Take a picture of your bedroom window

Take a picture of your bedroom window

Let's see where Sup Forums lives.
>Pic related

are you that english teacher that's been popping up recently?


Very comfy OP

Pic isnt bedroom though its dinner room

Pretty much.

Americans always have amazing gardens and yards full of greenery.


Birch trees and little bit of blue sky.

Take a pic

Going for a jog, Cheers China.

i like this


>those binoculars

Who are you spying on OP?


Where is this?

Office workers


>mfw living in front of a famous building in vienna and I could get tracked down easily

Hallo du Schluchtenscheisser

Ja heil

new zealand

It's night so the streetview should do

3 pm

3am in Manhattan


me too friendo

americans really do have some of the nicest scenery. I love this country but due to its climate our main tree is the eucalyoptus, a dull green that looks like shit. We'll never have that lush green country look, always just a washed out dry treeline.

Somewhere by the Oslofjord

yeah this will do

việt nam đẹp lắm

why is your image quality so poor? Bad internet or simply bad camera?

Serious question

Hey it's yung gatsby!

How goes the restaurant?

Viets can't afford smartphones. They still use flip phones.

Bad camera, shitty photobooth app in-browser cause fuck you, plus its starting to rain

yo i don't work there anymore. sold out my share. but I am opening a little burger joint in the small town I live in now which will be fun cause they've never tried an american burger. atm i do PR and manage English teachers for a company that sends them to public schools and runs centers. I also teach ofc and i'm working on a long-term project to turn our flagship school into kind of a western culture center. gonna have my burger stand out front, coffee shop up on top, a cheap English club/tutoring group for the public school kids, gonna be awesome. love this job man, love small-town VN too. partying with gangsters and shit in đà nẵng was great but this is a real career for me, very fulfilling to be making a difference here. it's way different from the big city and my Vietnamese is getting dope from living here. i'm kind of a local celebrity which is a blast.

thanks for asking

How much do english teachers get paid in vietnam?

I'm curious, how did you end up living in Vietnam? Did you start out as an English teacher and eventually branch out to restaurants?

wow, very interesting, hope it goes well for you mate and hope you get a better camera

How are you guys not afraid? Whenever I write something personal about myself I imagine some kind of secret services bursting in and fucking my shit up


Hate to know what your paying for that, Ching dong wang.

it gets easier when you realise just how much info they already have on you. They know youre posting here right now

nigga please i'm on that điện thoại tập đá shit. means "ice breaker phone," you can throw this motherfucker out a window no problem.

fucking flip phone get out of here ho
the fuck i look like to you, doctor spock?

We pay fourteen USD per hour to native speakers. The bigger centers in the city pay eighteen to twenty-two per hour but the cost of living pretty much evens that out. This is actually a prime spot for English teachers cause they pay wages competitive with more developed countries but living here is absurdly cheap. I am an extremely wealthy man by local standards.

I started out in the restaurant business which is a long story but when I really committed to living here forever I wanted a career where I could stand on my own two feet despite being foreign. Now I'm getting into other small business stuff again because my Vietnamese is only recently good enough for that. That being said I take the education stuff seriously, it's not just a stand-in job that pays the bills. Before I had a bilingual partner who basically did all the work, and I was just a pretty white guy.

Cheers, gotta go but thanks for thinking of me.

Finnish suicide flat scenery

v nice mate

really thick dark forest weirds me out, we don't really have that here

seeI think its a real shame that we dont, it think it looks wonderful. So lush and fresh compared to our driedoutperfectfuelforabushfire wilderness.

We are surrounded by thick forests and I love it. Even cities are covered with forests, they look more natural and cozy.

3rd world shithole reporting. Thanks god I'm leaving in 10 days.

why and where to

to the other side
t. knower

what car?

Novosibirsk, going to uni this year.

Sorry for forth world retirement lawn.

Actually pretty envy on American lawn. Comfy af.

multistory apartment blocks


- you are fapping to naked girls, aren't you OP ?

Stay away from Novosibirsk you nigger

If I'm a nigger, then you're a nigger too, since we're both Russians. Or are you hach or churka ?


>we're both Russians
>t. Oktynbek Maktibekov

>something somethingov

his story checks out, subhuman russian confirmed

Not really my bedroom but you get the idea

Ignorant rooster, you're one of those low-class dumbasses that think only Kazakhs live here.
Also, there was a real Kazakh (by ethnicity) girl going to the same faculty. Some Russian guy born in Russia with low EГЭ score could've passed in this university at the and of the ratings, but he didn't and goes to army instead, because that Kazakh girl from Kazakhstan was there.
Feel mad, pidorashka ?

Damn, whats keeping you in vietnam? China is a pretty cool place too and you could earn more money.

Why can't you japs hide all these wires underground? Is this asian thing?

>Feel mad, pidorashka ?
I am very very angry

>subhuman russian confirmed
Following your logic all Ashkenazi Jews are honorary Aryan.

wait, do you have EГЭ also?

earthquakes, my friend.

1.high cost
2.a lot of earth quakes

Kitchen view. A bit messy i know..

how cold at the winter there?
These large windows retain enough heat?

it can get a bit below -10c but we only use this place as a summer house so im rarely here during winter.

>three or four layer glasses
>enough money to pay electric bills
That's how you survive winter in Nordic countries

Where is this

new zealand i'm using roaming data so it shows as australia


get out cheeky cunt


Nothing cheeky (not that finnish rapper), it's the truth!

look at your hair bruh you're not even white, most likely ABC

no thanks, fuck you very much. i studied abroad in beijing when I was twenty-one and it was awful.

>fresh, diverse cuisine made from only the freshest ingredients, eating and drinking are the number one pastimes for vietnamese
>gorgeous women, a mix of GOAT southern chinese genes and bootylicious austronesian jungle monkey tna
>friendliest people alive, making friends is the best part of a vietnamese person's day
>culture very different from ours but with very recognizable mannerisms and displays of emotion that make them more "human" than other asians
>most beautiful place i have ever seen
>language is elegant, easy, and fun to speak

>food is made of grease, sewage, and plastic
>han majority, worst women in asia, like wooden boards with pimples
>their idea of socializing with strangers is a creepy ten minute robot stare
>still clinging to confucian bullshit that makes them think and act like bees or ants
>local sights are straight out of blade runner
>pants on head retarded writing system and clunky grammar, speech sounds like a snake that's been stepped on

I'll stick with VN, thanks. Try visiting sometime and you'll never want to leave. It's fucking paradise. Plus they're down with America now and I am American. I don't want to live somewhere that's currently deploying battleships against my country's navy.

nah it's just dirty, i'm full potato on both sides of my family,

Queenstown is beautiful, lucky guy.

Probably rode past your place last year

i live in the mountain areas. weather is pretty fucking hot, but overall it's pretty nice place to live.

>doesn't recognize those casinos

Las Vegas obviously

How much does a nice, quiet piece of clay like that cost?

you're paying, what. probably 5000 RMB to live in the downtown area? Your job only pays 15k and you have to commute to Yangpu?

top lel, you dun fucked up faggot.

Didn't you say you used to teach English in both China and Vietnam, and the Viet students were much more nicer and pleasant than the hellion brat chinese subhuman kids?

depends really. The house I have rn with land costed around €45-50,000 excluding renovations. for what you get, it's quite cheap.

>tfw living first floor
I recently put on some frosted glass foil thing so I can at least have the blinds up and get some sunlight without having the whole street staring into my room
only took me 4 years LOL vitamin D here i come

€50,000 wouldn't get you anything here.

I'm been considering moving somewhere more quiet for a while. Things are getting very cramped here.
Portugal isn't too big of a change culture and climate wise so it seems like a good choice.

I'll be driving to over there and Spain too next March to look at a couple of places and test the job market.

Any areas you recommend?

Humid as fuck out there
The mesh stole my autofocus

Sapore vero

Actually 3500 rmb in a shared flat. Living downtown is bretty nice.

Austria is pretty cool



I would recommend the Castelo Branco region for the living experience. I'm not too sure about the job market around here, as I'm still a student, but I see a lot of the wealthy people come from the big cities (Lisboa, Porto etc).

fuark. what state? thats awesome i wish i lived there.

that view is awesome OP

No, I took it in Omsk

if you want mountain, calm, and forest check arouca, those small villages around Oliveira do Hospital on google maps

I mounted my wide angle for this thread, fml

Do you live in north of France?