>group prigramming project
>write some code in a mentally sane coding style
>some tard opens it in emacs and tabs every line
Group prigramming project
Tell him to fix his config. Emacs user != tabs cancer
who gives a shit, just run a pretty printer before checking in like every mentally sane person
>group programming project
>university offers free provate gitlab repos for students
>am the only one who knows what git is, let alone how to use it
>"That looks way too complicated. Just mail me your progress every day, user. I'll integrate it, when i have time."
Not even suggesting dropbox
>university programming project
>group of 7
>only me and one other can actually program
>the other 5 just fuck around doing nothing
I hate it when this happens
>university programming project
>group of 4
>we all know how to program
>I just fuck around doing nothing while the betas pick up the slack
Who else /devilish/ here
t. doesn't know how to program lol
>group project
>group project
>people use both tabs and spaces
>group programming project
>4 of us.
>One (ad hoc leader) forces us to do scrum meetings every day.
>Even if we wanna be lazy
>Actually... really helps us get shit done
>Another stays up till like 3am every day, just so she can get shit done.
>Third picks up the slack. Does stuff, doesn't complain.
>Have yet to find a project as comfy as that.
>group project of 3
>me and another guy are already refactoring out code
>the other guy is still configuring syntax highlight on vim
Stick with tabs for indentation. That way, if you want something stupid like 1 space or 16 space indents, you can have it, and everyone else has it automatically look the way they want in their editor without having to do any re-indents.
Or you could move with spaces and either be stuck with whatever awful indentation someone else chose, or change it and piss them off when they come back to edit it.
I'm at this exact situation. Except it's a group of 8, and the professor doubled the project's scope due the praying of those fuckers.
Tell me OP, what exactly is wrong with using a character for TABULATION for its intended purpose?
Tab on emacs replaces all tabulations on the line with 2 spaces.
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode t)
(setq-default tab-width 4)
email them a patch
Start sending patches, when people ask why you format it this way, send them "the perfect patch"
Why not just set your tab button to insert 4 spaces, if you insist upon using the tab key?