If you want help: >State the budget & CURRENCY for your build >List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work >For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)
CPUs: >NO i5 7500/7600K or i7 7700/K. THEY ARE DEFUNCT AND SUPERSEDED BY COFFEE LAKE >G4560/G4600 for non-gaming (light tasks) or bare minimum gaming builds with a dedicated graphics card >R3 1200 - Budget builds (best with OC + fast RAM) >R5 1600 / i5 8400 - Great gaming or multithreaded use CPUs >R7 / Used Xeon / Threadripper / i7 - Heavy Multi-Tasking / VM Work / Mixed use
RAM: >Current CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3000-3200 MHz is ideal >Before buying RAM for Ryzen, check your Mobo's QVL or look for user reports
GPUs: >Consider Vega if you have a Freesync monitor >Crypto-Currency miners have driven GPU prices up (particularly Radeon) 1080p >GTX 1050Ti and 3GB 1060 are the only reasonably priced cards; 6GB 1060 or 4GB 580 if you want to overpay a little >GTX 1070 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match 1440p >GTX 1070/Ti and 1080 are standard choices; currently overpriced >GTX 1080Ti if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match 2160p (4K) >GTX 1080Ti
General: >PLAN YOUR BUILD AROUND YOUR MONITOR IF GAMING >A 240GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor
Anything terribly wrong with this? This is going to be work/gaming PC. RAM and storage will be swapped/expanded when I actually start a new job. I'll use my old GPU until vega stops being worth it's weight in gold.
Ayden Baker
Decided against the CPU AIO as it would just be a bitch to fit together well. Not sure which is best here though front intake, bottom exhaust or vice versa >au.pcpartpicker.com/list/6HkyJV Pls respond
Henry Bennett
shit I had the same question niggo
evga's GTX 1060 3GB is under $200, but i'm kinda worried the fact that it only has one fan. feels like shit would get hot, but I've only ever used radeon cards
i just wanna play dark souls 3 and modded skyrim, but my GPU died
Levi Baker
Low end gpu's are a very bad value, for only 50 dollars you can get a used 770 which SHITS on the 1030, plus 700 series cards (with the exception of the 750ti because its maxwell not kepler) work very well with linux. Also don't spend money on an antivirus, just use common sense or use a online scanning site for sketchy things. If you really insist use winblows 10 instead of linus+wine for old games, get a copy of windows 10 ltsb and crack it (there is a good guide on reddit for this).
Xavier Hall
Anywhere else that one should look besides ebay?
Nathan Reyes
1080Ti, don't be a broke bitch
Jose Hill
craigslist? Is that even a thing anymore?
Elijah Myers
>literally disabled >finally seeing the specialist i need and haven't worked in 2 years >im spending my holiday money before i get it
if i could i would go all out
Carter Flores
REMINDER TO BUY USED FOR GPUS! gtx 770s go for only $50 and outperform 1050tis at $140
Sebastian Watson
Considering the heroine problem and spics in this area, I can't imagine electronics on craigslist would be too pleasant
Ryan Cooper
Well, if you want pleasant you can spend 1000 bucks on a GPU.
Carson Mitchell
4gb's? I see them starting at like $70 and ones nearing the end of auctions are like $90
Ian Watson
Still in need of help with a gaming build that has a wireless connection. sorry for being autistic.
Planning to get a Del Ultra sharp monitor. 2k budget for the parts itself.
Lucas Gomez
>BUY USED FOR GPUS Ah yes good goyim, buy my used goods. I'm sure they'll last you a long time!
Nolan Collins
What monitor is it specifically, and what games do you plan to play?
Adam Hernandez
every used gpu would cost me with shipping the same as new cards mentioned
Matthew Scott
Dell UltraSharp U2515Hx 25" Screen LED-Lit Monitor, Black
I mainly play WoW and Overwatch.
Hunter Turner
Are there any good black Friday deals? I wanna switch from my old intel system to ryzen, but ddr4 is just too expensive. I though technology was supposed to get cheaper over time?
Cameron Martinez
That's a 1440p monitor, so I would recommend a 1070 if you were playing anything heavy, but you could probably get by with a 1060 model since those games don't take much. As for CPU check the OP and do research on that.
Nicholas Roberts
So i had a set of corsair ram that failed memtest at a certain point. I replaced it with another kit and it has the same failure, its one specific address thats failing on me during test 4. Is it worth rma ing it again? If i have to buy more expensive stufff i sort of dont mind (will probs get flare x). It just seems unlikely to have a failure like this happen twice.
Eli Roberts
Also i dont think its my board but it does default the ram to 2133mhz when its rated for 3000. It fails memtest on both speeds
Christian Bailey
Sorry, i didn't look too well at the prices the average looks like $100, but even with $50 dollar shipping your getting a better value than the 1050ti because the gtx 770 has 30% better performance.
Jace Cruz
im in canadastan and everything is at $150
Chase King
What is the best Z370 motherboard for the 8700k and 1080Ti?
MSI Gaming Pro Carbon has decent reviews, as does the ASROCK and ASUS ROG. I can't decide between all 3.
But please consider using linux, you can run 90% percent of old windows games using wine and they often perform faster than they would on windows. The linux distribution i suggest starting out with is ubuntu MATE.
Thoughts on this gayming build? I'm considering getting a gsync screen instead but I'm not sure that its worth it. Getting the GPU from gumtree. Presently total comes to AU$3160, but money is not a huge concern.
Jeremiah Brown
Find a phone number and call asap
Grayson Ward
pcpartpicker.com/list/23tbqk So I'm planning to get a budget pc that can play at 1080p. This is what I got. Should I change anything on it that I may regret not doing later?
Austin Russell
I plan to use several VMs at a time.
Also anybody has any experience on virtualization on ryzen?
Jayden Bennett
This would be coming from an I5 4960K. Only parts I would be buying new are the CPU RAM and Mobo.
For real or meme?
Daniel James
Running two vms under xen works fine for me. Get the 1700 and oc it
Jose Cox
It's 8:30 so I doubt I'll have much luck. Good thing I wasn't going to try to buy a 1060 6g because I'd be about ready to shoot up the groupon HQ about know.
I'll miss 5% off the $75 mobo which sucks, but newegg had a 5% off mobile both yesterday and today, so hopefully the try for a hat trick.
If this shit doesn't get done processing by like noon tomorrow I'll be pretty angry.
Cameron Peterson
No there are no good DDR4 deals. Im also trying to switch to Ryzen the cheapest i could find is 109.99 for 8gb of DDR4 3000MHZ.
Christian Torres
Thank you.
Kayden Rogers
so I posted here earlier asking for advice on the fact that I couldn't install windows at all on my new PC, and someone suggested I just installed it on my old PC and then to move the HDD to the new one
thing is, now it's crashing literally every 5 minutes. I can't even update it's drivers because it keeps on crashing every single time I try
worst part is that almost everytime it's a different bsod error
this has happened across 2 different Windows 10 ISOs btw
This is ridiculous. DDR3 was never this expensive and 110 bucks would've gotten you at least 16gigs of some pretty fast ram
Ian Butler
Sup /g, I saw that newegg was going to be selling the R7 1700x for around $270 for black friday. What do you guys think about that price? I don't really need a new comp but it would be nice to just have.
Nathaniel Campbell
At the same price the obvious choice is the 3GB 1060
Needs better RAM If you're just gaming get the 1600 and upgrade to a better 8 core later from Ryzen+ or Zen 2
Nolan Bailey
get a used 980ti (performs near a 1080 when overclocked) instead for $300, also check out freesync/gsync, really makes a difference
if money is really not a concern get 2 rx vega 56 and crossfire them to take advantage of that freesync monitor, make sure to undervolt and overclock them too for better temps
A used 970 is about $170 and will perform on par with a 1060
Its real, ryzen scared the shit out of intel and made their coffee lake cpus much faster than last gen and a better value, i still think ryzen is better because intel has had shady business practices in the past: youtube.com/watch?v=osSMJRyxG0k
Again, a used 980ti is a better value than the 1070 when overclocked
Jason Perry
okay I'm a shithead and should've noticed earlier when I called the bank. My available balance is like $150, but total balance is $350, so they haven't processed it yet aside of reserving the funds I guess.
Anthony Jenkins
Bro I really appreciate your input, I'll look into installing Linux, I just have some misconceptions about the OS due to the 'install Gentoo' meme while also being concerns about potential program limitations due to possible compatibility issues.
I like playing rts games (coh/dow) and study/type so the gpu will probably be one of the last purchase. And l will not purchasing the antivirus.
Grayson Hughes
get the acer freesync monitor instead, it has a larger freesync range (32hz-144hz vs 90hz-144hz) asus are korean jews
Blake Watson
I'd help you, but not when you post images like that. Tough luck.
Justin Diaz
Those wind force cards are fucking mental
Get it
Thomas Harris
in my defense I've tried everything here to get people's attention and lewd stuff tends to work best
if anything, blame the Sup Forumsentoos
Levi Harris
I left the old thread open too long and made a new post without realizing there was a new thread
Andrew Morris
Have you checked the OP lately?
Fine, Win7 requires a few extra steps to install
My guess is that's all you're going to get until a new BIOS update
Check OP builds Drop to R3 1200 Get b350 mobo Get fast RAM
PSU is dumb
If you already have them you're fine, but don't but them now
Ryder Barnes
What version of Windows? Anyway, it's probably a hardware error.
Lincoln Williams
CrossFire is terrible
Angel Ortiz
JayzTwoCents used the Asus ROG Strix E while LinusTechTips used the MSI Gaming Pro Carbon for test benches.
Owen Morgan
Fucking son of a cock sucking mother fucker, the code became live literally 1 minute before the promo expired at newegg and I had to try and type a case sensitve long ass code in 30 seconds, son of a fuck.
At least I got the money tho
Luke Bailey
right now I'm consistently getting MEMORY_MANAGEMENT errors, for which I'm trying to update drivers, but can't do that if it keeps on crashing
I just removed the CMOS to see if that somehow helps, apparently it did for some other people
What is the cheapest place to buy Windows 10? Before you tell me to pirate it, I did on my last build and it ruined it. I followed the sticky, checked the tags and it still fucked my build up.
Should I go for Home or Pro?
Hunter Roberts
Which is the better deal?
William Sanchez
Kinguin maybe? Currently the prices are high, probably because there aren't many OEMs who they can buy from. If you go to some shady site to get the key your liscence will likely be rescinded a few months in when Microsoft flags it as illegitimate.
Cheapest Z370 board I can get asap is the ASrock pro 4. It looks decent. Maybe some 3000 ram to go with it
David Hall
Ian Nelson
A few: Buy a Ryzen 1700 and use its stock cooler; aftermarket options aren't worth it until you are spending a bit more Get a different motherboard, B350 or a cheaper X370 Cheaper RAM (i.e. Flare X) Cheaper HDD (or buy multiple 1/2 TB drives) Used the saved money to buy a better 1080.
Ethan Torres
first off >duel second half the games today don't even support crossfire/SLI
Andrew Johnson
I'd also tell him to get a better PSU but that's just me. Solid advice though.
Gavin Ward
I prefer to duel with RAM, but when that isn't an option I am completely fine with using video cards since I have had years of training.
Levi Perry
>spot the AMD shareholder I'm thinking now that I'll just get the XB271HU, I don't want to pay an extra 400 just for 4K. Yeah I'll get the 16 GB > buy once ?
Daniel Richardson
I already own the PSU only paid 50 for it.
Leo Davis
How long is ASRock's windows 7 usb patcher supposed to take? It's been stuck on adding driver to image for like 40 minutes.
Jaxson Jackson
580 4gb or 1060 6gb? I have freesync monitor
James Ward
Hey guys really need some help.
Someone is selling a gtx 1080 like 25% cheaper but says he got it from 'work'. No receipt, comes in box, no power cable, the serial doesn't have warranty on evga website.
But the big thing is that he says it's a gtx 1080 black cat, what's black cat?
Hunter Perez
580 4GB, but what's your free sync range and resolution?
Jaxon Wilson
1080p 75hz don't know what you mean by range
Cooper Gray
Liam Scott
the range of hz where you can actually use freesync.
75hz freesync is most likely shit. 30-144 is standard for gsync. many freesync monitors have gimped ranges like 30-90 or something. maybe just get the 1060 gb.
Mason Ward
>spending several hundred dollars on delicate electronics that fell off the back of a truck
I don't have anything to say about it being a black cat or not, but seems like a recipe to getting jewed.
Luke Taylor
>buying something that might be DOA with no warranty >for just 25% off jesus christ.
Angel Cook
Updated from this post: new monitor with g-sync, new GPU (1080, not ti), 16 GB RAM, and slightly less powerful coffee lake CPU. You guys reckon it looks good?