What counts as Western Europe?

What counts as Western Europe?

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Anything not Easter Europe.

Anything West of the Iron Curtain

we consider us southern europe


france, belgium, netherlands, u.k. and ireland imo

Tbh I think little Estonia should be Northern European tbqh x2000 family.

Seriously? Even going by Cold War standards this is ridiculous, you do realize the Western/Eastern divission is primarily based on the spheres of influence of ROME and Byzantium?

magyarország is eastern europe

i only say west and east, not central, but otherwise i agree with this


Reeeee Estonia is Northern.

I demand you Canuk to update and put Estonia as Northern.

the areas where serfdom was still adopted to export grain to western area even after 16c.

Pretty simple
The Balkan is Eastern European with some small Mediterranean influence
Greece, Italy and Iberia are full blown Southern European
Scandis and Finns are Nordic
Germany,Netherlands,Britain are completely Western, while France has some bigger Southern European influence
The Western Slavs are Eastern European


FYI Norway lays more west than Netherland

Western Europe +Italy and Spain, move Poland to Eastern Europe,

Prove me wrong.

Why is Greece classified as Southern Europe?
I don't see many it has in common with Italy Spain and Portugal.

>move Poland to Eastern Europe,
based on what? you being a faggot?

Poland was a part of western Europe for centuries. We're not orthodox, we build in Latin style.

Communism made all slavic countries "eastern".


But putting us in the same branch as eastern animals is unfair to us.

I agree, you're central.

You are basically catholic Russians for everyone in the West
