Is this socially acceptable behavior in your cunt?

Is this socially acceptable behavior in your cunt?

Me on the left

Me on the right

wtf dude that's my sister

Me with the camera

Me driving the car

me walking down the street in the background

I wish I was born a woman

>that's my sister
>not a kiwi
Nice try friend

WTF?, when did the webm display change?

I wish I were a girl so that I could be a lesbian tbqh

me in the trash can near the guy walking down the street in the background

don't we all

me in my apartment furiously masturbating

The feel is real

Me, the grand and holy sun, shining a strong glare upon the car windows


Why is lesbian kissing so hot, but lesbian porn is so boring?

Me stealthy fapping at the back


>kissing in public

They are in a car

>inside car


In my region (which is non-Russian) it is unacceptable to kiss in the public. I'm not even sayin' about this disgusting lesbian twats.

People will think that you are uncivilized barbarian if you will do that way.

If we are not talkin' about kissing in public, then this question has no sense at all. And it looks like they are in the bus, which is literally "in the public".

Tell us more about life in Grozny


Me the car they're riding in

Its been 30 minutes i already came but thanks anyway

Me under the car

Nice. Normies love homo shit, but incest still triggers them, so this is good, very good. I like triggering normies.

>And it looks like they are in the bus
No it doesn't. Please post a picture of a Russian bus you made me curious.

Me chasing the car

I was just blind. I really doesn't.

It's not Grozny, kek. It's not even Muslim region.

Are you a Buryat that wrestles bears in the middle of Siberia?

No. Try harder!

It's not, but nobody really cares, though


degeneracy: the thread

>M-muh degeneracy

Don't you have a containment board?

>girls watching and filming

muh dick

No, sorry.

the only unacceptable behavior is that they aren't kissing my penis

Yeah cause a webm of two sluts necking is real Sup Forums related, right? Try not to get so easily triggered.

yes, its even encouraged

Yeah, fags go on parade here in the city

It's perfectly alright in Mexico City and in at least middle class settings in other large cities. The whole country is not the Bajío...

There is a reason the cum shot is known as the money shot

>wake up in morning
>still big hairy man instead of a cute little girl

So actresses in lesbian porn earn less than regular ones?

Because they're just straight women pretending to be lesbians. They just act like disgusting straight sluts the whole time.

Dear porn people,
Please make lesbian porn more about love and truth.

This is extremely erotic behavior in my country.
If you will excuse me for a good hour.

Isn't that what "Blue is the Warmest Color" was?

they have drugs for that

Girls that kiss for attention with such passion usually have the crazy bitch trait.