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So, is the redmeme note 5 kill? New leaks show a worse design...
Zachary Anderson
Well, after almost 10 years my Nokia 5310 started to randomly shut off and battery charge drops like a rock even after changing a battery so i might aswell get a smartphone. What's the most poorfag smartphone with the biggest battery i can get?
James Walker
Lenovo P2 with battery saving switch activated forever.
Xavier Bailey
Look into the xiaomi redmi line: best quality/price
Levi Harris
I'm pretty hyped for the OP5T, been stuck with my Galaxy S3 for years and I truly despise this phone, it's basically just a heavier mp3 player right now. A couple of weeks ago it fell and finally broke the screen. Still useable but I no longer have to hold on to it and can upgrade with a clear conscience. Since I'm several years behind on phoneshit, what sort of first time setup should I be doing when I buy? I'm probably not going to root it, Oxygen seems interesting and I want to give it a try, but maybe there's ways to remove bloatware or minimize tracking? I already try to keep as much of my shit separate as I can, like different emails for different social media accounts, avoiding google sync and all that. I'll probably set up an entirely different account to use the play store as well just for my phone. But if I run a gmail app unrelated to my play store address, would they be able to link the two based on my phone number? Help an old newfag out Sup Forums.
Brayden Evans
xiaomi is very good. consider either the mi a1 or the redmi line imo. My next phone is gonna be a mi a1 if my rn3p ever dies.
>want the V30 >5T comes out >it has double the RAM, better software and support, and metal back >but it's infinitely uglier, it loses OIS, and I'm not an android purist
Josiah Cruz
That looks like the right stuff for me, are there any significant differences between Outkitel 10000 and Outkitel 10000 PRO other than camera and CPU?
Brody Rivera
5T looks really awesome. Sucks to be a 5 owner tho
William Jackson
Take the pro, mate: everything is infinitely better; regular k10000 will be outdated much more quickly than the pro one. I mean, if 30 eurobucks are a problem, you could as well go for the regular one, but for that tiny price difference, the benefits are enormous. kimovil.com/en/compare/oukitel-k10000,oukitel-k10000-pro
Oliver Williams
The struggle is real
Joseph Scott
Whats the go to android device to replace my nexus 6p that I wish they still produced? The onplus 5t is looking like my best option at the moment. I'm in Australia.
Asher Powell
Nathaniel Gray
Make sure the phone has the LTE bands you need for your carrier/area.
Aaron Stewart
Thinking whether to buy >Xperia XZ1 or not...
It's almost perfectly what I am looking for: >Waterproof; good sturdy build >No bloat, Android 8 Oreo, 3 years updates >OK processor, OK battery life
The only thing is the 5'2 inch screen, it's kind of small...
John Campbell
Google Pixel 2 XL
Aaron Carter
get out of palestine whitey
Justin Edwards
I bought the Razer phone now it's here in front of me but I'm having second thoughts. Should I just stick with my s7 edge which is a bit busted up but still works fine?
Bentley Thompson
>I bought the Razer phone You're kidding, right? You didn't unironically buy a gamer phone?
Luke Bennett
>bought razer phone >has S7 edge Now that's the reason why we are having DRAM shortages because of these dumb decisions.
William Jackson
No my friend I'm not kidding, I unironically bought a phone for gamers, despite the fact I don't game on my phone ever. I liked the idea of the speakers and the 120hz but as I said, I'm having second thoughts.
Cameron Jones
>>but it's infinitely uglier
Jayden Lopez
1+1 was the last good 1+.
Justin Morales
stop recommending this piece of shit
Connor Barnes
>Sony Xperia XZ Premium Is this a good smartphone, lads?
Joshua Price
What's /spg/'s opinion on the Sharp Aquos S2?
Landon Thompson
Is there anything like Samsung S4 I9505 but a upgraded version without unnecessary gimmick shit and battery which is as good or better? Mine sadly broke due to incompetence.
Joshua Edwards
>V30 >balanced and pleasing, yet compact design >81% StB ratio >5T >cunky rectangular screen with fat bezels and a camera bump that is more akin to a kickstand >79% StB ratio
Brayden Rivera
Basically everything. You will lose the removable battery though because that's how the market rolls now.
Jeremiah Ortiz
Oh god why.
Connor Evans
Oh God why what?
Cooper Robinson
Oh god why can't it just have a top bezel?
Joseph Adams
I've got a OnePlus One that I'm thinking about replacing. Need a phone that has all US T-Mobile bands and has a pretty good camera. Looking to spend 350 or less. Is there anything that will be a significant upgrade or should I just stick with my old phone?
Grayson Ross
The widows peak is infinitely superior to whatever you call that shit at the top of the iPhone X
Brayden Stewart
Colton Harris
>Cat shit isn't as bad as Horse shit.
Caleb Price
>Oneplus One >released Early 2014 >3GB RAM and 5.5" 1080p screen >13MP camera >Battery lasts all day >headphone jack >4k video
What has really improved since 2014? Is the OPO still relevant?
Nathan Mitchell
I have oneplus one, still in use
the battery (now) and camera (always) sucks ass though
Brandon Davis
Camera does suck in low light, but I've yet to see a reasonably-priced phone that is a real improvement. Most still have the same specs the OPO had in 2014.
Andrew Stewart
Hunter Smith
So I tried out that animojis thing and I'm pretty much sold on the iphone X
avoided apple stuff in the past cause everyone who has iphones seems to have trouble and replace them very often. Is planned obsolescence real, or can I make an iphone last a decade with good care?
Jose Price
Even something like a Redmi Note 4 for $150 is an improvement over it in almost every way
Bentley Jenkins
I guess you're right, I just personally dislike incomplete bezels. If you like them, that's fine.
Isaiah Miller
One plus 3t had oxygen and it was more or less stock with very few minor tweaks that enhance the experience. Rooting wasn't really necessary for me the only thing I needed was YouTube background play and if you install fdroid you can get new pipe for background podcast/playlist so your good there. Also if you want to absolutely keep your gmail separate from your google play email you could download a 3rd party client. K-9 mail on fdroid is what I would go with if I was you.
Jason Martinez
Are there any sim tablets that have phone sms functionality?
Angel Long
At $150 unlocked on Sprint, the Essential PH-1 is the best smartphone deal out there right now.
You know it, I know it, everybody knows it .
Jordan Carter
How is it unlocked if it's on Sprint? Dummy
Robert Clark
>Waterproof Until you drop it once, even if nothing cracks. The seals also dry up within ~1 year AND the hatches are prone to failure as well. Even if you do everything right and a manufacturer error makes it leak in you have no warranty for moisture damage anyway. >Good sturdy build Glass back and screens that notoriously stop working after getting even miniscule cracks in them. Aluminum body is better than their previous plastic generations though.
t. screen repair monkey
Dylan Williams
It's not waterproof. Deal breaker.
Henry Parker
It fell for the headphone jack meme
Asher Richardson
Or they listened to the consumers which is a smart move
Lucas Jenkins
Mini review it already.
Nicholas Smith
You just need to use their plan. After the lease is over, like 3 months, it's free to be used anywhere.
Cooper Lee
Pixel not available in my country, and I don't want Samsung's or other Asian companies bloatware. It's sad that I am now considering buying an iPhone7Plus instead of an Android.
Can anyone not make a decent stock android phone that gets latest updates for normal users? Essential comes close, but it has some flaws.
Robert James
I will never use Sprint again, also there's no way it's that simple, I used to work for them and they aways have some bullshit in the fine print that sticks it's hooks in you for at least 6 months
Jeremiah Hall
Nokia, Oneplus or Sony?
Aaron Kelly
Jack Stewart
>Decade Not with any good performance, no. How many Iphone 2g are alive today and even functions at all? Just about none.
How often is "very often"? I would count ~5 years as the current trend limit before it's just a mess. You can't really "take care of it" as the failures that arise will probably happen regardless and software will bloat with upgrades if you want to use apps that actually require newer ios versions. Battery replacements are a must and can potentially wreck the phone during the operation if you are unlucky.
Paying over 1000 dollaridoos for a phone is just insane unless that kind of money doesn't make a dent in your wallet.
Juan Hernandez
>Paying over 1000 dollaridoos for a phone is just insane yea you right, I got more important shit to spend my dollarydoos on
Jordan Brown
Hey, does anyone have a Maze Alpha?
Best place to get it from? Does the 6GB worth the plus over the 4GB RAM?
Caleb Phillips
It's ok. I love my 5, not really a fan of big phones.
Liam Sanchez
>Mi A1 Other than stock Android it's inferior to the Meizu M6 Note despite costing more.
Tyler Cox
It's real, you just need to pay attention and a credit check.
Hey guys, im looking at a budget of 300 bucks. Im with Sprint in America. Id like to have a larger phone as im used to the Note 4 and dont mind paying for a used one, preferably in the last generation of phones. Currently looking at the LG V20
Xavier Wilson
I have an LG G2 that's been running perfectly for the past 4 years. Still bummed about the end of AICP support on it. It's starting to crap out a little bit (random signal drop once every 2 weeks). What should I look out for in the near future? I want an LG G6 because it's even cheaper than Oneplus and has waterproofing and SD but I don't know if I am going to get a non-EU one by accident (muh bootloader)
Hudson Butler
Pixel XL 128GB or S8 64GB?
Henry Evans
Levi Morris
Jacob Sanders
>Meizu M6 Note >no USB-C >Plastic body Yeah alright shill.
Blake Morales
The M6 Note costs more if you compare the 4/64 version to the Mi A1 (which is 4/64)
Andrew Lopez
Nokia 8 bruh
Chase Evans
1 decade is ridiculous. I've had my lg g2 since 2013. Does it work? You betcha. Would I be better off with an s8 or one plus? Yes. Tech moves really fast I'm outdated and its only been 4 years 10 is crazy. With that in mind no on the first drop your iPhone x is fukt. I've dropped my g2 god know how many times. Only thing that's happened is a crack in the bottom right corner. IPhones aren't built to last
Ayden Edwards
Wrong! Half the old farts buying phones don't even know the headphone jacks not there. Complicating a feature unnecessarily because a shit company like apple decides to be "bold" is retarded. The only reason apple did it in the first place is to cut cost and improve revenue. Don't be like then user. Get an s8 or a one plus.
Alexander Gomez
The 5T improves nothing, it just stuck a longer screen on the 5 at the expense of the bezels and home button. Smartphone design is stagnant trendy bullshit. I hope to god my 5 lasts enough years for a sane alternative to arise.
Ryan Davis
Alexander Powell
I just want the Redmi 5 plus to come out.
Evan Diaz
No jelly screen
Asher Morris
Wow that's an ugly phone
Thomas Moore
Fuck that, I'm gonna get the Aquos over a fucking S8
Logan Clark
Xiaomi Mi Max 2 has a 5300 mAH battery and goes for a decent price.
Gavin Torres
Nokia 2. BlackBerry Motion
Adam Hughes
Femanon here
What's wrong with the RMN5 design? It's just got an 18:9 display like every other flagship in recent months. This is the way the industry is going generally. Looks fine to me
Michael Wood
I'm not sure if I should put this here or in stupid questions, but as it's smartphone related, I guess I'll ask it here. I've looked through xda for related information and haven't found anything that seems to answer my question, either. I recently picked up a m7 for cheap(amazing condition, but of course the camera is PINK'd in low light); the only issue is that it's still on the original firmware and version of android it came with, 4.1.2. Normally I would just OTA it up to current and then throw a custom rom on it. However, whenever I check for an OTA, it says none was found. It's an AT&T one, so apparently this is because AT&T issues their OTAs direct from their server, and I'm not on AT&T. Anyway, my question is, I found the RUU file for the latest update on HTC's site, but it's just the RUU for the exact final update, there's no in between files offered; can I safely jump all the way from earlier firmware/bootloader/android version/etc straight to last without murdering the phone? I have no idea how HTC's RUU stuff works in this regard.
Dylan Cooper
Yeah, but then you have a phone with MIUI
Ethan White
This design looks marvellous. Pic related is what's worrying me, because it would just look like a rn3p with incredibly ugly round corners... Source: techradar.com/news/xiaomi-redmi-note-5
Gavin Martinez
It's cheap enough that once the sources get released it will get aftermarket ROM support.
Jordan Young
Looking for this:
>Stock Android (or close to it), no chink bloat >Something that will get updated to Oreo/Treble >XL screen preferred >Well built, waterproof >OK battery performance, doesn't have to be stellar >I don't care about camera quality, I'm not an art fag >Processor good enough for regular use without lag
Pretty simple, eh? Yet you can't find something like that.
Closest that I can find is Xperia XZ1... Maybe I'll have to accept the huge bezels and small 5'2 screen.
Liam Gomez
Try the Xperia XZ Premium.
Robert Ward
Jack Edwards
i really hope a phone in 2018 will not look like that
Leo Hill
You're a fat ugly bitch so I don't put stock into your opinion.
Noah Barnes
Worth it to go to bestbuy and buy the S8 now, today or is it safer to wait for Verizon to announce their black friday deals.
Easton Campbell
Friend thesoftware is not broken, is simply bug I haven't not had time to get into dealings with yet, pleaseunderstand. In meantimes you can solve issue by manually writing your own build.prop and restarting phone every hour. Look forward toupdate after monsoon season! please and thanks
Kayden Price
>spending more than 200 USD on a smartphone :thinking:
Nicholas Rogers
That's just how I was feeling.
Adam Peterson
I have a P2 and it's brilliant, but the camera is awful unless you're in good sunlight in which case it's great, but just because of the crappy camera I'm switching back to Iphone soon and carrying a power bank.
Carson Bailey
What web browsers are you guys using? I'm sick of using Firefox, I'm looking for something simple that supports ad-blocking.