What is wrong with white people?

What is wrong with white people?

Honestly like your whole history is stepping on others but you act the saviour.

There are so many native cultures that were better off before you

Don't worry m8, they're committing cultural suicide and letting immigrants run free because deep down they feel guilty.

Where you one of them? Like were your ancestors Native to New Zealand?

"White people" aren't a single entity

>There are so many native cultures that were better off before you
What are you implying? Because judging from the readiness of West Africans to put entire neighboring kingdoms to slavery, the Aztecs violently assimilating neighboring tribes, and the ever constant struggles of the mongol hordes to subjugate the people of Siberia, Eastern and Western Asia, India, and Eastern Europe, every human group has been attempting to stomp out those whom impede their desires.
"White people" aren't any more different than any of the world's other previous cultures of subjugation and and destruction of "natives."

Except, of course, that "White people" have at least attempted to stop that ancient practice, whereas the rest of the world continues to squabble over such trivial, nonsensical notions of cultural, racial, or religious supremacy.

>Falling for the australian bait
Good job you fucking burgers.

White piipru did nothing wrong except that they didn't release elderscroll 6 yet.

We were doing what everyone else in the world has been doing for the past 4000 years. At least we weren't as bad as the Mongols. It's only very recently where traditional empires have died out.

>Moriori are the indigenous people of the Chatham Islands (Rēkohu in Moriori, Wharekauri in Māori), east of the New Zealand archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. These people lived by a code of non-violence and passive resistance (see Nunuku-whenua), which made it easier for Taranaki Māori invaders to nearly exterminate them in the 1830s.

all humans are cunts, we just happened to have the best tech for the last 500 years

Please don't associate our race with bad video game series

If they were better than us we wouldn't have been able to conquer them.

Fug me dis burden of civilising de sabages is heaby :DDDD


nigga you probably play undertale or some faggot shit lmao

I like how minorities always make it sound like white people are some kind of invader aliens and that white natives do not exist.

>Skyrim wasn't bad
lmaoing @ ur life

>better off before you
>primitive beliefs

>implies that catholic/protestant whites = all whites
>projects his own inferiority complex

Fuck off. We didn't use any black slaves, neither did any slavs for their vast majority. This is germanic-anglo-saxon-scandinavian-romanian thing which you project on everyone, because you're insecure faggots atm.
I don't share your retarded guilt and give zero fucks about it.

Glad Russia had no African colonies or any retarded colonies like that, so now we didn't turn into masochistic faggots.

>didn't turn into masochistic faggots
kek middle asians fuck russia girls left and right, imprgnate and dump them. and we pay them to do it

also slavs are not white

Yea, I am so not white, that I have to use a prime grade sunlight protection creme not to get fucking burned.

You're fucking retarded if you honestly believe that, just look around yourlself and try visiting 'white' countries.
If Italians, Spanish, Finns are considered 'white' so are slavs, because they are paler than arab-looking Italians/Spaniards and have less mongolian facial atributes than Finns.
Try staying abroad for a while, without resorting to your retarded logic and think in terms of comparison.

As far as I am concerned no one fucks with Mid-Asians, but at least with people from North Caucasus, for Mid-Asians being masculine is a meme.

Don't live be the memes, try going outside at least once a week and maybe travelling abroad. Because it appears to me that you're just an insecure teenager

>Central Asians fucking Russians
nothing new

Heroes are often monsters. Monsters often think of themselves as heroes.

The problem with white people recently is that we need to mind our own business. We're either about to learn that lesson or about to nuke the whole planet to death.

Stay tuned in the next few years when President Trump kills everybody.

>have less mongolian facial atributes than Finns
nice memes. average finn looks nothing like mongols, they have no mongoloid features (inb4 some cherrypicked photos)

well maybe you're right about caucasians, it's mostly them who get paid to use and impregnate ethnic russian girls. ok, i partially agree.
and 'white' is a state of mind, origin and being related to a white nation. ryuzge will never be white and have never been white

So you guys are cucks just like the west?