Install Arch Linux
Install Arch Linux
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Now post the desktop you use everyday.
Install fedora
>xorg breaks constantly
>not enough testing with packages (but still relatively stable)
power use distros all suck, including gentoo and void. you'd have a much better time just using something like pclinuxos or devuan
No thanks... faggot...
Gentoo... unironically
boy, i sure love waiting 5 hours for my program to compile. gentoo is super great!
>5 hours
chromium takes 3 hours on my i7 2600k, and chromium takes significantly longer to compile than any other piece of software in existence.
Regadeless, I start emerging, then go to sleep, so the time required isn't much of a problem.
you're clearly sad that you don't run the superior distro and compensating by insulting others.
please tell me this person is joking
>quad core i7 takes 3 hours to install a web browser
I did. Thank you.
well, you could just not install a terrible web browser. Palemoon took 15 minutes to install and Firefox was definitely under and hour, though I haven't updated it in months so I'm not really sure how long it was.
It's not something you would do everyday anyway.
(please tell me i'm being baited and isn't true)
chromium updates ship fairly regular. it's fine if you want to skip some very minor point point release but if you want that xXxDarkxXx bleeding edge you'll be compiling it quite often
>I'm installing a source based distro
>I emerge then go to sleep so compile times don't matter
If you care this much, you just shouldn't use Gentoo
You sound like one of those children in Minecraft let's play videos responding to a person who dislikes the video
"If u dont like it dont watch it!!"
Why would anyone use this shit distro is the question I have
dont it sucks
That was pretty fun,and Arch seems great. How often should I update?
>Why would anyone use this shit distro
The main benefit of Gentoo is that it's less of a hassle when you want to use unusual features. I use the ck kernel, which doesn't work with nvidia drivers on Arch, but it does on Gentoo. You can also manually manager kenel features and enable userspace hardening for extra security. Additionally, I like using my desktop as a guitar amp sim, so I like having firefox with JACK audio, which would require me to manually install firefox and install all dependencies otherwise. overall, it's just nice to have a distro where everything I want is relatively easy to install, even if installing packages takes several hours while I'm asleep.
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
what you're referring to as GNU/Linux is in fact, Gnu/Apache/Lennart Poettering/xfree86/nsa/Linux.
i did once and then did a pacman -Syu two weeks later and my install broke so never again
because i cant install macOS on my laptop and it sucks less than every other linux distro (especially debian, the worst distro)
Why? Why struggle with an inconvenient install, and deal with an unstable distro?
you've obviously never used it
>inconvenient instal
>fdisk [disk] #format your install meida
>mount [disk] /mnt #mount your installl media
>mkdir /mnt/boot
>ount [disk] /mnt/boot
>pacstrap /mnt base base-devel
>genfstab -U >> /mnt/etc/fstab
>arch-chroot /mnt
>pacman -S grub
>grub-install [disk]
>vim /etc/default/grub #edit your grub config if you're using full disk encryption or something
>grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
that's all it takes to install arch. it's not hard
is it just me or is the arch logo the profile of a fat fuck
i've installed and re-installed arch about 4 times now and while the initial install phase is simple enough and trouble free, I cant for the life of me get a gui working. I install KDE with Plasma 5 and type "startx" and get a fucking xorg failure.
idk what i'm doing wrong, it all worked fine in a VM but it refuses to work on my Thinkpad T42.
anyone know what the issue is?
Put ubuntu on flashdrive.
Boot PC
Click Install
Install CloverOS
More times than i should have
Lol. You arch shills are so retarted. Seriously but arch is nothing more than time sinking nerddistro for masochistic "archcucks" thinking they are some kind of elite becayse they use "bleeding edge" like it changes anything. They think they are linux pros because they fix errors what other distros dont have, and they fix errors by begging on solution over the internet.
Hey but "hurrr durrrr first test arch linux" and you know what, i tried to install that assblast joke on my wm, followed instruction, ping shows it is connected to internet and you know what?
after pacstrap /mnt base base-devel pacman cant connect to any fucking repository. It simply failed the most important task.
So maybe it works but i'm retarted or something, so i tested with antergos, arch anywhere, zen installer, revenge installer, and you know what? Any of the didnt connect to a fucking repository and just barfed an error.
THIS... is a joke.
Mint, Debian, Amazonbuntu, calculate, void linux, even gentoo didnt had that problem with installing.
FUCK ARCH, FUCK ARCHSHILLS, its better to use linux mint. Because archcucks will never achieve that level of just working linux mint on their shitman dong distro so they damage controll by calling mint "bloated" and "ancient".
i guess im just too much of a normie for arch
That's just because chromium is a pile of trash. You can compile firefox in like 15 minutes or just use the binary version in gentoos repos. Almost everything else takes 3 minutes or less.
arch is legit the only distro that i feel good using.
very interesting overall but i have one quick question: what subreddit were you on when you saved this image
Gentoo is source based, which gives you finer control over how programs are compiled, which can give you subtle or powerful optimizations if you know what you're doing. For most things, especially for the average user, it really doesn't matter.
The real benefits of Gentoo are more meta, and are essentially the benefits of using Linux taken to an extreme:
-Forces you into using more FOSS software, which is generally superior for developer workflows once you get the hang of it and is free/libre
-Puts you closer to source code, which is one of the best ways to learn
-Separates you from more casual users: you don't have to deal with stupid questions and documentation, and if you have a stupid question you'll learn to solve it yourself, making you less stupid.
-Your system is far more transparent: Chromium does take hours to compile. A good question is why?
Gentoo, and other distributions like it, are not made to be easy, and they would not be a good choice for work that needs to be done by a team or a whole company. They're made for enthusiasts who are willing to learn more by a trial by fire, and gurus who have gotten used to them and know exactly what they want from their machines. If you want to learn more about Linux, install Gentoo. Or don't. Distros like Gentoo don't evangelize because they don't have anything to gain from people who just want things to werk joining their community.
The same can be said for a lot of technology. When you need it, you'll know.
what the fuck? reasonable answers from gentoo users on Sup Forums?
i still dont get how it's less of a hassle though
You are just too sane to use archlinux.
I tried to find one...ONE reason for archlinux exists. But well i didnt found because no matter where you use archlinux, there is the distro that makes this job alot better.
So i think tge only purpose of archcucks is to be a fucking laboratory rats where just devs put their untested software on this distro and test it on archcucks. Literally the same how chemicals are tested on animals, the same way linux software is tested on archcucks.
Lol archcucks are just a useful tool for devs.
Google image search so i not have fucking idea where this was
ive spent over 6 hours trying to get it working on an old thinkpad and every install something breaks or doesn't work.
This is helped by the fact every single damn tutorial for arch is somehow different, and the people on the arch forums are so stuck up they often refuse to help people with retarded problems like the ones i face so you are just left out to try figure out by yourself. Fun if you want to waste hours struggling just to get a gui working, not so much fun when you just want an OS that works.
I managed to get the OS itself installed fairly painlessly but then the gui doesnt work because xorg shits itself. i'm going back to mint, i thought arch would be good because its a "lightweight" distro but all its done is give me a massive headache with trying to just get it to WORK
Totally agree.
All this shit called "why you should use arch" are just a memes what in most cases doesent impact experience with distro. Bit where archlinux fails is a fucking stability and working.
Clem puts more effort to his linux mint by making sure his OS will work, will be easy to use and it actally has decent main DE (cinnamon).
While arch creator just made barfman and put it inside base linux and now devs are shitting barfman repos with untested and unstable experiments.
Mint, simple and easy. Stable.
But I use centos & Ubuntu for most of the time. Because server.
i'd use ubuntu but its just a little too slow on the T42 that i'm trying to rejuvinate with a fresh distro. Gonna try Lubuntu or Xubuntu, don't really need all the ui and random programs ubuntu has.
i've been using arch for like 10 years. recently i took a raspberry pi out of my ass and installed pi-hole, but for my surprise there are a lot, and i mean a lot of connections to
was arch linux a botnet all along? i update at least once a day, and most days many times. is it the update?
maybe related, have any one of you had experience with arch32 yet?
Already have.. 6 years ago
>>xorg breaks constantly
>>not enough testing with packages (but still relatively stable)
>bleeding edge
>still uses GIMP 2.8
nigga please
I stopped using gentoo on my t60 because gcc and firefox literally took a week to compile
use firefox-bin
Mint, it gets stuff done.
I've been using Antergos for a few weeks now and it works fine
You mean reinstall right?
I love how mad brainlets get over Arch, best part of these threads
i am already using it
>pic related
You mean Arch GNU.
Anyway, I'm going to. But I'm thinking about installing ArchLabs instead.
This is what I see too every time I look at it.
I tried. After a whole lot of troubleshooting it still froze while loading grub.
why use arch over void?
Ill stick with my free debian. Thanks though.
system breaks
autism intensifies
let's give this meme a try
Fuck off. Insecure crap right there.
you're baiting.
gentoo is a distro for hobbyist users, it's not that hard to understand.
Just compiled chromium on my x200.... took 21 hours. The amount of bloat is insane.
For reference, firefox takes only 3 hours to compile on the same device with PGO enabled which doubles compilation time. Genkernel takes a whopping 1 hour. Chromium is literally 20 more complex than a fully features OS kernel.
Done. Now what?
Compile some random heavy ass shit from aur and fap to housefire caused by your cpu during compilation
So I can install any web browsers in 5 minutes or less on my Mac, these Linux guys require several hours, and they laugh at ME for being technologically inept?
can a cpu cause housefire by compiling? dont think so
Thanks for the suggestion. I had no idea what I was missing.
Anyone got that arch linux logo vector with aqua in it?
>these Gentoo guys require several hours
Installed 2 years ago, never had ONE problem
I did and it is the fucking best.
>start emerging and go to sleep
>wake up to a compile error in the morning
Can someone help me with screen tearing? I'm using arch with cinnamon + compiz and compton.
no u
I get you're looking for a serious answer. Arch along with all the autism distros like slack and gentoo are not linux, or technology for that matter, they are fashion accessories. They are doing this as a game for attention, they want whatever it is to be as faux-complicated as possible so that you have to go to their forums/irc/whatever which is where they can exert admin and thought control on you. They want you to get exponentially closer to having it working, so that you ask, but still so that you have to rely on them. There is no secret club you will eventually be let into, once you're in the secret IRC then that's just another stage in the process where it isn't "noob shit" like installation but instead making fun of what non-shitty WM you picked. I repeat: this is a game for attention because they know they are so fucked they will never get it anywhere else.
Why are you using two compositors?