Jon von Tetzchner: "People should worry about online data collection"

>Jon von Tetzchner, the co-founder of Opera and founder of Vivaldi, said the situation was already comparable to George Orwell’s dystopian novel ‘1984’, since “everyone is being followed and everyone’s information is being collected”.

>Lack of awareness of the amount of data harvested is “a perfect storm of a really bad idea,” he told Reuters at the Web Summit conference in Lisbon.





If he really cares, then why did he let Opera get bought out, gutted, and turned into just another skin for the botnet?

>37 years too late
You cannot beat them. Time to join them.

>already comparable to George Orwell’s dystopian novel ‘1984’
Well, they were acting on the information they were gathering in that book. Whereas IRL they are mostly just harrasing people, creating a bit of a chilling effect and going off half cocked.
But yeah, those in power show no signs of shying away from that future and there is nothing to stop them. For those in the industry who care it is too little too late. It's looking like a dystopian cyberpunk future after all.

So he could make Vivaldi.

he didn't like how Opera was only popular in Africa

Um, who cares?


retards don't fill out surveys and shit and companies need to find that nextgen super profitable service industry to fulfill the endless demands of a cancerous economic system.

mass data collection is a good thing if you want these things. it's basically neo-survey taking.

Holy shit

Jon von Tetzchner is a liberal-leaning cuckservative though.

Better than a jewgle or a soroszilla.

Friendly reminder that Jon and his (((lawyer))) father Michael have donated money to pro-refugee advocate groups in Norway, and that Jon tried to slander the anti-immigrant party with outright lies.

fuck off back to Sup Forums you brat

No shit?

Those words are hollow. Cuckerberg, Tim Cuck and Sunday Pitch eye can show themselves to the public in a trending video telling people not to trust them with any data at all and this won't stop. It's over, it's been over for long enough that undoing it will take at least 20 years if every single person on earth, including these corporates, try to fix it.

What's your problem?

Fuck off

Normies don't give a fuck about security or privacy. Their actions, purchases, and attitudes reflect this. They are the dominate share of the market and dominate purchasing power thus have dictated where the market goes. Were on the road/results of what occurs when idiots grow in number and are empowered by an economic system that rewards them.

He wasn't even supposed to be at work today

Butthurt replies show you are right,i didn't know about this.However considering he is from iceland i am not surprised.


The investors wanted more money and decided to ditch desktop browser despite being a testbed for presto. Fuck logic.


They could sell opera mini or the compressing technology to several firms. The other option was a chink botnet, now they are chink botnet too. Friendly reminder that opera mini (or turbo) could disable the chink firewall, so they may got triggered.