Explain yourselves, Spaniards

explain yourselves, Spaniards

She's ugly as fuck so she had to make up for it by being a really good athlete.

What else is there to say?

wew lad

What do we need to explain?

puto yanki

You told us you were all black.

Do they really give out chocolate medals at the olympics? Is it just a placeholder and they send you the real one in the mail?


Que hablas desgraciado

t. Alberto Barbosa

northern spain? because that's what many spaniards say when asked about the whole iberian peninsula getting cucked by ahmed and the gang and only white ones live in the north

she has pretty eyes

i cried when she hugged her dad in the stands

Blonde hair and clear eyes are a common trait among berber genetics. Of course african berbers have a shitton of arab blood so not really show in them (some do thought), but even with that you can CLEARLY see in his facial features that she's iberian and not white.

>northern spain?

actually the northwest is the area most genetically enriched by semitics

oh well, they were a bunch of liars then

hol up hol up hombre, so you be sayin' you've got much kike admixture in you...damn!!! i've been lied to by many manolos, they swore in God's name that spanish people just got enriched by ahmed. Fucking liars

>northern spain?

This is a meme.

Spain is genetically very similar, but there are minorities like the girl in the picture, women like the pic you can see them the in entire peninsula.

You can also see people with Moor face, redheads and everything you can imagine. But all these people together does not represent even 10%, the rest are like the pic (90%), the problem is when you think that memes are real, then we have surprises.

back in these times, jewish and moors were racially the same

Here are more Latinos than Muslims, If you remove those who are registered in Ceuta and Melilla Latinos are twice.

but from where? as far as i know the only place the more fucked up ones from here are cucking are burgerland, you're too far away, and given how fucked up things have gotten here, it'd be natural a hostile response to it (fucking sad that long ago we were just poorfags, but at least peaceful poorfags, now you've got violent poorfags running amok messing with peaceful poorfags...sad as fuck)


Colombia, Perú, Bolivia, Ecuador y Paraguay.

Aquí no llegan casi mexicanos si es lo que te preocupa, más allá de los memes la población tiene buena imagen de vosotros, os tienen como los pesados de youtube y ya, pero de los países nombrados tenemos una imagen horrible dado que solo nos vienen gente de clase baja, sin modales o educación podrías venir y lo máximo que te dirían es "¿No te da miedo vivir con todos los carteles?" "¿Eres de esos pesados de Internet?" "¡Ay el mariachi!" y fin, pero si fueras de los ya nombrados dirían algo en plan en su mente "Joder, otro puto sudaca".

by that argument algeria is nordic

is too much visible...moors

wew, que bueno, ya con todo el alud de mierda que se nos ha venido encima con todos esos psicópatas y chicanos jodiendo, me dije: ¿también España? no, no puede ser...hagan que pare, por favor, ya no más.

Typical Spanish, Valencia



t. valenciano

Por que siempre abren hilos sobre nosotros los putos chicanos de mierda

>usa la palabra chicano

t. chicano in denial

Argentina is White!!!!

Pero que me importa la puta blancura ami y lo que piense un paleto americano

Typical Argento...

Son el prototipo de Argentino medio

poshh osh me habeish pintao la cara madre mia, menudosh negrosh zomosh los zudacash tio jjajajajajajjj

de donde viene el meme de sh?

de rajoy?

Tu eres blanco,eres el pelao de la derecha...



we are moors and shieeeet,

fuck you hans



I'm a cute boy of french normand descent...and pais vasco from my mom's side.

Of course I don't like being associated with 5pa1n




reggaeton master

Pasa muchas horas al sol...que es diferente

mas bien lokita


Where is "others" slice?

>Of course I don't like being associated with 5pa1n
the with your people, they live in a poor shithole , and they fight each other with machetes , fucking sudaca.

we feel shameful when people in europe associated spain with sudamerica.

Un Argentino sin su Fernet y su Choripan...como que lo es menos

>knowing excatly what is Jewish and North-african dna
>Iberian is everything (Celtic, Germanic, Iberian)
Seems like a crappy study.
A lot of DNA in Iberia comes from Carthage, a nation of Phoenicians and North Africans. Not to mention that Phoenicia and Judea are neighboring countries with the same genetics, and that North Africans, Phoenicians and Jews are all Semites.

fite me

and when spain is associated with reggaeton, cumbia ...wtf nobody likes this music in Spain.is for negros and mestizo mierda in sudamerica.

che gallego bajá un cambio jajajakkkssskja

deja de ser tan iluso y de pasarle la pelota de mierda a otros, sal un poco a la calle y vislumbra la maravillosa juventud que tenemos, tu queridos españoles cien por cien puros de pata de jabugo se pasan la noche emborrachandose, bailando reggaeton y con el unico objetivo en la vida de terminar como tronistas o en gandia shore

aceptalo. se te terminaran los jarros de agua fria.

pero es la mierda de cultura que han importado los putos sudamericanos...cuando los neo nazis de la falange pegan aun puto sudaca es que me siento mejor.

En poco tiempo más, los guisos bolivianos, colombianos y los platos peruanos pasarán a ser la comida de default del pais de España.

Los españoles se retiran en silencio de los sitios adonde llegan masivamente amerindios. Las mujeres europeas se rinden ante los amerindios tanto fisica como mentalmente.

Ocupar territorio, las principales ciudades, es garantía de triunfo futuro. Retirarse al barrio cerrado para no toparse con amerindios es señal de derrota y garantía de extinción como grupo nacional.

Italia y su derrotada raza sera la proxima.

No, tranquilo, con vosotros todo bien. Ahora se os tiene asco por la obsesión con la onda vital, pero no pasa de allí.

que asco me dais los que sois incapaces de afrontar los problemas y haceis como un niño pequeño y señalais a otro

que falta nos hace un buen franco que coja a los niñatos como tu, les de una azada y os ponga a hacer algo por primera vez en tu vida, a ver si asi coges algunos morales y valores.

I've spent a lot of time in Spain and loads of you speak like this. My ex from Girona spoke like this.

Spanish blood alone is too horse faced but Spanish+a little Native American=qt


explain yourselves, frogs

I don't understand your meme image, I'm just telling you the truth of my experiences. Spanish people I've met (Madrid, Barcelona, Elche, Valencia, Majorca) tend to pronounce s with a whistly kind of sound that sounds like a sh.

Spaniards are the worst posters on int


+1 Spain = Autism.


they self hate to fuck and then if you try to join in they go all mental self defence mode. cannot handle the banter at all

Friegaplatos, la proxy fuera.

Worst of all is that the few spaniards that posted in 2012/2013 weren't bad at all. But now that there are more it's just shit.

People forced the memes too much to try to be cool, then the newfags followed them.
So they ruined everything.

mi espanol no es bueno pero tu madre es una puta amigo

Me hiciste reír.

:) bien

your ex-girlfriend is a puta-friegaplatos, she needed money and got a drunked brit in UK she meanwhile was escort in london.

hahahaha fucking kek

she isnt iberian, she is germanic

>she meanwhile was escort in london.
meanwhile she was escort in london.

Nope, she was studying here on an Erasmus program at my university :)


but she needed money lad.

is the fact

she was far from london mate, bit economically non-viable for her to be travelling to london as an escort

Italy or Spain,which is whiter?

for me Spain is more evenly distributed while Italians have really moors people in the sicily area and germanic tier in the north

>germanic tier
>anywhere in italy


that's a visigoth rape baby leftover, pic related, gothic and berber heritage
