Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums
I am a Spaniard with Mediterranean skills ready to migrate to Germany. I am a little worried about the refugee situation. After reading Sup Forums, it seems it is a shithole, anyone from Germany can confirm if it is like that?

Yeah, everything you read on here is the absolute truth. Just stay where you are, your climate is better anyways

Never go outside your home. It's full of dangerous people.

MOre than 25% unemployment is not good.

no it is bullshit. germans are pretty swarthy themselfs. nobody would notice a difference.


Your answer does not make sense to me.

nobody cares about you. come.

2nd gen diaspora, I'm interested in visiting Germany anytime soon too. Bump.

>Mediterranean skills

Like what? Containing Cyprus?

I don't know men. It's not a shithole but also not paradise. Just today I took the elevator in a subway station in Munich because my gf has a leg-injury. To the elevator you have to walk through an small corridor which smells incredible strong like piss. It really burns your nose. Waiting for the elevator two black men came around the corner and peed against the wall.

Thats just one example of things I encounter on a daily base. Trains are dirty and smelly as well (even before the refugee crysis). Weather is shit, even it's in the middle of summer now it rains nonstop and you have to wear a jacket. For me it's ok, but for you it might be a problem. It's depressive sometimes.

In winter never expect any train to be punctual. Usually they are late 30 - 60 minutes. People are not so friendly, have a shit taste in fashion (but who cares about that) and they enjoy eating kebab or smelly fast food in trains.

Food is shit as well compared to other countries.

And there are millions of more annoying things. I traveled for 5 months through south-east Asia and had no problems.. then I arrived in a Berlin hotel and the bed was full of bedbugs.

What keeps me here however: Long paid holiday, job security, free education and metal festivals.

thats good. post, i can confirm.

I know the problems that you might find in Germany, but I want to know if it is a shithole ruled by hordes of Muslims as they say. If not, I don't care, Metal, grim weather and bratwurst are good for me. I hate Spain's summer.

>shithole ruled by hordes of Muslims as they say.
it is a meme.

Not ruled by muslims. They are everywhere but they don't rule anything.

I will move there too
I want to steal in german stores and pay debt with their money.

And get welfare and benefics of course

Apart from some streets in Berlin or Duisburg but this

Manolo cuando llegues allí te empezarán a decir España? Ole! Fiesta, siesta, corrupción, desempleo y allí eres un manlet como la mayoría de españoles.

Por cierto allí el panchito eres tu

Sure, you are one of those dirty gypsies who does the same thing in Spain. Thanks to people like you I have to go to another country. fucktard

np, come anyway. we dont care actually.

I am not gypsi, I am from Extremadura, I don't care them, unemployment welfare will stop at october and then I move to Germany and get welfare.

Al menos allá funcionan las cosas, no como acá, que ya no damos para más. Terceras elecciones y sin gobierno perdoname pero si, prefiero ir a hacer de panchito allá que quedarme en este país caótico.

Of course I will do, really I dont want to Learn german.

acá? Eres un puto panchito fuera de aquí

HAHAHAJAKJAKAK fucking sudaca.

Tome mis dies

Move to Germany sudaca

Spaniard? If you are a fucking sudaca

Te delataste, puto pancho

You mad, bro?

Allá, acá? un español dice aquí? O allí? De donde eres del Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador?


>I am a Spaniard with Mediterranean skills ready to migrate to Germany

He is from sudamerica, many sudacas say that they are spanish.

you dont need to. just come. we neeed loots of people.

it is boring here, we want to see something.

Enjoy your spanish citizen my sudaca friend

i liked the food there, i stayed in hamburg for a month years ago

Butthurt Spaniard...

Even worse. That just means another brownskin to roam around without bothering to assimilate

Why do you say that you are Spaniard when you are from sudamerica!?are you idiot?

Fucking amerindian

I am enjoying my citizenship a lot. But it is true, Spain is full of lazy retards...

Yeah you are a fucking sudaca,.

First your people come here and get spanish citizenship and then move to uk, France etc.

And you are not Spaniard, you are a filthy indio from our ex-colonies

En Alemania se trabaja, en España no. Aquí son todos vagos y mantenidos, viven con sus padres hasta los 30.

t. 87% Indios 4% Conquistador 9% Pardo


Yeah Sure but you are a fucking indio, thats is different. Always

Esto va para forocochesxd, sudacas haciéndose pasar por españoles

No sabes si soy indio, no sabes si soy sudaca, solo quieres trolear, pero no puedes. Llamame sudaca si quieres, tio, la verdad es que aquí sois vagos.

Stay the fuck out smelly dumb, beaner scum

Hi Sup Forums
I am a Polish with Wendic skills ready to migrate to Spain. I am a little worried about the job situation. After reading Sup Forums, it seems it is a shithole, anyone from Spain can confirm if it is like that?

Te delataste por un mensaje y eres sudaca. Vergüenza te tendría que dar un orco con piel oscura se haga pasar por nosotros


Oh. Pensaba que erais tolerantes, como todos vais a votar al coletas. Tio tarao.

Lol sudaca then don't come here and stay in your fucking jungle

really makes you think



He is sudaca and he says that he is Spaniard Hahaha.

is used in sudamerica

>After reading Sup Forums

>A Venezuelan refugee in Spain

dont go to a big city
big cities are lost

I know you look different from latrino's, certainly have "european" features but you and eyetalians are still swarthy manlets and should stay the fuck out of our countries.
At least you dont smell like turks and mudslimes so you got that going for ya

It amuses me how the so called subhuman has better English than the Spanish intellectuals ITT.

Que sinvergüenza el panchito se aprovecha de España como puente lol

>after he read it
>read it

Keep Calm I don't like your filthy country, only sudacas with spanish citizenship move there like OP

Los sudacas se hacen pasar por españoles todo el rato.
Aqui en la uni ya he visto a unos cuantos saltamuros haciendolo.

Of course you dont, thats why you tiny dumb spics cant stop moving to germanic countries to find work you dont have there.
Turks and assorted muds have to go, but you're next in line

Why would you leave your country?

It's not infected with immigrants or refugees. Stay and make it better.

Luego se quejan de que les llamamos indios y demás, solo hay que ver este hilo, haciéndose pasar por españoles y usan el país como puente lol, que forma más rastrera de ser.

Muchos de ellos se gradúan en universidades españolas y luego se piran menudos sinvergüenzas

You don't know how southern economies are. The "Stay and make it better" just doesn't work.

>implying isn't the same retard all the time

Anda que hay que tener mal gusto para licenciarse en una uni española, si con ese título en Alemania no los van a coger ni de barrenderos.

What, you are jealous that we take your women because you are autistic.

Of course sudaca

En realidad soy medio alemán con opción a nacionalidad. A la que acabe los estudios me piro de este estercolero, gañán.

>It's a >muh dick comment coming from a latrino's
Colour me surprised

Lo hacen por que es más barato que en sus países y no tienen donde caerse muertos

he is spanaird studying in USA idiot.
medio aleman pero sudaca , y te estas pirando ya


Its true tho, then you wonder why your women are mudsharks

You're all swarthy and should just fuck off from our countries desu

aca tienen mis dies, por que alla en my pais bananero me muero de hambre y vengo a españa conseguir ser ESPAÑOL ,

>You're all swarthy and should just fuck off from our countries desu
ahhaha i am not a sudaca

>your country is absolutely shit
>ree why do you come to ours

Kill yourself

Spain is also much more beautiful than your shitty swamp country

pero a ver user , por que vienes a España? para que te den la nacionaldiad y puedas saltar a Alemania, UK, etc?

no es por nada user pero eso de ser un guarro.

>having a gf depends solely on having a fat dick
Refer to picture attached.
Medio alemán y medio español, que me estás confundiendo con el otro, so gañanazo. Sí, tú quédate en tu península esperando a morirte de hambre el día que el estado se quede sin dinero para rellenarte el bol del pienso. Seguro que eres un andaluz envidioso de mierda de esos que votan a socialista para que no les quiten las paguitas y no trabajar en su puta vida, ¡paniaguados! Eso es lo que sois todos los andaluces de mierda que no hacéis más que lamerle las suelas al estado para que os den de vivir a costa de otros.

Qué ganas tengo de largarme para dejar de mantener a parásitos como vosotros.

pos claro tete

soy ingeniero, y he trabajado mas que tu en tu vida....no me creo eso de que res español por que te has delatado.

de todas formas si eres español te puedes ir, pero eso si no vuelvas. lo que ahce grande un pais es la gente que lucha por el ,emprende y hace que mejore...no GAÑANES como tu.

ya esta dicho.

That just means instead of swarthy soft round indian features you have swarthy arab hooknosed features. You're swarthy af in general, and I've been to places that arent Andalusia.

Then stop coming to germanic countries. Fuck off and take your arab cousins and the eyetaliano's with you.

bueno pues suerte user , nadie te obliga a quedarte en españa

tambien esto es lo que opinaran de ti

se que hablas mi idoma negro palido, pero tu aqui eres un como un rumano de echo no te podemos distinguir de ellos.

good thread

kek, Netherlands is poorer than Northern Italy

>Point to spanish that they're not white and are inferior to us in every way, which is an objective truth
>They resort to insulting me in their language
Thats it, im out. Stay off our countries, after we lynch the arabs you and eyetalians are next.

>That just means instead of swarthy soft round indian features you have swarthy arab hooknosed features. You're swarthy af in general, and I've been to places that arent Andalusia.
who cares you idiot, dont come here , nobody wants you ass in spain.....fucking guiri de mierda

Germany is a third world country, it has no future. People are old while all the young are Muslims, society is breaking into pieces with everyone getting radicalized, nothing works anymore, all the roads and streets are collapsing because there's no money, the police is so overstretched they don't even try anymore, crime rates are exploding, all the press and media is owned by 3 companies who are allied, Germany is the new Brazil

te insulto si quiero guiri de mierda, pues no vengas aqui hijo puta, que nuestras calles están plagadas de tu gente.

Mal aporte

Buen aporte


This is true, and I've been there, but the richer regions of NL are richer than northern italy which is rich because south italy niggers cant keep their companies' headquarters there so they move to milan. But make no mistake, the zones of NL that arent rural wastelands are richer than you, plus you're still not white.
Bye now before you resort to insulting me for speaking my mind too.

your people look like robots when come to spain...really you have a superiority complex, atlhough you dont know anything about spanish society....you are a guiri for us XD.

Butthurt arab mudblood, have you stood next to a dutchman ever? You're not white, deal with it.