I wonder how people can be so stupid...
>at webdev class
>teacher uses amazonbuntu, chrome, vscode, f.lux, dropbox
>also uses gmail, facecuck and google services for projects like google fonts and firebase
>goes on a rant about how we should respect user privacy
I wonder how people can be so stupid
>I wonder how people can be so stupid...
>>at webdev class
Me too.
i almost feel sorry for you autists that take the botnet meme seriously
[instert autistic screeching here]
I'm not even doing webdev, I'm just wasting time because I can't stand going to uni just for physics at 8 am.
Your teacher sounds like a normie who recently got into tech.
>at webdev class
>teacher uses fedora, firefox, eclipse
>sample code and docs on nfs, all dependencies on nexus on the same server
>also runs a fedora mirror on said machine for super-fast installs
>every project that needs a db is using postgres
>every single line of js included in the project
>everything confirmed to run on openjdk
your teacher is shit
Really bad posts
>intro operating systems class
>teacher doesn't know the most basic of basic commands
>class has to install mingw and 'get familiar with the command line'
>people have trouble clicking through the installer
another one from that same year
>webdev your first babby page with php and html exam
>have to turn in zipped exercise files at the end and mail it
>multiple people have failed because they didn't know how to zip one folder
>>everything confirmed to run on openjdk
are you pajeet?
>every project that needs a db is using postgres
if postgres is so good why is nobody using it?
twitter = mysql
uber = mysql
pinterest = mysql
What's wrong with f.lux?
>implying this isn't a waste of time AND money
>intro to programming
>never even write a single line of code before
>exam time
>pass, even though i had problems coding on paper, but i actually read the course book, so i knew all the theoretical questions
>meme-tier basement dwelling hobby-hacker fail because they breezed through the programming tasks without ever learning shit.
proprietary botnet. Use redshift
Everytime I think one of those is bullshit, I remember I had a classmate that didn't know his computer had a video card. He was 2 years in in a IT-related course.
next time make something believable up
f.lux has an official loonix port and an ubuntu partner repo you retard.
OP here, things that actually happened. He was also using some really ugly Arc / Bluebird theme on amazunity and also had Atom and Sublime Text installed. and proudly on the dock.