Why do Americans live under the assumption that they are fundamentally different from Europeans?

Why do Americans live under the assumption that they are fundamentally different from Europeans?

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Because you laugh at us when we identify ourselves as European diaspora

the worse part is that they unironically believe they're not as cucked as the western euros

Causes one to concern

the similar things that we do share non-europeans share as well

European identity is based upon culture and race. American identity is based upon shared values.

Why do Europeans live under the assumption they are fundamentally the same and should be tied together by a monolithic bureaucracy in Brussels?


make up your fuckin minds """""allies""""""""""""

>Burger in Leaf Land


Cause y'all are some weak faggots and we do just fine on a completely different continent.

>Country where Donald "Fuck Muslims" Trump get the Republican Nomination

We go where ever we please syrup scum.


>he believes Donal Trunks will win

Europeans are usually the ones who try to pretend we don't live in similar societies.

As a Minnesotan I can honestly say a wall separating Canada and the USA can bring nothing but good. As it seems you feel the same leaf man, please petition your government immediately.

Because we ate

sorry meant *are

>mfw hillary will win and "she" will bully nationalistic yuropoor countries

Minnesota is ours, Nice try Dakotan scum

because their veins seethe with majestic, strong black-bull blood


It's ridiculous to "play the German" when you never went there and know nothing about Germany in fact--but doesn't change the fact you are an ethnic European speaking a European language, with European values (or we could say "Western"), etc.

You mean, non-Europeans are white too???

There is no "European identity" per se, as absolutely no one "feels European" before feeling Italian or Swedish. And what the fuck are those mysterious "shared values" the rest of the world can't have? What if there's an American citizen that doesn't share these values? Does he become automatically Canadian or what?

Why do (some) Americans get so passive-aggressive when questioned about Americanness?

Good memes, but I doubt any foreigner would be able to determine if you're American or "just British" (or maybe Australian? Irish?) by seeing and hearing you.

Minnesota bro here, we are Canada jr.

I don't think that is going to be the biggest problem 2bh, but the polls says she's winning with 80% or something like that

Canada is America jr



No, more reliable polls came out

The polls can be very wrong, and typically underestimate the power of rednecks.

That's why the Brexit was supposed to be rejected by a comfortable margin.

>It's ridiculous to "play the German" when you never went there and know nothing about Germany in fact
Not him but I've been and have family there and I'm interested in German history. I also speak a little German. However, I only talk about it if people ask what I am.

yeah maybe, but at this point I think that whoever wins we're fucked anyway, the only thing I wait from this election is the memes

Lol cuz I'm black and Europe was a racist shithole to me. Also, I live near a bunch of German transplants and they are probably the least assimilated immigrants I know. Literally hanging around their lawn and walking down the street everyday like they on a Paris boulevard. Americans don't do that shit

Bunk. Hillary is not popular with anybody except old desiccated feminists and Muslims. There is very low energy and enthusiasm from the Democrat base and she's just going to be rolled over like a carpet ala Jimmy Carter in 1980.

>Literally hanging around their lawn and walking down the street everyday like they on a Paris boulevard. Americans don't do that shit
White Americans do. I'll trade you some of the Beaners near me for the Krauts

I work for Fox News and we literally lol all day at people like you

>t. increasingly nervous man

Europeans get bothered when we act European, and then they get mad when we try to develop our own identity

You know well as I do that Americans keep the front lawn pristine and use the back for BBQ the pool and what have you. These Germans were sitting out front in Adirondack chairs and in Georgia lol. They learnt pretty quick and took the chairs in last month.

Why are kanadians in this thread?

Not at all. It's that Americans can never do anything in moderation that bothers us.

Why do Europeans refuse to let Americans have any sort of association with Europe?

He never said Trump would win

Addressing the first point you made to the american poster.

I think that if you speak a different language than your ancestors it is ridiculous to identify with them before identifying with your linguistic patrimonie.

Americans should not think of themselves as of "german" or "italian" heritige, but rather as belonging to an (european ovia English or Spanish) creole of various European, Asian, African and Amerindian components.

To draw it out, I am of English ancestry, but despite that because I speak french I see myself as belonging to a principally french Creole culture.

So yeah, American (and by that i mean both continents sauf bolivia and peru) culture is effectively a european culture (grâce à linguistics) and therefore Americans are european in the sense than reunionnais or icelanders are.

Fuck off to Canada then

Maybe you should just stop giving a fuck what we think of ourselves. It makes you come across as standoffish when we can't do anything without drawing criticism

Never post again

i've been there (as a Canadian) and I think of it as 1/2 American, 1/4 Canadian, and 1/4 Scandinavian

There's a fuck load of German influence there

>Maybe you should just stop giving a fuck what we think of ourselves

There's alot of Scandinavian influence here and many of my peers have a WE WUZ VIKINGS mentality, but there's more German and just as much Irish influence here.


>American identity is based upon shared values.

Says probably the most self-oriented western culture on the planet.

I'm African-American

I live in a small town in Minnesota, we have heritage days celebration every year where everyone waves their Norwegian and Swedish flags

Is it true that Minnesota english has some Swedish and Norwegian words in it?

When I was there, I asked a lot of gas station operators and whatnot, but they all just said "IDK I am somali and moved here 5 years ago" or "I'm from Wisconsin."

I'm sorry to hear that

sounds like you guy speak with a swedish accent tbqh




Not really, but we may use the English words derived from Old Norse more due to a lack of filling our speech with lots of slang and fancy words.

Not at all, we speak using alot of "ers" and putting a little more emphasis on "o" than need be.

because we are

you euros always complain about american tourists acting like outcasts and weirdos when we visit, yet thats what americans are like.

Dutch tourists are weirdos too (cool weirdos though), not even talking about those damned Brits.

Doesn't make them non-European.

In a way, my point still stands if you're a black American. USA is not the only Western country with blacks.

Who could tell this gentleman isn't an African-American, but an African-British?

It's kinda strange isn't it my suburban town of 8,000 has much more Irish and German blood but prides its self over the Scandinavian blood more.

Is this opposite day

American tourists are regarded as some of the best in the world, though

becuse 10/10 threads a day are full of euros telling us we are
also because we are


Then why the fuck do you speak a European language? And why do you look like a European?

I thought people would sit on their porch/front of the house in the Southern US?

because we were a european colony 300 years ago

a lot changes in 300 years

America has long been its own culturally unique thing. But I think the cultural separateness is an anglo mentality as well - the Brits regard themselves as different to other European countries and they're much closer to the European Mainland and European influence than the US.

Because we used to be a British colony and took in a shit load of inmigrants from Europe.

I remember one time saying the US was very much like Europe and was called a retarded American for it. I have literally never met a more bitter group of people.

>he thinks Dolan isn't a Democrat false flagging

Merkel is considered a Conservative by the German youth (don't try to deny this, I lived in the Pfalz and I heard it from them). In America she's more liberal than Bernie Sanders. If that's not evidence enough I don't know what is.

“The acquisition of Canada this year, as far as the neighborhood of Quebec, will be a mere matter of marching; & will give us experience for the attack of Halifax the next, & the final expulsion of England from the American continent.” - Thomas Jefferson, 1812


We did fail to force England out, but that quote came before Monroe's presidency and the Monroe doctrine

"Europeans" is too broad a thing. Countries in Europe have differences between each other, as does the US with other countries. Hungary is different from Sweden, Sweden is different from the UK, the UK is different from Spain, Spain is different from the US. The USA is obviously leagues closer to the UK than it is to say, Bosnia or Moldova, which are also European.

We are obviously a European colony, specifically British, but we also have things that are fairly unique (or most popular here and Canada), like Basketball, Baseball and Thanksgiving, that provides local cultural flavor

Haha what a noob TJ was

Oi cuckboy. Get out of your philosophical circle jerk. Being American is about making sure that Canada and America doesn't end up being a third world hell hole like our southern neighbors. Occasionally we step into other countries who are being ridiculous little heathens and rough them up to make them leave us be.

The war of 1812 would have been a victory had congress shilled out the money for a larger army and the army leadership spent more time planning.

Because we are. What our culture is based on is fundamentally different than what yours is. You had colonies and when shit got too hot you guys pulled back to your home countries. We are colonies that became a country and had to face unique challenges that you'd never appreciate or truly grasp because they don't exist within your collective consciousness.

We are different, but we still like you even if all you ever do is shit on us. We would die for you in a heartbeat, but you could care less about us.

You are the selfish assholes of the relationship while we are the ride or die niggas who will shoot a nigga.

You go wherever you can fit*, lardo

We are fundamentally different. In the US there some people with traditional values.

In Europe the only religious people are Muslims. Everyone else are liberal hipsters in "open relationships" and atheist virgins. Sex roles and nuclear families are extinct there.

Nice sentiment except for the last bit. Using Nigga unironically is just trashy. At least say ally. Have some respect for your linguistics

shut the fuck up faggot.

Not him but it's not like the Canadians are much skinnier

We are not fucking European

We're not even similar to Brits

I've been all around England and the people and culture and everything is so vastly different that it's hilarious for anyone to say we're European in any way at all. The people are fucking weird there

Have you ever been here?

I thought we'd have more in common with brits but even they have outdated and superstitious beliefs about genital hygiene.

Tell that to Georgia.

>Who could tell this gentleman isn't an African-American, but an African-British?
Look at his teeth.


Regardless of Trumps ability to win, the fact that he has got so far show that a large portion of Americans aren't multicultural cuckbois like Sweden

Popularity and energy don't matter in the real world. What matters is casting a ballot.

Trump supporters love him, cool. They're high-energy, cool. But there are nowhere near enough of them to win an election.

I don't think that American and European values are that different, but I do think that being a country founded in colonialism and immigration gives new world countries a somewhat different worldview than Euros. We're just the loudest about proclaiming these differences.

Trump's popularity says nothing about the US other than how many stupid fucking rednecks and contrarian nerds we have

Nope, every poll has Hillary at least 9 percent higher.

And what makes a poll "more reliable" in your eyes?

>Popularity and energy don't matter in the real world
This is something a low energy cuck would say. RINO's said the same thing and he won the Republican nominee.

On election day, Berniecucks will be too high, Mexicans will all be taking a siesta and women and millennials will be too busy posting on Twitter/Facebook to vote.

To be fair, using only the picture without any context, one could also suppose that he is a native African as well.