Why is MacOS file manegement so useless?


t. Loonix user.


>not using terminal.app

Found your problem.

Why are you not using the Miller Column feature?

>tell it to show you all your files
>it shows you all your files
>why is it doing this

I mean seriously it's fucking unix! A crappy proprietary thing, but unix nonetheless.


Unix is and was proprietary too.


It's probably the best file management ever. The shortcut system is amazing.

You sound like a butthurt Winfaggot user.

>mac file system is still shit
what exactly did APFS fix then??

That has nothing to do with the filesystem. Are you retarded?

hmmm..maybe it is you who is retarded if you can't figure out how to navigate Finder

That's the first thing it shows when you open Finder. Why?

Because that's what you have Finder configured to show you when you open it

Because the defaults are for grandparents, the only remaining people on Earth unwilling to look in the preferences.

>Press delete
>File is neither deleted not moved to trash

>Press enter
>Selected file doesn't open
>Renames selected file instead

>Best file management every

>keybinds aren't exactly the same as what I'm used to
>this frightens and upsets me

>muh special snowflake os that does everything different to 99% of the market and even different to how the OS you stole your kernel from behaves

>t. mactoddler

I like how if you press space it shows you a preview. More file managers should do that.

>Literally no way to move a file from Finder
>Have to copy then delete, or use the terminal
>Terminal is your only option if you're moving a file too big to make another copy of

Well, you must recognize that the shortcut he's talking about are quite intuitive. I don't know how it works for mac but those one are quite straightforward and I can't see anything that would be better.

Finder is fucking retarded dude, it can't even merge folders properly.

>but it can with intuitive shortcuts
Yeah what you have to do, is hold "Option" while drag-dropping, then it unlocks a hidden merge option. So easy!

Oh but merging doesn't work if the timestamps on the folder you are moving are older, you can only merge NEWER folders into old ones. Other way around merge doesn't appear even when you hold option.

Stupid Apple. Failed at copying the interface that copied theirs.

mv folder1/* folder2/ && rm -rf folder1

Fuck yourself faggot retard.

This, I wish an X11 file manager had decent Miller column support

>Finder is fucking retarded dude, it can't even merge folders properly.

No shit I can manage all my files from the terminal if I want to. Point is that FINDER, the thing what we were actually discussing, can't.

install windows on it.....i mean... sell it. and buy faster pc.
problem solved.


Select the file you want to move and press Command-C. Then go to the location where you’d like to place the item and press Option-Command-V.

You literally have to press one more button than you do in Windows.

Or you can literally just click&drag the file to whatever directory you want to move it to.

God you people are fucking stupid.

So command-x isn't used by default... why?

>managing your project source code via os file system


What's wrong with it exactly?

Delete works for me on High Sierra. CMD + Backspace also works.

The enter thing is weird but can be fixed with xtrafinder.

UNIX/likes terminal is useful tho

sudo find / -name nop.txt

Lies, macOS hides system files by default, bait harder boi.

>special snowflake

The irony of linux users

because it's a product of Applel

Useless? Is the best right now

It's made for normies. Normies never download a directory full of source files. And they would never ever write one either.

So to them this is a useful feature... I guess...

>hold option
>shows more options

It's pretty decent but it has some retarded quirks like merging and retarded right click options. Dolphin is the best file manager by far; almost tempted to go back to KDE for it...



>need enter terminal command to show hidden files.

Maybe because you fucking configured it that way you turbo autist, I wonder

You gotta be fucking kidding me. I remember OS X 10.4 Finder having show hidden files feature.

Tell me why people like python and think it is easy and intuitive again.

They don't all use MacOS.

it's a naming convention like any other. And to be fair, who really uses terms like ""intuitive"" to describe programming languages? It is easy however. Fortran77-95 is easier however

you do realize you can configure that to not search particular folders so you don't wind up with py files and other non-sense garbage cluttering up the search results?

Found your problem.

>pretty deluxe compared to ios file manager.

rsync/alt(option) while moving files/xtrafinder/alternative file manager (maybe even one like nautilus under Xquartz)
defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles true && killall Finder

It just puts it at the top of the file list...the extra __ is to be symmetrical i guess

See I bought a Mac and ended up just dual booting Windows 7 and Debian on it because Mac OS X is a uesless meme. The file manager is retarded and OS X gets really shit battery life (Applel compensates by cramming in larger batteries). Overall the UI is just retarded an inefficient. I don't need a menu bar and a dock, I just need one unified taskbar. And what the fuck is up with the window controls? XCode is feces, iTunes and the crAppStore are dung, and Disk Utility couldn't even format my flash drive after updating to the latest version a couple of times. It's the farthest thing from a "just works" experience. Even installing Windows was horrible because apparently it won't let you boot Windows install media from USB on the 2011 MacBooks, only the optical drive. And it's 2017 so it's not like I have a bunch of DVDs laying around. I only have 700MB CDs from my retro machines and Windows 7 isn't going to fit on that. So I had to go to the store and get DVDs for the fucking thing. My ThinkPad from like 2006 doesn't even have this problem. Then, after installing it and downloading like 3GB worth of BootCamp drivers, I was finally able to install Windows and have all of the hardware work. But wait, there's more! It doesn't even detect MBR disks on a normal boot. So to even boot Windows 7 I have to hold the Option key every time to get to the EFI menu. I also installed Debian and it installed itself in UEFI mode so now I have to do the Option key thing to even get to GRUB, and GRUB doesn't detect Windows 7. GRUB doesn't even show up as that in the EFI menu either, I just get the options of internet recovery (to reinstall fagOS), and then "Windows" and "EFI boot". Such a pain in the ass just to use the operating systems I want.

"All My Files" is fucking useless, use literally any sorting, and make your default path /HD

>having a BSD like system
>using a grafical file manager

can you kill yourself? thats why macos and ubuntu fags should have their own board they are so fucking cringy.

don't use python

It's past your bed time, kiddo.

>he didn’t convert his disk to gpt in widows setup
Your own fucking fault


I did and it didn't boot at all.

Silly goy, stop using files. Just move everything to the (((cloud))).