How can we cure their butthurt?

How can we cure their butthurt?

By removing them.

Idź w chuj konczyta jebana

Lwów is Polska suka

That is unironically the only solution.

stop insulting noble polish nation

You suck

Destroy Russia

Kurwa, the only one solution is force you to speak the Humanish language - French.

An ordinaty french bike girl looka like your princess.

Your elite is french, cuck.

In Russia live a lot of brainwashed poles which thinjs that they are russian.

Every, EVERY pole has to speak Polish and be a part of the polish nation.

Każdy w kym plynie wielka polska krew musi być polakiem. Nic innego, tylko to.




They objectivity have a better architecture and language than you.

They just stand higher, Johny.

What butthurt?

Anything but Poland is too irrelevant to cause so.

Not to mention attention whoring of some cuts and all their efforts to be seen as relevant.

I'm immune to butthurt, too much time spent on imageboards

>mfw poles are so fucking mad about brexit

I don't give a shit tbqh

>dundu nuffin we are leave EU and non-cucks now
>but abortion is a right of woman and anglocanada should exist, this is what I think because I am cuck, durr durr


Cleanse Poland from:
Russian Jews
Jews and Jews
Eastern nigger apes bydlos

And we will be fine.

You are just like russian retards which think that if a person has a -ski surname and/or a big nose - it's a jew.

The most famous russian far-right is polish.

Poles are 80 millions of people

no one gives a fuck about your chav shit "decisions", only nation that you have fucked with is ze now you are Royaly Fucked XD

You don't really get it.

All Polish political parties are either kikes, germans or communists. We need to genocide the filth.

genocide urself first or get back to your safe zone

Maxim Marcinkiewicz should join ONR.

Struck a nerve, jebany żydzie?
>According to Maxim Martsinkevich, he is of Russian, Polish, Lithuanian and Belarusian ancestry

add "The Polish Catholic Church", also known as fifth power in Poland and im in

Fuck them too.

Make national church.

I agree

The funniest thing is that Poles unironically believe the rest of the world is actually butthurt at them.

ohoh, everyone is a Jew now,
>my life sucks because there is a Jew behind that tree

that's the problem with falanga retards- you use hitlers language and at the same time you considering yourself as """""""""""""patriots""""""""""""""""

you could joing left wing perty, they would love german-sympathizing cocksuckers like you

Falanga is a symbol of Polish nation, whether you like it or not.

I don't support ONR, I support strong Poland. If you deny Jewish scheems against Poland, you're a fucking retard.

>East Poland is full of Apes
>West Poland was civilized by Prussians and is the GOAT part of Poland

makes you think

I'm from Eastern Poland and I'm not a bydło

It doesn't matter you stupid fuck. Poles are mixed.

>prussian niggers
You burned women for witchcraft in 1800 and sucked dick of islam lol.

gfs for everyone

>don't support onr
>spread this cancer as a symbol of Poland, while ONR retards just stole this historic symbol and ruined it

that's your another problem, low iq

UK's negotiation power with EU before "berxit": 1.4
UK's negotiation power with EU after "berxit":

maybe, just maybe...

>spread this cancer as a symbol of Poland,
It's Szczerbiec, sword that crowned our kings for centuries, you stupid ape


East Poland is the true Poland.

Also, as I said - you are looking bydlo and ape in comparing with France.

Well, your Chavs made our diaspora into a token scapegoat Jew to blame for all of the shortcomings that they couldn't pin on Brussels. :^)

Once post-Brexit UK goes to hell, they will be targeted.

Szczerbiec is a real sword and you can see it in the Wawel castle, while this white and green shit is a symbol of retarded youth

>not fifth german column

>is a real sword and you can see it in the Wawel castle,
Actually not. It was stolen by germs like majority of things in Poland.

One you see there is a replica.

> fifth column

I thought this meme exists only in the russian mediasphere.

"fifth column" never was a myth...

What the fuck is happening here?

We're not mad, I swear!
Here's the (you) :^)

how come all those shitbrains hate Poland
They're nice people and along with Hungary, the only ones to have a decent government who defends its people against immigrants


someones afraid, someones is very afraid...

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