/sht/ - Simple Hacks Thread


So I'm starting a new general for simple hacks that most people aren't doing and that would make a significant difference or improvement to tech use like speeding shit up, using less power, using less RAM, using less CPU where it's not necessary, you get the idea.
Many of these hacks will already be in use by many Sup Forums faggots so don't complain if you're already doing this, just add something that you think most of us *aren't* doing and that we should be doing.

1st hack I want to mention:

Switch to 5Ghz Wifi band if you're on 2.4Ghz and you're experiencing Wifi issues or websites load slowly on your Android device, especially if you live in a place where there is even one other Wifi in range. It will give you a lot better bandwidth almost for free, with the cost of a bit of range. (It will work through walls, don't believe liars who say it doesn't)

If this general takes off, I'll start to set up a pastebin like all the established generals and all that jazz

Pic related: a simple """hacker"""

Other urls found in this thread:


Video on youtube has age restriction and you don't want to log into botnet account? Or just want full-window video? Rewrite url to youtube.com/embed/
>inb4 mpv

That is not a hack. Some devices suck because they do not support 5 GHz spectrum.

2.2 A strategy or technique for managing one's time or activities more efficiently.
‘another hack that will save time is to cover your side mirrors with a plastic bag when freezing rain is forecast’

Thanks for replying and making sure the 1st response to this general was not this autismo

>t. butthurt op

use a mechanical pencil without lead to bend back bent cpu pins

I like the idea of this general but I think we will run out of hacks quickly and start repeating ourselves

I'm not butthurt at all, I'm just glad we got over the "hack" pedantry early. I'm just trying to share useful info, how about you stop being a useless faggot and share what you know.
I guess that's a possibility but until we run out let's see what fun we can have and what we can learn. I'm sure there's a lot many of us don't know.

I'll add another "hack" while I'm here which I notice most people don't know about, switch the wifi setting in your Android to sleep when the phone screen is off, saves a fuckton of battery as wifi is the biggest draw after screen.


But this will be dead soon same and Sup Forums infographics threads we used to have before

Ok, to contribute. To speed up windows (and improve privacy) switch off file indexer. Also look into services. Probably almost upto 30% of services can be disabled from running/starting without affecting stability of the system.

If you use nvidia card, get program called nvidiainspector to finetune settings for each program/game that may not be available in nvidia control panel.

pour water on your keyboard it lubricates your keys so you can type faster

can I lube my fingers to type faster as well?

I also need to lubricate when I'm with your mum, so I will keep this in mind, thanks.


>I'm not butthurt at all
>how about you stop being a useless faggot and share what you know

Haha good goy

It was a hopeful attempt at best to get you to contribute positively, user. Sorry that you want to waste your captcha-filling on leddit-tier posts.

Why are you assuming any of the people in the reply chain are the same person? Why assume someone is filling in captchas? Stop making shitty threads and shitty assumptions. The irony in trying to flame someone for a reddit-tier post when you make shit like this.

>Why assume someone is filling in captchas?
Passfags have that dumb icon

if you're a windows user and have > 8GB ram, turn off paging.

no more writing to disk and full use of your >8GB ram.

Are you fucking retarded? That's only enabled if you fill in the options field.

Similar thing with Linux actually, if you have 8GB RAM, stop using swap altogether, it's pointless, especially on SSD.
How the fuck would I know if I'm not a passfag? You sound mad tho

Not him but I assume whatever the fuck I want. When I see some stinking sjw faggot like yourself I assume his gender, political views, hiv status all based on the color of his hair and amount of facial piercings.

Putting "set -o vi" in your .bashrc will put it into vi mode. I don't know why I haven't read the fucking bash man page, this shit is great.

Sup Forums.org/pass#faq
You sound like an idiot who can't read and makes dumb assumptions.

this is a good hack

Want microsoft's telemetry inside of your own program? Simply compile your code from within Visual Studio.

upvoted, I do this all the time and it works because yesterday I noticed my program was on sale on the Microsoft store

>using less power
There are applications that do this like PowerTOP that do power management or straight up undervolting like Linux-PHC (+ phc2sys), cpupower or cpufrequtils (sudo cpufreq-set --governor powersave).

You can save bandwidth just using adbockers in you browsers and blocking stuff by default like pictures or javascript. Also pages load faster.

Instead of torrenting with your gaming rig buy an SBC like raspi or odroid.

Instead of buying a separate router buy a Wi-fi dongle for your SBC.

Get yourself an android phone compatible with a custom ROM (like lineage) that is know to save power. Use only applications from F-Droid and don't install google's playstore, you'll save battery like never before.

Android phones also have a lot of free applications to save money, like tethering.

Shit, good post user-kun

Btw aosp is much better than lineage these days, especially for power usage.
Also simply moving an ad blocking hosts (Google stevenblack hosts for the best one) into etc hosts will be easier than fucking around with adblockers.

Thanks, I like these kind of threads but is probably good idea to merge with others like, infographic threads, more posts, less need to bump and we get much more info.

Noted, there are also cache proxies like squid if we get at that level.

- "history" : in bash, a record of the typed commands. Can be grepped. It reads from ~/.bash_history. "history 10" shows the last 10 commands.
- moving on the CLI:
-- Ctrl+A moves the cursor to the start of the line
-- Ctrl+E moves the cursor to the end of the line
-- Left and Right arrow keys move within the line a character at a
time. Same goes for Ctrl+B and Ctrl+F do the same
-- Ctrl+Left Arrow moves backward A WORD at a time. Same goes for ESC, then B.
-- Ctrl+Right Arrow moves forward A WORD at a time. Same goes for ESC, then F.

Ctrl+L removes the output of the previous command. If you've been looking at email logs or something and they've filled your screen so you can't see what you were doing before, Ctrl+L will be an absolute lifesaver.

mmh it seems to just clear the screen, if your terminal emulator can be scrolled the output of the previous command could still be reached...

- Delete the character UNDER the cursor: Delete key or Ctrl+D
- Delete the character BEFORE the cursor: backspace
- Delete ALL the characters FROM the CURSOR TO the END: Ctrl+K
- Delete ALL the characters BEFORE the CURSOR TO the START: Ctrl+X and then backspace

- Transpose: Ctrl+T transposes the character UNDER the cursor with the character BEFORE the cursor

- Convert to UPPERCASE: Esc, then U will switch all to UPPERCASE FROM the CURSOR to the END of the WORD
Esc, then C will convert a single character UNDER THE CURSOR to UPPERCASE

- Convert to LOWRCASE: Esc, then L will switch to LOWERCASE FROM the CURSOR to the END of the WORD

- Invoke an Editor: Ctrl+X, then Ctrl+E. Default should be emacs, unless $EDITOR or $FCEDIT is defined

Ctrl+L deletes the previous command in the terminal on the Macs we use at work. I don't know why it doesn't work elsewhere.

>Delete the character BEFORE the cursor: backspace
Ctrl+H should do the same: check
$ bind -P
There's various stuff, like
display-shell-version can be found on "\C-x\C-v".
Ctrl+X, then Ctrl+V shows the shell version

>mmh it seems to just clear the screen
yep, see
clear-screen can be found on "\C-l".

I know nothing about Bash on M*cs, maybe you simply can't scroll the terminal?

Why doesn't Sup Forums have an infographic for 2017?

use an os that works like windows or apple instead of linux so you don't have to 'hack' anything


Learn history expansion for your shell. Examples below are for zsh, your shell may vary (refer to manpages):

Repeats previous command. Extremely useful as sudo !!

Repeats the previous command's words from first to last (where the command itself is the zeroth word). For instance, correct gut cherry-pick - -m 2 using git !^*.

You can also do stuff like pick everything except the last word (spelled git correctly, but fucked up the mainline which should actually be 1? Sure: !!^- 1 should work), quote the entire command, make substitutions, remove filename extensions, and refer to various commands - by position or search string (you can even refer to the command typed so far!).

Does that happen to you often?

Not him, but yes. I usually use hooktube or mpv.

A fucking 5ghz SPECTRUM?? Are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit? I get into Sup Forums tonight to find more tech litereates but then i see a thread on CRT's and a bunch of faggots who think they know a shred of a shit about what radiation even is, yet claim putting your head to a microwave is the same as putting your head infront of a crt. Now i see this... how fucking stupid do you have to be to post something you know nothing about?????

alias -g .l=' | less -R' #If your on zsh
alias lf='tree -sDC .l'