some dude invented an app (filter) that uses AI to remove makeup from photographs of females
Roasties are being blown the fuck out in real time. This is a current issue. They are literally blaming Russian hackers, despite the fact that actual 10/10 females remain 10/10
Can you say "women"? "females" sounds like the kind of thing a Ferengi would say.
Julian Harris
I like how this app is only exploding in popularity because of the buttblasted roasties. If they really wanted to minimize use of this app, they would just remain silent and let it fade to obscurity. I guess roasties never fail to seize the opportunity to attention whore and virtue signal.
Jace Barnes
I'm so grateful to the internet for revealing the true nature of the average woman
Benjamin Johnson
tone policing isn't welcome here TwoXChromosomes/
David Morales
Shouldn't feminists love this app? It's exposing what a farce the popular image of female beauty is.
Chase Torres
surprisingly accurate around the eyes and eyebrows
Isaiah Long
>slap a freckle filter over the face >"AI"
Kevin Murphy
Dylan Gutierrez
Someone run the app on this bitch and send her a pic
Mason Jenkins
how many more times are we gonna have this thread? yeah women are childish entitled retards, can we move on to something else that isn't /r9k/ garbage?
Jose Clark
How does it affect a pic with a hijab on? I'm curious
Also does it work on gays
Owen Evans
Holy shit they're so mad. I'm legitimately laughing.
Juan Edwards
How up in your own fucking ass do you have to be to think that someone has to "deserve" to see you without makeup? R O A S T I E O A S T I E
Jose Sanchez
what a luser
Nolan Cooper
>says on a board with constantly 10 firefox threads
Jonathan Miller
Sebastian Gomez
>if you run a filter on a photo you obviously hate women wat
>it's fake Disappointing, user.
Colton Martinez
I don't understand what's happening with this pic
Jose Richardson
Methinks the app doesn't work very well when it turns you into a fucking rotting flesh zombie.
Cooper Gray
In other news, water is wet...
Robert Garcia
>implying its not working correctly
Lucas Lopez
Unless people started literally waking up from the death, or that chick is suffering from some flesh eating bacteria disease, I'd say it isn't.
Luis Baker
It's not the app that turned her like that. It's some Muslim or Indian who threw acid at her for not giving her pussy out in the name of multiculturalism.
Brayden Johnson
>shes looks even better wtf
Kevin Davis
>it's not the app >literally says MAKEAPP in the watermark
Josiah Hill
That was the Indian/Paki trying to cover his tracks.
Leo Richardson
That Muslim is the real victim here, he was oppressed by white males for so long that it's totally understandable that he would punch up by throwing acid in a girls face, also don't be insensitive to other people's cultures you bigot, that white girl is appropriating the looks of Muslim women with acid thrown in her face.
Carter Roberts
The image has been run through the app multiple times, dinguses. Look at the watermark.
Jaxson Ward
Women is a gendered term and its literally illegal to assume someone's gender you cis scum
Charles Adams
>cis scum Isn't it illegal to assume someone's sexuality?
Ryan Martin
The word "sexuality" triggers me, I contacted the FBI and they will arrest you.
Jason Anderson
Sometimes I'm glad I'm past 18
James Hall
the original pic is one of those comparison pics of a pornstar before makeup / after makeup. Someone used the before makeup pic (when she was naturally zombie-ish) in the app which made her look even more fucked up.
Brayden Bailey
he says "females" as a juvenile sign of disrespect toward women as the result of him blaming them for his lack of sex and companionship.
Jose Gomez
>complains about someone using "females" to describe women >ignores the angry incels calling them roasties and femnazis
Jonathan Moore
When all this Hollywood shit started with Weinstein, i developed some sympathy towards women for all the shit being done to them in the film industry.
Then feminists started coming out of the woodworks with their stupid inane retardation like some religious retard appearing during a disaster to scream their bullshit into everyone's ears, and all of my sympathy evaporated to be replaced with annoyance.
Carson Murphy
Gotta start somewhere. And I've actually never heard the term "roasties" before.
You do sometimes wonder if the average age on this board is 12.
Asher Scott
95% of those women "coming out" are just attention whores that simply want a piece of the lawsuit settlement pie. You ever wondered why women only do shit like this in groups? Same reason why women all do what trendy shit the rest of their friend circle is doing, for attention.
Michael Richardson
The difference is we cover our females in clothing. It is disgusting really. If they wear clothes, they can have pockets and if they have pockets they can have profit.
Dylan Long
tay is still a cutie
Samuel Moore
In that case, it looks like you are below average.
Aiden Parker
>And I've actually never heard the term "roasties" before You're an actual kid aren't you?
Aaron Williams
>correct term in the new thundercunt totalitarian regime is "female organisms"
Dominic Brown
She looks better on the right.
Anthony Roberts
>they think roasties is a commonly used term Only on /r/incels
Juan Torres
Anthony Williams
Bentley Taylor
It hit mainstream a long time ago. Also >/r/incel Back reddit.
Adam Sullivan
woman includes the word man and female has the word male in it. You should call them queens
Isaiah Hall
No, I'll not install this crap just to see what you're talking about.
Julian Evans
How so?
Julian Russell
>go back to plebbit >NO U go back to plebbit kek
William Perez
Or I don't hang out on Sup Forums enough to see the term, or it's just not a common term where I live, or in my demographic (I'm 35).
Cameron Jenkins
So... the guy thinks that calling women "females" seems a bit immature, so you accuse him of being underage? How does that even work?
Austin Bailey
>without consent >without consent >without consent Why do they keep saying the same shit over and over again? Do you also need consent to see other people at their eyes and walk on the same streets?
Connor Richardson
Kevin Moore
It's not a common term. It's something angry virgin postulate happens, but doesn't really in real life. They claim that women that have a lot of sex will eventually get loose and that beef curtains (which kinda looks like roast beef hence "roastie") is the result of a girl having (lots of) sex and not being a virgin.
Jayden Jackson
Adam Jackson
she looks cute in both of those?
Jaxson Martinez
it's clearly not a freckles filter.
Blake Kelly
I am way more attracted to her without makeup. That makeup pic just sucks the cuteness out of her, if that makes sense.
Jaxson Bailey
you goddamn freak!
Ayden James
my guess about the rage is, that its mostly like the makeup industry making less $$$$ on selling it to girls
Nicholas Cox
What is the point of writing buzzwords on a bunch of stickers and then taking off your pants and pulling up in your tshirt? Is feminism a cult where you can make retards to anything as long as you angle it according to the religion?
Justin Johnson
underware collection for programming-kin
Colton Butler
Most young females without mascara just don't look that good. If there's any makeup that should be turned into a skin augment, it's mascara.
Ethan Johnson
>no programming socks
Juan Nguyen
disgusting Sup Forums meme only fizzbuzz enthusiasts are fond of
I was not ready for this scrolling down on tweeter.
Tyler Lewis
Adam Russell
>4 it really did an impact to insecure women lmfao
Sebastian Perez
>hating the pinapple of programming, the alpha and omega method, the core problem of everything ever made
Ryan Smith
I like how ugly girls faking it with makeup look hideous with this, but legitimately cute girls like taylor swift look just as good if not better
Juan Jones
>the pinapple of programming You fucking dumbass
Easton James
>removes makeup >pretends every woman is either imperfect or perfect under makeup Worthless. Really. You can't regain hidden information through AI without a vast amount of images in different makeup applications and combining it. >sorry no archive >buzzfeed >not even source code or site itself Great. So you're advertising. Well fuck you. Go to somewhere else.
Colton Lopez
It's way too overzealous with making the skin horrible. It's pretty much worst case scenario every time.
Angel Allen
>he isn't at the pineapple of programming
Colton Kelly
>imperfect or perfect
What other option is there?
Carson Gray
My bad. You get my point I hope. It almost certainly looks for extremes.
Ayden Taylor
I don't think you are correct. After seeing several of these, it clearly works (maybe imperfectly) at counteracting each of the principal aspects of makeup. >removes lipstick >removes mascara and eyeliner >removes blush >removes foundation by increasing contrast of blemishes
natural tens are unaffected
Parker Bailey
.... so it's a term used primarily by ultravirgins that don't know how a vag actually works. And those sake ultravirgins are accusing people who don't know of the term of being children. Is it irony or are they trolling? I don't want to believe people could possibly be that fucking dumb. Maybe Lenin was right and we SHOULD send these insects to forced labour camps.
Luke Jenkins
Can someone try this on mila kunis?
Someone's been telling me that she looks terrible without makup, but I'm dubious.
Thomas Baker
Well it also changed her eye tone. And who knows what skin tone she has exactly. Also the source there is clearly shopped. Not a fair assessment of the software even.
I'm not incorrect though. Even if the results in this instance were accurate it's purely luck. Because it's a theoretically impossible problem. You can't regain missing information. Well you're retarded user. It can't be fixed. Idiots rather. Don't slander virgins please.
Mason Gonzalez
Just off the boat, eh?
Cooper Brooks
>at counteracting each of the principal aspects of makeup. it doesn't and can't do shit for contouring and other techniques that try to change the shape/shadows of the face and while you say it removes foundation it's still just guessing at the end of the day you also say natural 10s are unaffected but you're not considering that natural 10s look completely different without makeup and this app just makes their makeup look natural rather than really giving you an idea of what they look like without makeup, there's a photo floating around somewhere of karlie kloss without any makeup on and spoiler it doesn't look anywhere near as good as suggests
also see pic related, the after pic is going to look nothing like the before pic when ran through such a program and it's a fairly modest transformation and don't get me wrong it's a great novel idea but makeup can have a stupidly powerful transformation effect even when it's incredibly subtle and natural looking to the point where if you try looking up photos of models without makeup you'll only ever find pictures of them already wearing natural looking makeup
Nolan Green
that's a lot of observer bias
Levi Reyes
Remember how many pathetic cosmopolitan whites refer to themselves as "white males". It's much worse because its practically verbal castration
Zachary Fisher
I dated a girl back in the day who's cousin was a Tommy Hilfiger model (this used to be a bigger thing). In fact it was Ivanka Trump that took her place.
Anyway i hung out with this girl a few times with my GF and she didn't wear makeup. Literally none, she was a hippy type against it except for when she was doing a shoot. Anyway she was a 10/10 and needed no make up at all. Dutch genes.
Isaac Richardson
Don't reply to my post without my consent.
Jordan Nguyen
>sounds like the kind of thing a Ferengi would say.
My sides. Thanks user bro!
Eli Reed
Before pic is actually attractive. Final pic looks like some dumb cunt I would make fun of.