tor links thread
Tor links thread
Other urls found in this thread:
this desu
why does it immediatly have to be cheese pizza?
Because links to drug markets are painfully easy to find.
NSA shills.
because tor is for pedos
because thats the only damn thing people use tor for.
i have not once seen a legislate use for someone in america to be using tor. its blocked on every clearnet website, so it has no use as a proxy, and 99.9% of onion links involves illegal shit
You're retarded.
Most place that actually care about free speech allow people to post through a hidden service.
>Most place that actually care about free speech
So basically nobody?
To have a sovereign stance on privacy makes you a criminal in the eyes of the stooges that get paid to be here.
>implying pedos don't think of the children
That's what TOR users do most of the time.
That's the first thing on someones mind when they open up tor. Probably start breathing heavily at the thought of it. Scum
>Sup Forums doesn't let you post over tor
>wah wah tor is useless
What site are you posting from tor on?
jesus fucking christ nigger
why would you do that?
You are retarded.
Not everybody live in burgerland, and state censorship is a thing.
Also like, 99% sites on the web except 4chins and google main page (repaceable by startpage) works perfectly fine via tor.
>99% sites on the web
No the fuck they don't. Stop defending your pedophilic activities.
> they don't
It's the other thing if you want to post on them.
I can't tell if you're projecting or just ignorant.
i asked you to post tor links, and you cant do that simple thing
you all suck
>Most place that actually care about free speech allow people to post through a hidden service.
>It's the other thing if you want to post on them.
> 99% sites on the web works perfectly fine via tor.
t. Takedownman fan
thats like making a thread and saying 'post random links guys...'
we all know what you're expecting to be posted you fucking scumbag.
pedos are literally the reason why we can't have nice things
the irrational hatred for pedos is why we can't have nice things
w-what is it
Please don't ban me...just for education
actually i do want random links fag
>tfw burgers are unironically this mentally disabled
No surprise you've voted for drumpf.
Whatever you say McPedo Diddler-kun.
Wew lad
Also you're all just jelly I get to jack it to sexy kids while you're stuck with anime
>Pale Meme
Again, for educational purposes ;^)
I don't memorize any urls but Google uncensored hidden wiki or Tor links
Enjoy your slow fbi honeypot, in the meantime those who care about privacy are on the freenet
More like pedonet. There's more legitimate uses for fucking Tor.
i know all of you stubblechin basement dwellers here have links, just post them, am i asking much?
look ok, i am sorry guys, its just that i will have a lot of paperwork to do after all of it ... have some compassion
holy shit you're an idiot
>calls Tor slow while literally waiting minutes for pages to load on Freenet
This is the example page for Tor's rendezvous points system.
Read Thomas Paine's Common Sense.
Or read The Federalist papers, which were also originally published anonymously.
(If you were sent here by the Tor help desk, your Tor Browser is accessing hidden services normally. If you still cannot reach a particular hidden service, then it is most likely offline.)
No, people not caring about their privacy is the reason we can't have nice things. At this moment it's basically only criminals who care about anonimity cus they get arrested if they don't. It's tragic but 90% of the people who use our nice privacy friendly applications are russian hackers or guys wanking to children. If decent amounts of people would actually care about privacy jews wouldn't get away with "muh pedos" every time they implemented a new layer of botnet
The darknet is a meme. The only thing it's good for is illegal stuff. The same illegal stuff. Woho, drugs, CP, fake documents and weapons. Woho. Hilarious and original.
I hope it gets exposed eventually as the fraud and honeypot it is.
>t. bootlicker
Enjoy you're honeypot, illegal scum.
How does that boot taste like?
pedo website
Freenet is cracked. Anyone can now see what you're downloading on it and by extent what websites you visit. It is no longer anonymous.
Thanks doc
Dumb normalfag.
doesnt work?
how ?/explain
When the hell did that happen?
>likes seasonal anise
Also Sup Forums is genuine really bad
I still cant find a stable link to White Europa
I live in 'merica and I use Tor by default for all my casual browsing. I have a ton of proxy sites bookmarked to bypass cloudfare.
All anime was seasonal once except OVAs and movies, you dipshit. Not watching stuff from the current season is the equivalent of being a hipster faggot.
but this season really fucking sucks
so does the next season
>not watching based Guru Guru and getting comfy with Girls Last Tour
>based Guru Guru
>posting in a tor thread
Yeah I'm sure you would like that shit.
Shit you got me
Vist Sup Forums.
>mfw going to check it out because of the loli
Will Firefox Quantum fuck up Tor Browser? xD
Have fun user, even without the loli it's a great comedy anime.
NIce try Vitalik! GO back yo your desk and make me moon you nerd !
The tor project only actively suppresses white supremacists from spreading their racist ideology. If you are just a drug dealer, human trafficker, or assassin for hire, you are good to go.
>projections of latent kids lover
In some countries govs blocking web resources, one of the way to bypass it - tor.
tor actually considers white supremacists worse than pedos.
In the UK, watching terrorist or right-wing propaganda can get you jailed.
Watching child porn is fine though, only possession and distribution are punishable.
Shit's fucked.
>we live in a world where having an opinion is worse than watching and fomenting crime against kids
I always considered a dystopian world fun but now
i need to create an i2p thread here someday
you'll just get >java replies
why not today?
who cares, are least it has works on any computer with jvm
i2pd and kovri honey bun sugar plum