>tfw fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme
Tfw fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme
>TFW fell for the 16gb hard drive meme
16gb is the recommended minimum these days
>tfw fell for the 16GB video card meme
>tfw fell for the high end PC meme
use a ramdisk
>tfw fell for the 16 Gib processor meme
>tfw fell for the gentoo meme
I know right?
16GiB is not nearly enough.
16GB of ram is like $200 these days. fuck it im only gonna get 4gb
This. I should have gotten at least 32 gig when RAM was cheap.
>he fell for the WAITâ„¢ meme and now PC hardware prices are skyrocketing because applel tool all muh nand flash and dram for their 8-bezel burn in screen phone
>he isn't running multiple VMs and using a ramdisk for faster compiling.
I have 8GB and barely use more than half of it.
I have 4 in my laptop and never used more than 3GB(including swap)
But I use a normal operating system, so it's not surprising
What do you do, watch YouTube videos and meme all day?
>muh usecase is the same as everyone elses
>he fell for the pc meme
you can do everything a pc can do (shitpost and look at traps) on a 100 dollar tablet. don't act like you play games or program user. we all know you just shitpost and fap
i waiting for 16gb to go down in price before i buy it. i am not paying 140 dollars for fucking ram. that's more than i paid for the laptop i'll be putting it in
>tfw fell for the future proof meme
>tfw i fell for the 16GB cooler meme
>tfw fell for chinkpad meme
it seriously does my fucking head in that people are only just now discovering this place
I have 2x8, whats wrong with that?
Browsers these days regularly reach high RAM usage, because web pages have so much scripting running.
You think that's triggering?
I have a Chinese friend who calls it "Gi" irl.
>tfw fell for the frequenting Sup Forums meme
atleast u didnt buy 2 sata ssds for raid only to get fucked in the ass by pcie
>tfw fell for the thermal paste meme
NVMe was announced 2 years in advance and then delayed for another year.
If you missed it you're just an idiot, sorry.
>tfw fell for the technology meme
I wish it wasn't capped to just 16GiB on my laptop
human eye can't see beyond 4GB retard
>t. flash manufacturer shill
I remember back in 2008/2009ish always being frustrated because my 64gb of ram wasn't enough to support the VMs that I was running. And you mean to tell me, that almost 10 years later, brainlet scum like yourself OP still haven't even been able to find a use for a mere 16GB?
What a disgrace to the hobby you are. I bet you run windows and play video games.
>I have a Chinese friend
>tfw manufacturers create better hardware every year
>pc is not high end next 5 years
If only Ryzen was released 6 months earlier. Fucking hell I was holding out.
Unironically this.
I work as an academic researcher and I don't even use my home computer anymore.
Have an ancient probook for occasional series watching and that's it. Phonepost the rest
what do you mean?
>tfw fell for the Poozen meme
>tfw fell for the Pusheen meme
If you aren't using more than 8, than you should just stick to using twitter on your phone. Fucking normies
>tfw fell for the amd meme
>tfw fell for 64MiB of ram meme
>tfw fell for the vega meme
This is interesting, xfce de consuming 40MB (*_*)
>tfw 12GB of ram 2x4GB + 2x2GB
>tfw dual channel still works
I could see this being very true.
>tfw fell for the compsci degree meme
>tfw people still fall for the high frequency ram meme
>tfw they claim standard speed ram can never hope to achieve the speeds you get by paying extra
>tfw I bought 2 sticks of HyperX Fury DDR4 rated at 2133MHz and got them to run at 3200MHz fully stable
>tfw they could probably go even higher that 3200