
>Benito Mussolini
>Galileo Galilei
>the telephone
>the newspaper
>the jacuzzi
>the radio
>the typewriter
>only known for making pizza and having funny accents

Way more than that, we italians (my grandparents are from italy so that makes me one) are the master race

Italians are literally the greatest race of people alive.

I love you argentina

this is true and all but
don't fall for the memes please

Don't talk shit about my husbando.

Mmh, something looks wrong with your flag, Italy.

Mmh, something looks wrong with your flag, Italy.

I'm Irish but I can admit Italians are superior to me. If I were forced to give up my seat for an Italian, I would in a second. They deserve to be treated like kings.

Hey, in the US you're both considered "shit tier" and usually live in the same neighborhoods and inter marry. Most people who are half italian their other half is irish.

wow luv ya Ireland

Yes,and who built America? Hard working Italians and Irish. The white man owes everything to the Italian and Irish man's suffering,yet we do not demand reparations.

in italy you're considered shit tier fat megalomaniac theatrical idiots

Sneaky Ireland!

No one gives a shit about you, America.
You're nothing but feminists, fatasses, gay parades and nigger violence.

No need to get offended, its just in the US an italian is not seen as equal to a german or english descent person.

I always thought of Italians like they were portrayed in Catch 22

Insufferable twerps, yet humorous and clever


>italy's shame
i don't get it
you elected a nigger president


>Benito Mussolini
He was subhuman.

Talking with your hands

The "five fingers together" gesture is an international hand sign for constipation. The fact that Italians use it in everyday nonverbal communication is the shame of Italy.

that retard is telling me the usa is racist while they have a nigger (and half irish) president

it's not a shame it's great

You're venetian

Shut up Serbia.

Most of south america and some spaniards use hand gestures alot when talking. It's not an italian-only thing, and it hasn't been for years.

this (but you still have to give istria, fiume and dalmazia back)

it depends on how you do that gesture,if you move your hand back and forth it means ''what the fuck are you saying'' if you keep your hand firm and slightly move your fingers it means ''you're scared aren't you?'' or ''money''


I ma greek
No speak Italian, no Italian.

>We wuz Italian n shit