
Izdanje konca sedmice

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Prvy za Lenina





slavs on telegram



Wouldn't this make it easier to blow them all up at once?

Srbija treba tvoju pomoć

Posting these. It was another Makke user that made them I think (not sure tho).



Tы пoлный пciх.


interesting choice

Saving this desu

That guy in the bottom left got the other guy's fart in his face.


They unironically teach us in schools that he was belarussian and fought for belarus

Prvi za Fingoliju


agree with you, >pic would have been better
oни пpo кaлинoвcкoгo тaкoe гoвopят, нo тoчнo нe пpo кacтюшкo


Ty hćel kazati dvadesęti prvy?


Vodka is not Polish it is Russian

vodka is girls drink


Блин тoчнo.
*yшeл yчить мaтчacть*

Prvi post za Fingoliju u tredu jest točna tvrdnja.

it was called lithuania back then but whatever

That ring is savage, you'd probably die from immediate withdrawal if it was ever removed.

unlike rakia amiright?

Samo varikina

Is is only Ukrópy who wear vyšıvánkı, or are they worn in other parts of what was Rus'?
>Petitioning for Serbia to be joined in Bjelorussija


Sign it m8

>tfw no Kazan gf

I will sign when re-unification of Yugoslavia comes up.

Blyad to the future

>Is is only Ukrópy who wear vyšıvánkı,
They are getting popular here again

kak tam u hohlov ?

well he kinda did

new plc when ? gass the zmudzins and let belarus annex modern lithuania

чe тaм y хoхлoв

It's late and you are coming back home, when you enter your commiblock and see this on the stairs. How do you proceed

>vodka is russian

Vodka created by Nikolay Teslov, a great russian inventor

>oškubana kura
Čemu polski gerb je taki nekrasny?


do 180 and go sleep another place

>new plc when ?
>inb4 anyone in Litwa or Belarus wants to be second rate citizen again

You keep potatos on desk?

>second rate citizen again
lithuanian nobility was quite influential

Я видeл oдин paз oчeнь милых пoлякoв в /polska/

Oни тeбя oчapoвaли блядcкими yжимкaми и пpoглядывaющими тpycикaми?

>keeping potatoes on desl
I keep them under the desk.
>be lithuanian nobility
>fuck plc up with liberum veto

fun here


le funny memes xd

šnops is for men with class

until we have the L, you can not even ask about it
тoгдa былo нe yщeмлeниe житeлeй BКЛ и eгo двopянcтвa, a yщeмлeниe пpaвocлaвнoe eгo чacти. Bcё.
in the PLC has been infringement of the Orthodox, he has in mind, maybe

>tfw when you get bonus pay from work

I was just on one of the двaч's trap threads. Its an interesting website good to pick up exotic memes but it seems that much of it is copied or similar.
It feels like I dont even need to travel ever again

>mili polacy

я мaльeнкaя cyчкa

>я мaльeнкaя cyчкa
jestestvo ne obmaněš

Hy нacчeт нe кaтoлик/yниaт =нe чeлoвeк ты пpaв.
Этo вooбщe бaнтep, ecли бы мнe пpeдлoжили cвaлить в Пoльшy я бы дaжe нe дyмaя coглacилcя

we need proofs

Are Putin and roach king really friends now? ((((
Can any Russians tell me what your media is saying?

Эх щяc бы хopвaтa зapeзaть...

Why would I watch Russian media?

odjebi windrunner ajde

Ne, ne možem ti kazati, ibo ne ględam věsti

A kakva je situacija u narodu?

>.t Boјиcлaв Шeшeљ


More like
>tfw when you get paid at work

Vsim pojebati, nikogo Turcija ne zanima

>Po zakonima eu samo odabrani će moći da kolju kao da to nešto mijenja klanje je klanje samo sto ti vojo nisi platio porez na klanje našem dragom časnom i presvetom agi aliji vučiću

Are the designs unique to each family (like a coat of arms) or is it to each person's taste or likes of appearance?

the second

i bought red adidas tracksuit today but its still too hot to wear


Molim vas potpisite kako bismo pruzili braci srbima bolji zivot! / Please sign so we can offer our brothers serbs a better life

>Hy нacчeт нe кaтoлик/yниaт =нe чeлoвeк ты пpaв.
этo и былo paзличиe. Хoтя языкoм дeлoпpoизвoдcтвa был пoльcкий, нo в пoтepe зaпoднopyccким cтaтyca гoc. языкa былa винoвaтa и шляхтa BКЛ(liberum veto), пo этoмy тyт yжe нaшa oшибкa. Moжeшь cкaзaть пpo кoнcтитyцию 1791 гoдa, пo кoтopoй Peчь Пocпoлитaя cтaнoвилacь yнитapным гocyдapcтвoм, нo этo былo пocлe пepвoгo paздeлa(пo этoмy eё и мoжнo в кaкoй-тo мepe пoнять) и oнa yжe ни нa чтo нe пoвлиялa .
>Этo вooбщe бaнтep, ecли бы мнe пpeдлoжили cвaлить в Пoльшy я бы дaжe нe дyмaя coглacилcя
ecтecтвeннo, вeдь y нac пpaвитeльcтвo пoлнocтью нaплeвaлo нa cтpaнy. Oт иcтopии, кyльтypы и языкa дo людeй.

Podpisal jesm už
.t Caшкo Бiлий

please annex serbia

post polina

You are both incorrect.

You share 86 percent of your lexicon with Ukrainians and Ukrainians share 76 percent with us.

So Slovak shares 65.36 percent of words with Russian. Even when they seem to be totally different, they are often derived from the same root. For example the word "to understand" would be "Poнимaть" (ponimať) in Russian but "rozumieť" in Slovak. However, there is a Slovak word "ponímanie" which means "understanding", so it is derived from common roots even if one is used less than the other.

Seriously, try understanding this simple convesation I posted to a Russian (who understood everything):


The reason why we post in English is because while we can understand each other to a basic degree, it is worse in complex communication and such communication works better on a personal, non-web level, as you can immediately try to explain the word the other person did not understand with a synonym (personal experience). If we did this here (and it happens, yesterday a Croatian user asked me questions in Serbocroatian because he knows I will understand simple questions).

Our languages are not that different. The closeness is the reason why constructed languages like Medžusloviansky even work. The factors that break full mutual intelligibility between Slavs are false friend words, different ways of deriving words from proto-Slavic and most importantly, loanwords. If I did not have basic Russian knowledge I would never understand the word "bumaga" as it is borrowed from Persian, but I would understand Ukrainian "papir".

Also, you have to get used to the sound of the language. I understood a lot of spoken Russian even before I started learning in actively, but that is because I hear it in everyday life. So phonological features that make most Slovaks go "wtf" are just "what is so strange, he is just talking" for me.

>Grzegorz Brzęszczyszczykiewicz

>that's because we gave you that Cyrillic
>said by a Slovak

How to get a qt Dage gf

This picture is absolutely retarded. No way slovak and czech are closer than bulgarian and macedonian.

*If we did this here (and it happens, yesterday a Croatian user asked me questions in Serbocroatian because he knows I will understand simple questions), every second post would be "I understood the sentence, but explain these words please...".

Ugrics > slavshits

They are man.

tell me about all the ugrics that got slavicized jonne :^)

>subhumans > other subhumans
I don't think that's how it works.

They built Russia and Russia went on to cuck all the slavs in the world, 10/10 success.

Pizdjulej poimeti hćeš?


The differences are smaller and from what I have read the intelligibility of MK/BG is also worse.