Why does an internet browser need to have a social agenda?
Why does an internet browser need to have a social agenda?
because you live in the west and we all need to pat ourselves on the back
Crossboarder who just started lurking Sup Forums here: Do you guys actually ever discuss technology or just shitpost about browsers all day?
I hate leftists.
because soros dollaridos fund this free as in free beer software
The fuck, I have never had those
Do your part to stop internet bullies you stupid queer
I’m this close to just using ESR 52 until june, but also compiling it myself to remove everything I hate about it
>actually discuss technology
hahahaha, that ended years ago dear. We rant about browsers, we shill, but most importantly we try to piss people off. Great board!!
I just got this sjw soyboy shit shoved into my face too. Makes me want to switch to waterfox desu
Because they know better than you and desires to be your master.
You guys are ridiculous
and why you should give a fuck
as long as they don't force anything on you its no big deal
Because a prior CEO funded anti-gay marriage and Mozilla was lambasted for it. So they have skin in the game.
internet shutdowns and hackers probably should be of concern to a company that designs browsers, worrying about harassment is just bullshit though, people need to stop being so thin skinned and learn that their computer has an off button they can press at anytime if they can't handle things
Most distros patch them out.
no sometimes we talk about watches as well
didn't realize Sup Forums couldn't handle opposite opinions :thinking:
Because it is a free company that depends on it.
This is like asking why Chrome has a corporate agenda.
Do you prefer the ones that sell your info or the sjw? You choose.
You're asking why a company that makes an Internet browser cares about what happens to the Internet?