Why didn't you rewrite your extension user? Mozilla announced the migration years ago

Why didn't you rewrite your extension user? Mozilla announced the migration years ago..

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Same reason COBOL code is still around, some people will utterly refuse to fix anything they don't perceive as broken.

but i did


And then chromecucks will come and complain about "muh sjwfox breaking their cute extensions".

i wanna fug that girl so bad



even better

>Why didn't you rewrite your extension user?
They did, for Chrome.


There's literally nothing wrong with COBOL.

No APIs still available for proper rewriting with full features.

The actually useful APIs have either been released in the last few months or are still under development.
Also, no one believed they would be this retarded to do it without the APIs, but by God they fucking did it.

1) spare time doesn't grow on my back
2) motivation to work doesn't come from nothing
3) I literally just fucking finished migrating from xpcom to jetpack when they announced webext. They put an announcement on the online jetpack IDE that jetpack was deprecated before I even started using it well.

oh and
4) I got sick of mozilla's endless bullshit and mistakes so I switched to chrome and stopped giving a fuck about firefox. Of course I rewrote my addons for chrome then because the main reason I made my addons was for my own use. Little did I know the chrome api is basically webext.
5) I got sick of mozilla's bullshit and mistakes, and their telling me what to do

>i make addons for my own use
>switch to a browser with a subset of firefox's addon capabilities

>what is firefox 57
we were told up front firefox would be dropping all addon capability and basically become no more or less capable than chrome, user

I just jumped ship when I found out instead of waiting for shit to hit the fan

>become no more or less capable than chrome
>no more
>already much more capable than chrome
>a full page of bugzilla entries for planned improvements

chrome literally has the more extensive api right now. My best addon has half of its features disabled when running in firefox with big fat warning labels in the relevant places so people would stop bitching to me about it.

Die already, you pole fuck


>half of its features disabled
You must have been trying really hard to come up with features that aren't possible in Firefox.


I did. And all of the extensions I used regularly except for one were also rewritten but I found an alternative to it that does the same thing.

download interception to change folder paths and filenames, let the browser determine a filename by its own algo from things like response headers and url content, and handle filename conflicts

bringing this to firefox would require me to manually send a head request first, decipher the headers and url myself to determine a decent filename, then start the real download with my best guess for a filename, and if a conflict happens then the user is still screwed

also notifications with images from local files and buttons in them aren't supported