Default Sup Forums to HTTPS now!!
Default Sup Forums to HTTPS now!!
This is a very good idea, and I will remember this when writing my future posts.
>https meme
fuck off with that placebo shit
Doesn't get rid of anime fags unfortunately
firefox already does that automatically, are you using edge or some shit?
normans get out
not an argument. you're only helping his case
Explain why you think TLS is not effective
fuck off
>Kotori Tsumugi amalgamation
posting things this disgusting should be illegal
What plugin do I use now? I'm so confused after yesterday's thread
>im on http
oh shit that means hackers know what i post here.
am i fucked?
what a cute loli
just use HTTPS everywhere.
That guy's autistic
Anyone in the middle of your connection could inject a monero miner in your page load.
firefox makes everything https by default, stop using shit browsers.
unless you're on public wifi or you live with nosy people then nothing has happened to you probably. hackers could potentially do awful things to you though.
It's automatic on Brave.
But wouldn't they have to be pretty close to me? Could someone do it from another country?
I use the latest firefox, so I really don't need it? Sweet, thanks for the info.
No Firefox doesnt. Clear your browser history and turn HTTPS everywhere off then come to Sup Forums.
Well, image hover should be on by default, but that probably isn't going to happen anytime soon.
Whenever I install a browser or something, I have to hit up the settings, enable HTTPS/imagehover/autoupdate, and change theme to Tomorrow. It's a routine to me at this point.
physically I mean
anime website
Yeah, back in the day it was weeb culture on an American-owned website. Now with the purchase, you have NO excuse. It's literally a Japanese imageboard, in English. In otherwords, relocate to leddit.
>Sup Forums is a deep webs! I'm an olderfag, I remember how the Hiro created Sup Forums to let the cool redditors organize raids!
no excuse to do what?
To expect anime to not be here. You're posting on servers hosted in fucking Japan.
There are obviously some exceptions, though. Like, I don't go on /hist/, but I can imagine that replying to a cited historical argument with a smug anime girl wouldn't bode well. But when you're talking about technology, come on. Most of the people here use their computers ONLY for watching anime.
YouTube is a dating site.
Ignore that it's changed, it's still a dating site.
...what are you saying exactly? That YouTube is still a dating site, and Sup Forums is still American-owned? Or that YouTube is a video-hosting site, and Sup Forums is Japanese-owned?
He thinks that Sup Forums is now owned by Sup Forums, Sup Forums and 'hackers', so anime has no place to be here anymore.
But all those demographics watch anime. That's like saying "this is a Spanish imageboard, no Jesus allowed".
I'm not sure if you've noticed, but you are, in fact, posting on a technology board. Every single thread even mentioning anime outside of anime boards gets derailed. Is it that hard to refrain from derailing every thread you happen to post in?
I would suggest Smart HTTPS.
Anime website
I hope (you) mean a technology board for anime fans, every 'non-anime' board was created just so the main boards wouldn't be flooded with generals.
>I hope (you) mean a technology board for anime fans
Doesn't say so in the general rules.
Because it already implies it.
still anime website
I don't know how you've deduced that, but if you haven't noticed, you have proven my point. Exactly no one is talking about HTTPS now. That's what you wanted - you got it.
okay I didn't even have https everywhere installed. cleared all history. typed Sup
If you faggot didn't throw the anime bait the whole derail would not even start.
Your history shows that you were bought to http.
Kek. This always happens because spergs like you complain about muh anime
The anime bait? I'm not the one who has posted a single anime reaction image. Nor did I make the third post in this thread.
I'm an anime fan as well, although not a big one. Why don't I then feel the need to include smug anime reaction pictures with every single one of my replies?
Here's what FF loads as HTTPS. Imgur/Reddit/Google/YT and so on as well. Not Sup Forums. That's why peopel use addons like https everywhere/smarthttps/https by default in the first place.
You could just arpspoof instead
tell me Sup Forums, why aren't you using HTTPS everywhere?
"Let's Encrypt" is free, there's really no excuse hiroshimoot
Sup Forums already has https certs you moron
it just doesn't make the client connect via https by default
it has https in the URL and I didn't touch it, are you blind? your firefox is broken
You clearly have a cookie, addon or script that redirected you, it wasn't FF.
Not him, but we can see it on the right under restore previous session, you idiot.
Ebin post, reddit friend.
if you use https you're reddit
>the logh board
are you guys even touching the website settings?
HTTPS means ads have to be HTTPS too
It's worthless, because the settings get stored in a cookie which any selfrespecting human would auto-delete after each session.
>first result on Google is http
>posting on a technology board
True, but this was made for weebs talk about technology. But now it is full of illegal aliens from Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Reddit.
The servers are still in Dallas, buddy boy
Its all public, for what purpose
>Every single thread even mentioning anime outside of anime boards gets derailed
You mean like how you did in the second post?
Why doesn’t it already?
I bet you get mad at konqi threads too, faggot
Chinkmoot doesn't care.
It's shitposting as well and it's taking slots for worthwhile threads. I can't say I'm mad about anything at this point.
>for what purpose
to stop third parties (ISPs, three letter agencies, etc.) from injecting or changing stuff
Konqi threads make redditors mad as fuck, they serve their purpose. People have forgotten that Sup Forums used to be lowbrow fun.
What kind of faggot ISP do you have
Effective at what? Slowing shit down? Rarely is the overhead worth it as most content isn't sensitive. You're tracked regardless.
my ISP doesn't do it, but i've seen it done by t-mobile and comcast
There is almost no overhead these days with TLS
already is dumb nigger.
Fun = shitposting. At least on this website. And it can't be contained no matter what.
By default is what OP meant
>anything on Sup Forums
Funposting is not automatically shitposting. Just because fags like to ironically shitpost for screencaps doesn’t mean all fun is a shitpost
kill yourself
no it isnt
The crybabies who won't shut up about it are the true shitposters.
Wow you really do not understand what https is for. Take a networking course or something
Anime is gay.
I wonder who's behind the post
>console.log( ( new Date() ).getFullYear() )
>Using gay as an insult
>I wonder who's behind the post
A person who doesn't want to see as many derailed threads as possible on perhaps the only worthwhile board on this website.
Feel free to leave or contain your autism the next time you encounter animu
The real enemy here are the shillling spammers.
Here, get one anime and also:
I'm sure screaming autism, autism whenever there's something you don't want to answer has made this website so much better.
nice samefagging