Which Lisp dialect does Sup Forums use?
Which Lisp dialect does Sup Forums use?
I like Racket
Guile because I like the author.
Who is the author and why do you like him/her/xir/xe/xem?
guile master race
i'm so glad gnu chose scheme rather than cl
but really, this sort of infighting is dumb
any lisper is ok by me
made me a little upset/10
Guile beginner here.
I considered Racket and Clojure, but I didn't really need them and went guile for GuixSD.
I like SBCL and Racket, been looking at Clojure.
Python is the only one that matters.
I've been doing a bunch of clojure lately. it's great
racket here. I wish it were a little easier to get it built on odd architectures.
i wish Scheme wasnt brain dead retarded and finding implementations that keep it pure wasnt impossible
Use Racket with #lang r5rs
> 2017
> lisp
No way. Use golang, bro.
why not both?
> Named function is a list of statements
> Anonymous function is an expression
Love your consistency there faggot
Common Lisp, it's the C++ of lisp!
Visual Lisp.
Yes, yes i know.
Is that a thing?
Still more consistent and useful than Scheme.
I wanted to get into Scheme but there a many resources and I don't know which is best for me.
I bet golang doesn't even have symbols or dynamic typiing.
>no ncurses bindings
Clojure is the only lisp worth learning. I just learned it for my job and it's fantastic!
It's a dialect originally developed by Autodesk and used by many CAD platforms.
MIT Lisp. Just makes me feel nice and warm inside.
Are there that many differences between CL and Scheme?
Coming from a C background, why should I learn Lisp and which one should I learn?
>Are there that many differences
Yes, fundamental.
>Coming from a C background, why should I learn Lisp and which one should I learn?
Read a SICP.
Scheme is to C as CL is to C++. CL is "batteries included" lisp, with some opinionated ways to program common tasks (CLOS, etc). Scheme is meant to be very minimal where you're encouraged to DIY (or pick your favourite from a selection of libraries) rather than use the One True Object System.
elisp for emacs
Scheme is very small and has a standard that is 45 pages long. (CL is 1k)
You can guess there's not much defined in the standard, so Schemers have SRFIs (Standard Requests for Implementation), which are basically extensions to the language (OOP, homogeneous vectors, useful miscellaneous macros, etc)
Chicken Scheme is also comfy because its gueared towards compilation through C.
Commmon Lisp is way biggger but is meant to not require many other libraries.
Some simple differences b/w Scheme and CL:
>Scheme has static coping, CL has default static coping but one can make it dynamic
>CL macros are not much complicated like with default Scheme macros, which use define-syntax (whose whole purpose is being hygenic, but in CL, just (gensym) and you solve this problem), but Scheme supports CL macros too
>Scheme symbols use one spot for both functions and non-function objects, so you can't bind a variable that has a function to another object, othewise the function is inaccesible.
>CL allows you to do the above
There's more but I don't want to write an essay.
Chicken scheme , Chez is master race of all languages tho.
what sort of plague has been infecting society
common lisp is the everyman's lisp, and elisp for plumbing
>how to get people to not use your product.com
He used to post interesting articles about the development of some internals of Guile, quite educational.
Not sure what happened but last few posts are SJW faggotry and no useful information. I wish people would keep their gay opinions on their facebook pages and leave technical blogs as sources of information.
I'm shocked and perplexed that people are arguing in favor of CL.
It's a bloated inconsistent mess - It's the Python or C++ of Lisps.
I think they're only able to wrangle in new users because of the name - People see the word `common' and think it'll be a good general/standard to get their feet wet.
But compared to the clean elegance, consistency, and simplicity of Scheme, it's a terrible place to start.
And Guile now has libraries for almost anything you wish to do.
GNU chose Scheme, not CL - That it's quickly becoming their go to API/config/scripting language is reason enough for you to do the same.
GNU chose Scheme because it's a good, _small_ language for embedding. that's no reason to favor it for application development.
common lisp isn't "bloated" by today's standards. not close. plus you get a whole lot of batteries for relatively small cost. it'd be better to compare racket to common lisp, rather than "scheme proper".
common lisp might not have the theoretical consistency scheme does but that's because its designers were more concerned with the engineering aspect of programming
> tfw used to enjoy reading that blog