He is no man, he is dynamite. Feels like being in a movie. This man will lead us into the future.
I know you like to be contrarians, but I'm not ashamed to admit I have a tech hard on for this genius.
He is no man, he is dynamite. Feels like being in a movie. This man will lead us into the future.
I know you like to be contrarians, but I'm not ashamed to admit I have a tech hard on for this genius.
Other urls found in this thread:
You're not ashamed to be fooled by an oily conman?
Tesla cars exist and are amazing. How is he a con man?
loving some garbage Steve Jobs copy cat who targets the upper / upper-middle class in attempt to max out his shekle lvls
> Gets massive government grants for "innovation"
> Taxpayer basically pays for all of the R&D
> Taxpayer sees no profit
> Some profit gets slipped to politician for the next grant
>The future has been cancelled. No refunds.
>Makes good products that are exactly as advertised
>Is somehow a con man
I don't think you know what that term means
>100 hour work week
>creates electric car
>lands rocket
>founds openai, solarcity, boaring company, neurolink
>refuses to make companies public, whereby he would make billions
>gives away patents
>lands on mars
tell me Sup Forums, how is this scammer not in jail yet?
The power of actually paying attention to your business, having vision, and using mostly industry best practices. Otellini did it. Welch did it. Jobs did it. Musk is doing it now.
If you're so jealous why don't you apply for some grants? Oh wait you don't have any marketable skills, no history of success, and not even any good ideas.
God I wanna see people stepping on Mars before I die so badly
You know that's not how it works in America right? You have to already be rich to become even more rich.
Most trucks on the road are owner/operators.
Meaning they are "contractors" and they own their own trucks.
Will they want to wait weeks or months to get a part for a repair ?
They won't be able to take any routes outside of the super charger range
Seems like the people who will be buying these are companies that want to seem progressive and all that shit.
Buy a truck for 250K , talking about how great it is for the environment, meanwhile they turn a blind eye to the low wages of their support workers (cafeteria/custodians etc)
That semi looks ugly as sin, and feminine to top it up. No driver who takes pride in himself would buy such an abomination.
yeh theyre pretty ugly
can someone tell me who the fuck can afford one of these trucks? who will buy them
the 1% already own half the money.
now they don't even need the slave labor anymore.
robots will take those jobs.
a war is a comin'
He nearly went bankrupt investing every cent of his money in tesla, he was never rich.
this is the man you have your hopes invested in
may as well be a shit sucking normie
nothing wrong with mariachi
every thread with this bullshit. they didn't get grants, they got loans, and they paid them all back with interest. learn some facts retard
Holy fucking shit, I want musktards to go back to the shithole known as leddit, where they belong.
How to tell Reddit: the post
Too bad they won't be American.
Like I give a shit who it is
>Not investing is the electric autist
Tesla paid back all of its government loans.
Wew lad acquire taste
He didn't even found the company
Tesla at that point in time was so low-risk I don't understand how normies are impressed by that
>what is hyperloop
>>lands on mars
Practically never.
>>gives away patents
Never did this at least not for free.
>creates electric car
So Ferdinand Porsche and many other real engineer a century ago.
He also abuse the labour law.
>posting this degenerate, uneducated subhuman trash
>Feels like being in a movie
so it feels like watching a very predictable story thats obviously intended to sell you shit, and that leaves you feeling unsatisfied afterwards?
>take strong MURRICAN coal-rollin' semi
>feed it soy until it looks like an obese Smart Car
>force all truckers to take your proprietary routes and constantly shell out for your fuckspensive repairs and replacement parts
This is panel fitment of a 40 thousand USD "made in USA" car that you have to wait over a year for.
Who will it be then? Don't tell me you think it'll be the chinks.
They do however get a pretty hefty taxbreak.
>what is hyperloop
Hyperloop isn't a product.
>This man will lead us into the future.
Most of the time the USA is half laughingstock and half slow moving tragedy, and the only person making america great again is elon. 10/10 wouldn't go gay for him but he is a great example of what amerifats should aim to be.
We stopped trying when we imported victimization from Europe.
I don't care
I know HGV drivers and trust me, if they aren't owner operators then they couldn't give two fucks what the wagons look like that they drive.
All they care about is money, moaning, doing as little as possible, dwarf porn, paedophilia, murdering prostitutes, rolling dead bodies up in carpets and dispersing the body parts around the country.
Plus Nitrogen Dioxide from Derv fumes is causing thousands of premature deaths.
I fucking hate HGV drivers and the sooner Mr Musk rolls out a range of self driving, all electric HGV's, the better.
>when we imported victimization from Europe.
It was the other way around, retard.
boo hoo
Wow nice argument
>You're not ashamed to be fooled by an electro conman?
Fixed it for you. And he isn't a conman. Enjoy living in the past you fat Fuck.
Why? It's a boring place. I would much rather see a functioning society that solves climate crisis and abolishes nukes.
If we do that then we pass one of the big great filters and will set the way for true interstellar exploration.
We just need to do those two things first. But we can't because some fat guys over on /pol are self loathing.
He did give away all the tesla patents you dumb idiot.
> communism started in murica
Just one example.
Yeah my grandpa's uaz 69 looks better in this regard
Exactly. It's garbage.
>abolish nukes.
Yes, let's abolish that one thing which keeps major powers from waging wars on eachother. What could possibly go wrong?
How does that door handle work?
>robots replace the workers
>there's no longer anybody who makes money to buy things
>money no longer has value
Its a class 1 lever and the fulcrum is about where the handle becomes thicker. You press on the right side and the left side pops outside for you to pull.
Why do people even care about tesla when the chevy bolt is currently the best EV (if you're not falling for marketing hype)
So it requires two hands? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
>a war is a comin'
Don't think so. Universal income is what will prevent class war.
Even without work you'll never be hungry or without a place to live. There'll also be steady flow of infotainment through internet/VR. So why risking your life with ak47 in your hands in some damp cold place fighting against drones and brainwashed patriots while pleasure of maximum comfiness is just a tab/click away.
literally a cuck car
>So it requires two hands?
Not really. A hand is not only the thumb and the index finger. While probably counterintuitive and requirng to get used to it's easily done singlehandedly.
>Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
The same people who think that putting a battery and an electric motor together is a solution to the problem known as "car".
If Tesla really gave a shit about what they preach they'd be shilling high-efficiency public transport and similar projects not whirring toys for rich nonces who think not spouting carcinogen pollutants somehow fixes the damage already done to our cities.
"car" is by definition the cuckold mode of transport senpai.
making it electric makes fuck all difference
Yeah. 'cause Elon musk started out as a rich amarican
So you're a motorcycle kind of guy?
>wow what a neat product, it'll hit the market any day now
How does this fucker make money off this shit
So you backpeddled from 'he's a conman' to 'wew lad acquire taste'. And apparently he makes a hyperloop that isn't what it was advertised even though he doesn't make or advertise hyperloop. He wrote a hyperloop whitepaper for anyone to implement.
He captured the hearts and minds of our uneducated populations
I remember my brother showing me his "tesla batteries" that fit on door frames like 5 years ago
I thought gee that seems interesting
Not a fucking peep since, what a crock of shit
>>Never did this at least not for free.
orly? what are THESE then????
>Mercedes-Benz fully electric truck was presented this summer
>nobody gave a shit
>Musk presents his overhyped overpriced truck
>People screaming in the streets
Musk is not a con man, since he delivered on his promises so far, and I'm personally happy he succeeded, but I hate the over-the-top Apple-like messianic marketing of his companies, and I hate even more all the people that mindlessly fall for it and equally those that start screaming around Sup Forums and /sci/ he's a conman as a reaction.
>Mercedes-Benz fully electric truck
200km range
What I don't understand is why he hypes products that are not consumer products
It made sense for Apple to hype their phones and gadgets and stuff because ordinary people buy that stuff
But trucks? the only people purchasing those are haulage companies who hire people specifically to sift through bullshit and find the truck that's going to give them the best bang for their buck
his target isn't consumers, its wall street. he needs banks and hedge funds and other moneymen to keep buying his shares and junk bonds because his company is losing money. the hype is aimed at wowing professional investors so they'll keep dumping the dollars in.
It's intended as a in-city distribution vehicle, not a hub-to-hub long hauling truck: it doesn't need fucktons of range.
It's advertisement: it keeps the interest on the company high.
If I could sell your jealousy I would be richer than Jobs and Musk put together.
>glorified kickstarter
what do you do for a living?
*sigh* rip tfw will never make enough to afford this.
Tesla Powerwalls are for sale on their website user. They are also being used to help with Puerto Rico.
>They are also being used to help with Puerto Rico.
Oh yeah that's what they need right now, batteries that can't be charged
You actually believed those paid articles?
Fuck off you pathetic little fanboy
tesla paid back with interest. ford defaulted.
oh wow everyone really falling into this kind of trap like they did on model 3 wth....
Setting up infrastructure is paid shill articles?
What does Tesla know about civil infrastructure? That's not even close to their expertise
>what is solar city
They already have a civil infrastructure company under their belt which is why they are using it to get free brownie points by helping set up relief in a country struggling.
How is this a bad thing?
t. shill
t. goes against my narrative
You mean soygoys
Tesla paid back with interest. GM didn't. GM got a lot more money from the government. Tesla are innovating, raising the bar. As Larry Page said, I would rather invest in Elon Musk ideas than give money to charity.
> he delivered on his promises so far
That's why people get more excited about EV announcements from Tesla.
Nobody cares that he gets gibs. If you could get them, you would too.
I just want his cars.
>>Mercedes-Benz fully electric truck was presented this summer
so did a tractor company in poland lmao
He is just too loaded and douchey to not give a fuck about current industries status quo
and that is good, because it moves tech and business forward
These things will be awesome if they create a diesel engine generator attachment. Fixed RPM engines can be much more efficient.
I wouldn't say Musk is a con man, just he's just a bunch of hot air who bullshits regular folks on a regular basis. The Donald Trump of technology, if you will. Mars is his Mexico wall.
Mars is much cooler story than some stupid wall tho.