Sup Forums right now

>a brit pretending to be black and cuckposting
What went wrong?


that's nothing, it's very common to see:

>trap posting
>gay posting
>pedo posting
>cuck posting
and else shit

Generals. Seriously, that shit is /soc/ tier and it should be confined there.

american posting hours
Sup Forums is always awful at this time

euros will start waking up in 3 hours or so and then the board will start being great again

I don't think you know what they word means

>this is why euros actually believe

>euro hours
>a bunch of generals appear for each and every irrelevant euro shithole

>a brit pretending to be black

Don't worry lad, it's Oceanic hours in a bit

he's right though





>cuck posting

That really sums it up. I can deal with the other shit.

The memes went to far.


Fuck I hate my life

When does Africa wake up and how does that influence the board?

We're waiting on more Africans to post

What went right?


Alright, link me to some quality threads you lads have up that are currently being ignored. I bet most of you shitpost on your country's general yet complain about the board being shit.
Face it, Sup Forums is fucking dead. Between Sup Forums and /his/ what the fuck do we even have anymore? Nothing. It's not going to get better.