Be me

>be me
>Been working since I was 14 for a carpentry and engineering company.
>Started working minimum wage but through the years I gain higher pay.
>By highschool I made $1,000 a week and when I graduated I made almost $2,000.
>Uncle pays for my university.
>I'm almost graduating and just right now the same company I'm working for will pay me $70 an hour to work for them as soon as I graduate.

Yes, I can't Wait until I'm done university, if only I had a girlfriend to enjoy this with.

Have you tried talking to any girls? How many in the last three months?

>working since I was 14
Mfw USA allows child labor
>if only I had a girlfriend to enjoy this with
His country doesn't even provides him a girlfriend

Why live in the US?

>family is paying for school when you're making that kind of money
You have no goddamn right to complain about literally fucking anything, you little shit. I make $250 a week and I pay for my own goddamn classes, rent, utilities, food, and insurance. And I'm still living with my parents.

All, but they all either have a boyfriend already or they aren't interested in having a relationship right now.
It sucks, because I could easily make $90 an hour in that company after maybe 2 or 3 years.
It's normal to work when you are young here it's free money, it's not forced either.
Sorry bro, didn't mean to offend

>child labor
We unironically have Mexican maids come and clean our house weekly who brought in a 9 year old to clean our bathrooms.

If I were you I would live simply, don't buy into the wife and 2 kids and 500k house meme. Don't splurge what you have, save up a bunch of money so you can retire early.

you will get a gf eventually user, I guess you're still in your 20s

That's disgusting. You're disgusting.

>Retire early
No, I'm probably going to start my own firm when I reach 50 or something. Hopefully I'll have a family by then.

Any girl on Sup Forums want me to fly you in? All you have to do is pretend to be my girlfriend in front of my mother and brothers so they stops bantering me.

Hey I don't support it but it's not like there much I can do to stop it.

not him but she prob had no childcare or other people to look out for the kid and school's out so she brought her kid w/ her to work. LETTING the kid work is bad though, v bad. shoulda let them chill in the van w snacks n the radio on

>it's not forced either.
Sure, young people aren't easy to manipulate.
They are 100% aware about their choices and actions.

That's why 99% of Rich countries, except USA apparently, protect them.

Young people are like grown up people. responsible.
Thanks for the moral, America.

What are you on about, I was begging to get a job when I was 14 so I could buy new shoes, and it prepares us for the grown up life, this why European people live with their parents their entire life.

Not him but it's actually illegal in America for kids to work until 16. Unless the kid has farmer parents who have him help and shit there's some exceptions. Personally I think you shouldn't be allowed to work until 18 though.

Kek your delusional. You should have just enjoyed childhood. I got a job at 17 and deeply regret that. Basically like throwing away the last year of childhood. You have your entire life to work.

low quality thread 2bh

if you make 2500 weekly, good for you, go annoy /biz/, why are you on Sup Forums

if you don't, y yu tell lies on the internet

Well, It's the same thing here, just you can't really work at 16 ( It's restricted).
It's just to have an experience in jobs.

Yes. I'm not sure what all the restrictions are but I know there are a wide variety of things you aren't allowed to do until 18. How about farmers and shit there can they be made to help on the farm with stuff?

Off the top of my head, under 16 can't be employed in a position that handles large sums of money, alcohol, or hazardous materials; cannot work more that 20 hours a week, cannot operate heavy machinery, and cannot work more than 4 hours total of overtime a week.

Basically the only jobs they're allowed to work are things like bagging groceries, mowing lawns, delivering pizza, or odd jobs.