Can we have a tech salary thread?

I'll start.
>a little under $300k
>bay area

You gotta tell the position my dood

in my day people would simply don a tripcode when they wanted attention

full stack, js and java

Math degree, $300k, straight out of college

295k bay area

$20 an hour
Work about 50 hours a week
Finished trade school a year ago
Fremont (best bay)

3rd post, not bad. The memes are quick with this one.

Linux admin

With what? Like 15 years of experience?

>bay area
so your adjusted income is 50k? are you a plumber?

Unpaid. 40 day internship

>1 year experience
>Seattle area

70k east coast mobile dev

I write software in Javascript (Java for short)

ITT: We lie about our jobs and income on the internet!
I make 900k/year sucking cock for Intel.
That means I suck the CEO's dick, some engineers too, but mostly the business fags. They're more classy.

Same, any job I want.

What's the matter? Poor brainlet can't get a $300k salary position? Still begging for those temp and contract jobs?

235 bay. I guess I am underpaid

Over 800k. Get on my level plebs.

>6 years experience
>master's degree

> tfw 100k salarylet

jesus christ what kind of gigacorps are y'all working for
75k/y working for a bay area startup that's gonna make a better web
high-end salaries locally where I live are like 55k at best, so I think I did good

Just study for that whiteboard interview user, 200k to 500k a year literally. Bay area does suck though.

>that's gonna make a better web
What meme frameworks are you working with? Also why don't you just kill yourself and stop ruining my web.

100% own stack, only the vm is built in c
>ruining my web
>bringing it back to the 80s
pick one

Damn son.

185k Seattle 15 years exp.
Generic fix our shit engineer

1 year experience

250k, Seattle.

Senior Full-Stack Javascript (React, NodeJS, React Native). Lots of soy boys, and raging feminists, but the pay is good. 25 years old. 5 years of experience.

What level?

French or English?

60k seems a bit low for Montreal unless you're further out or off the island

Living on bitcoin pension how could you fags have missed the ship?

this is fucking bullshit

You cannot afford a family in Seattle unless you're making 250k a year, Jamal.

And oh, i work like a horse. Till 9PM

> cannot afford a family
> implying this will ever matter for you

200k. California

I use Java, the company i worked with handles SMS and Phone API for the world. Tips from me, avoid Java, it's going to be poo-in-the-loo in less than 5 years.

I am thinking of switching to Machine Learning industry. Easy 300k and all white.

how many years of experience? im also in the bay but oging to SJSU for cs

i use java for 3 years, other languages for 3 years. Java EE

Jr. DevOps

dam thats impressive. Im trying to get my first internship, what kind of stuff did u have on ur resume to land ur first job/internship?


>literally doing it for free

professional spring and java ee developer are rare. Everyone are using JS Ruby Python Go these days

Just putting your education and personal projects is enough to land an interview. Most people don't do shit outside of school.

At this point if you can make it seem like you'll enoy working the the employer you hve a good chance at the internship.

>professional spring and java ee developer

Most of the major software companies in the bay area are on java

Wow, you're really underpaid. Just goes to show how badly engineers are abused in this industry. If you have more than six months of experience as a code artisan and are making less than 7 figures, it's way past time to get a new job imo. There are plenty of places out there that know how to treat developers right.

yes, but the supply of professionals are low. Most millennials are using Javascript and Node and PHP and Python and others.

houses cost at least a million dollar unless you want to live in a shack. 150-250k are normal wage.

Food price and healthcare are expensive these days.

Ah, I agree. The next bubble burst will flush so many of them out of the industry.

1.85M p/a, North Dakota, phone support

Are these memes? How do people actually make 150k+?

education lol

Checkout glassdoor. Bay area medium wage is like 200k now.

this seems insanely unrealistic
average graduate salary here is 55k AUD (41k US)
and thats from the top school in the country for cs/finance

>60k AUD
>SSRS Reporting and other SQL fixes

can't "master" java in a six week coding bootcamp

dont be average

Google hires new grads for 200k+.

Who do you think prints the US dollar user?

Rent is expensive in my area. I cannot even afford a wife and kid with my current salary.

I can only save around 50k a year currently, i don't know how long it would take for me to be able to afford a good house with a family, i am already 27 years old.

job hop user, get 20%+ raise each hop

Java SE alone takes at least 2 years to be good, Java EE is a different class, but if you can use SE, EE should not be a big problem, it's just more classes. Spring is not that tough once you used it for at least a year.

Coding bootcamps cannot teach Java, it's a lot of abstraction, data types, and we have set, list, etc instead of just "array" like most of these languages.

I met some indians i have to worked with that don't even know a "float" and "unsigned integer", he is a php programmer

>having a wife
>having a children
>not just retiring at 30 to a cheap area and playing video games the rest of your life

What should I major in? I'd be happy with just about anything in CS/math but idk where the money is

Why the fuck would someone who works in PHP need to know what a float or an unsigned integer is?

>idk where the money is

Work for the botnet.

Mostly people here are mosy likely lying.
About 8% of people make over 150k in the US.
Successful people aren't on Sup Forums as well.

>Successful people aren't on Sup Forums as well.

>I can only save around 50k a year currently,
I don't even make that much after taxes a year and I'm 30 ;_;
What makes you people so much better than me?

>About 8% of people make over 150k in the US.

good luck living in California below 150k salary. Buy a tent

oy vey!
I'll have her contracts shut down immediately.

I'm no longer an IT guy, but
Aerospace welder:
Washington state
I've been averaging 10k+ more each year so I think I'm doing fairly well despite aerospace being a dying industry

Yes we all love Tay sway
I lived in Cali all my life.
It's only expensive when you live in major cities.

>What makes you people so much better than me?



Hadoop and Big data developer.

Web ""dev""


Its not a lot of money but its also a low effort html/css job so I don't know.

Any advice for a 26 y/o lazy asshole who wants to make more money out of a basic IT skillset?

>central florida

All of you are lying

Tech salaries don't really get too far above 200-250k. The rest is usually stock grants.

Hang in there man.
It'll get better.
It always does.

We are talking total comp

Depends on the industry. Java and C++ are on average 100-150k

Netflix engineers get 150-250k on average.

machine learning, big data, AI sector, Java, C++ can get 200-250k easily. I worked with C++ and openCV most of the time, and then some Java guy i worked with use Docket and their web app to connect their program with my C++ machine, i just give JSON data to their app, then their Java app shows the result to the user. Most of the customers are retails and Chinese companies.

Thankfully, feminist and soy boys haven't infiltrated my industry.


Stock grants are better than cash though.

>everyone in the bay area earning 150K+ all come into a random Sup Forums thread on a friday night

I must have not got the memo.

I'm on Sup Forums every night. Don't live in the bay area but make 150k+.

It's self selection, we are in this thread to brag.

I'm in uni right now double majoring CS/Finance.
What kind of units should I be taking? Need career advice but /adv/ wouldn't know anything

Machine learning, ai. Make sure the slaughter bots spare the anons the when the time comes.

The Family's IT Guy
$0k per year (food though)
Don't mix your hobbies with work.

Insider here.
People with tattoos will be the first to go, they're always a net negative for society.

>bay area
>full stack JS developer

>trolled hard

55k, web "dev", 32 yrs old but basically 0 exp


How can you even afford to be in the bay area?

>Rust full stack OS Security Analyst Engineer Scientist

Most of my work in uni has been with C so I figure I can transition into C# or C++ but from what I understand most starting positions in companies dont put newer people to work with C/C++...

Should I do JS, Python or Java instead?

Been considering Python or JS for data analytics but I dont know if thats the way to go...

Texas area if that matters. Dont want to live in CA or NY ffs...

That's the idea.

>c/c++/ada software engineer
kill me

>Texas area

You have to move unfortunately.

28k a year flower delivery cuck

$0 but it's Salary