I've developed an app


I've developed an app.
The idea: The app matches you with someone who has different political views.
It aims to be a counter draft to the status quo of echo chambers and political discourse dominated by labels and insults. Everyone is welcome! Just leave me a message and let me know about your thoughts.

The app is available for iOS and Android:

iOS: itunes.apple.com/us/app/id1218452343
Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thesioapp.Thesio

global rule #11



i feel like i'm the only minarchist on the app

Nice try CIA nigger

>using the smiley with a carat nose

So what did you use to develop for both platforms? React Native?


Literally malware

That's nice
Open source code and add on f-droid


>app that collects your hot opinions for datamining and ad revenue
log out

Hey OP message me on telegram at @bronosauras. I've got a crazy idea about taking this app to the next level. Let's talk.

>matches you with someone who disagrees
this'll surely end well

>not open source
Nice try, NSA.

OP, post this on Sup Forums. They desperately need this.

>The app matches you with someone who has different political views.

Bad idea.

coming here with shit like this? I thought they taught you spooks better than this

wow that seems like the least fun app, political discussion with people who disagree with you is extremely unpleasant.

I think OP's app is meant for debating not hugboxing.

is it free as in freedom?

if not, fuck off

is there a free android or something?

debating a person who thinks a man in a dress is a women, sure that'll be real intellectually stimulating. app would get 0 downloads

the main issue i have with this is being on a mobile device.
Sup Forums shames phoneposters because of the undeniable lesser quality of posts you can make on a phone. smaller keyboard, less space to write up actually decent posts, so you're incentivised to put less thought into them. i feel like the same issue arises here.

Thank you for furthering the Divide and Conquer of the people!
Wonder who could be behind this post...



Lmao there's more than enough commies on gee I don't need that, thanks tho

botney, honeypot, and potential for doxxing

So close

Most people are very close-minded about their polotical views. I think it's a good idea but since people are used to circle-jerk websites like Sup Forums and Tumblr it won't work too well.