat

Meanwhile I'll be building real wealth with forex while piss in bottles in your mother's basement.

Good luck with every dumb coin that comes out. They're just pnds stealing your money user.

What are your hash rates?

but I made over 400% last week to this week from jumping coin to coin

around 31

PC specs?

I'm thinking of mining but I don't know if it would be worth it.

Well I actually made about $50 in a couple of weeks, I then traded the $50 into $150 and now I'm just going to keep trading it until it goes to $1000. I'm just trading it on risk shit but its working out well. I'm mining on a MSI R9 390, also mining monero on my 4790K.

It's not worth without a specialised mining rig.

Download it

Lennart pls go


32 GiB master race

thanks I got a virus...

what if, hypothetically, i had access to a certain popular cloud service and could spin up VMs that ran all the time. What would i need to prioritise on such a hypothetical machine?

look into the great suspender


maybe the dust is getting in the way

doesnt that kill the gpu 10000% faster

it can take that beating

install ublock origin normalfag

Teach me user. Point me in the right direction at least

>Lying on internet

use downloadmoreram.exe

Fucking use your brain and stop using everything at the same time?

I don't understand how people do that even if i use 5 programs and 10 tabs i don't even go behond 4 5 gb of ram and 30 % CPU HOW?!