Daily reminder that if you use Firefox, you are contributing to the dumbing down of the web, reducing functionality...

Daily reminder that if you use Firefox, you are contributing to the dumbing down of the web, reducing functionality, spying, socjus cuckery, and should probably just kill yourself immediately.


Now this is shitposting

>dumbing down of the web, reducing functionality, spying, socjus cuckery, and should probably just kill yourself immediately.
>this is coming from a wincuck
The levels of irony...

Chrome doesn't have those problems :^)

Just use Brave if you have concerns over Firesux.

Can't wait to get my 4K monitor so none of this matters anymore

Want to beta test our development version?
You're sure as fuck going to provide us with metrics you selfish cunt.

holy shit that hurts my eyes

not sure what youre talking about OP

*turns it off*
pssssh what now botnet-kun

>bug reports don't exist
>the only option is spyware

Love the new Firefox. It's so fast. If you care about design, you're a fag and you should use safari.

>used to use FF because of addons
>sometimes FF decides I'm just not allowed to make posts on Sup Forums
>FF will just crash if you open more than 4 tabs
>blocks random porn sites for no reason
>updated today
>shittier layout and it now refuses to open
For how mainstream it is now I didn't think it would still be this bad

Hi there Chrome shill.

Automated crash reports are often way more helpful than the ramblings of whoever decides to submit a report.

Stop watching porn

>you are contributing to the dumbing down of the web, reducing functionality, spying, socjus cuckery, and should probably just kill yourself immediately.
Sup Forums has come to a point where I can't say if you're trolling or not

god that's disgusting

What the actual fuck have you done to your firefox?

>on windows

>Fucking seriously? Did they think I'd forget what addon it is?
>Why are these so big even in "compact" mode?
Then change it, you must know it since you know how to customize your browser, or don't tell me you don't know.
>The fuck is this space for?
Allocated space to drag the window, useful when the tab bar is full.
>Shitty font rendering
>Controls misaligned
blame windows for that

The only dumbing down on the web are users like you.

>Allocated space to drag the window, useful when the tab bar is full.
Not really, as you can click and drag both to the right (between tabs and the plus) and above the tab list. The allocated drag space is unnecessary bullshit (just like the entirety of FF57)

>shitty font rendering

Can’t argue with that.

When is Apple going to not have a monopoly on doing this right?

Higher resolution = better rendering naturally. Ever seen the font rendering on Macs pre 2012?

literally how?

You can literally change everything pointed out in your image, except for the font rendering because that's your OS' fault.

OP is a fag.