/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous:

Other urls found in this thread:

lmddgtfy.net/?q=How can I use ffmpeg to convert a video to mpg format?

Are we at this point?

How do you get st (simple terminal, suckless) to obey your .bash_profile? Currently it's only obeying my .bashrc for some reason. I'd prefer to only put my PATH exports in the profile.

I know the answer is obvious but I'm not seeing it, any pointers?

Just use urxvt

I know I am.

B-but I don't wanna
Doesn't support true color

.bash_profile is done on login, not when you start a terminal emulator. If bash is your login shell, when you login it should be sourced before anything else and any environment variable set in it should be inherited by all child processes.

If you've been fucking around with it without success, did you try logging out/back in?

Install GuixSD

But it does have scrolling

S-so does st if I patch it

Only with the keyboard though.
Also I tried out st and within only a few minutes I already had it printing characters on wrong lines. Seems to me that st was basically built to run tmux and if you're not using tmux it sucks.

The patches in that link I provided also add in mouse scroll support

Everybody said this show was comfy, they lied. It's sometimes comfy and often depressing.

Comfy arises from the ashes of depression.

I see, so if I reach this enlightened state when I see yuuki eating cheeto it will be comfy?

I'll work towards that point.

That sounds pretty comfy, honestly.

>yuuki eating cheeto
Please tell me this is on sadpanda. Eating in either sense, please.


I'm compiling chromium with inox patchset for the first time in years, couldn't set up distcc right now and am over 9 hours in on i5-2520m. How long am I in for? I will just make binary package on my desktop when I can if this won't end anytime soon.

>9 hours
Did you make -j?

is there a tool for registering global keybinds in X from the command line?

something like "xregisterkey F1 /home/user/run.sh"


or xmodmap, for remapping scancodes

Hey /fglt/ what is your opinion of NixOS? I don't see anyone using it but the idea sounds pretty decent to me

I'm flirting with the idea of NixOS. Does anyone have sufficient experience with this OS? I've read the FAQ on their page and some youtube reviews and it honestly looks fascinating.

I can see images in urxvt using w3mimgdisplay, how is that not true color?

>YouTube reviews
I would you're not ready, but you're really irredeemable. Too bad, illiterate. Maybe Sup Forums's more your speed.

We have this post every thread. What a stupid question. You're just going to get the same exact answers you'd get if you read the archive. Read the documentation.

I don't know about "true color support" in urxvt but that xterm image in terminal shit has nothing to do with the color palette of a terminal.

It's a hack that just writes over your terminal window.

Now install Gentoo.

You guys aren't very friendly

YOU aren't very friendly for pointing that out.

Something I've always wondered about gentoo, I've never used it enough but for the next release of chromium is it just going to do a git pull, make?

It doesn't need to re-download the entire source, and recompile it in its entirety. Right?

Does st support true color?
If I'm reading your post correctly, then no. Gentoo has its own repository, and it doesn't use git. Gentoo distributes binaries for large binaries like Chromium and Firefox.

Lol what the fuck.

I've been running it for a few months. It's nice.

Not even joking user, but your posts honestly are some of the dumbest I've ever read on Sup Forums, so I don't think you're in any position to be trying as desperately as you do to come across as an authority here. You're not fooling anyone.

What an unfriendly post. This is a friendly thread, need I remind you?

I'm sorry about your ADHD, anons. Too bad you're stuck asking the same questions over and over again rather than simply reading the documentation necessary for you to help yourselves.

I really don't know, I don't use st. Although in a terminal I think 256 color is the only logical maximum. Just pointing out that the xterm image in terminal bullshit is just a hack and has 0 to do with the underlying terminal's graphic capabilities(apart from support for it).

What YouTube videos should I want if I want to learn how to code in Python?
>inb4 read a book

Read a book nigger.

I don't have ADHD. But if I did, it'd be better than having 0 reading comprehension. In my previous post, I stated that I read the FAQ. True, I didn't get down with the dirty documentation but I did skim some of it. I was just asking for people's experiences. No need to lash out. Go for a walk.

This is a FRIENDLY thread, need I remind you. Stop being so elitist. You stupid, pretentious assholes keep acting like you're sooo much better than me just because you can read a book. YouTube videos are a perfectly valid medium for learning, and you won't convince me otherwise.

It's too bad you didn't read the thread, or else you would have realized that my point was that you have all your answers in the archive, and all the answers you'd get in this thread would not only be redundant but scanty and low-quality.

>learning to write by watching because you're too lazy to read
Yeah, whatever, enjoy your youtube faggotry.

Ugh. This your posts are easily some of the most ridiculous, toxic shit I've ever read on Sup Forums in my six months posting on here. Don't think you're fooling anyone pretending like you're an authority on any of this. Trust me. I learned to install Gentoo using a YouTube tutorial. Still convinced YouTube isn't a good educational resource? Exactly. Fuck you.

Cool, there's an archive. Is this "archive" endowed with some sentient prescience required to explain another user's experience of NixOS before the user even know I've asked? I was inquiring about other people's experiences.

You're not making any sense and you're just being a douche. Whatever.

Honestly there is nothing you can do when this faggot shows up.

He thinks he's asserting a particular culture that he doesn't know fuck all about, and goes straight for ad hominem right out the gate to come across as an authority when he's not.
Or he uses some bait and switch bullshit, like he's doing now.

That's exactly what it is. It's just teenagers who see elitist attitudes in particular communities that have actual reasons for existing and they want to fit in so bad they just adopt the attitude without fucking understanding any of it.


Whose time are you wasting exactly with this shit? I don't know why you would think my time is worth less than yours.

Yeah, it's horseshit. However:

>Honestly there is nothing you can do when this faggot shows up.

Well, I guess I could get off Sup Forums and get back to work.

Yeah, well you clearly enjoy wasting your time reading your precious books, you elitist teenager. You think you're better than me just because YOU got straight "A"s in English class and I didn't? Huh? You think you're so smart? Dumbass teenager.

Please tell me about the great communities you're pretending to like for shitposting purposes.

Totally. I'm sick of these fucking teenagers inflating their egos. Their criticism isn't constructive at all. Books aren't useful at all, and they're inefficient and generally outdated. YouTube videos are engaging and relevant and thus superior.

Nice, I look through that too.

Back to my original question: anyone else wanna chime in, have a discussion and add to the archive on what they think about NixOS?

I think you need to get better reading comprehension and stop being such a tryhard

At least I'm not a stupid teenage NEET wasting his time harassing people on Sup Forums.

Just stop, what are you even trying to do? Why ruin this discussion with obvious shitposting?

I don't understand why you're doing this.

I know, right? What a tryhard. Books are for fucking loser teenagers with too much time on their hands. A working man doesn't have time for that bullshit. REAL programmers learn from watching YouTube videos and reading comments on Sup Forums.

I agree with your sentiment and I understand how valuable videos are for you. But, I'm going to have to disagree that books are inefficient. For example, I actually learn a lot more by reading text on a page and taking notes than by watching a video and taking notes. I'm not sure why, but that's just the way it is for me personally.

lmao, only one of those posts are mine. That's literally the mindset of your internet peers.

Can I switch the word Abort for Cancel in OpenSuse? This may be minor but it's so fucking offputting that I had to stop using OpenSuse even though I liked everything else about it. Why the fuck change something that works so well and everyone can quickly parse?

Because text isn't obfuscated by all sorts of redundant stimulus. That's why text is incredibly important in an academic setting, because the message can be conveyed clearly and efficiently.

There are 11 IPs on 60 posts, and has been for a while.

And this isn't anybody's opinion, it's shitposting.

Is that why you're convinced that all the posts on here are made by me? Is it possible that maybe several people share my sentiment? That, perhaps, what I'm saying has some truth value beyond just guerrilla shitposting tactics? No way. Not possible. They're just shitposters! There's no way I can learn something from their criticism.

Wait. Is it possible that you're astonished be the fact that someone else is taking your side? Is that why you're calling those posts out and you sincerely can't believe that several people are participating in a discussion? That's kind of sad.

Good point. When trying to absorb and comprehend ideas, it helps if the medium of communication transfers that idea with the most minimal obfuscation (as you put it) around the idea. This way you don't need to strip away anything from the idea such as visuals of a persons face, music, sound, etc. This is also why going home and reading chapters in a textbook and doing homework is non-negotiable when seriously studying a high level topic of choice.

That said, what do you think are the merits of videos over text as far as transfer of information?

Nice bait and switch faggot.

You know very well this argument isn't about recommendations it's about this:
>durrr you watched a youtube video? That means you're an idiot. You cannot learn. You are an idiot. Idiot
>hurr you read something on a random link and came here to ask about it? Your IQ is clearly lower than mine, I can't even stand to be in the same thread with such a moron, just give up and go back to windows

Not exaggerating, he pretty much always calls the person an idiot 3 or more times in a single post for the simplest questions.

Now I know this is Sup Forums, but let's be honest here, people are not literally _idiots_ just because they read something somewhere and decide to ask /fglt/ rather than read documentation right? So he's factually wrong and you have to wonder why he feels the need to post like that.
It's either that he's insecure about his own intelligence, or he's trying too hard to fit in with, or assert, a culture of elitism that he doesn't know shit about.

Usually the smarter people are, in any field, the more tolerant they are of people who know less than them.
This guy absolutely _reeks_ of a new user who thinks he's hot shit and probably doesn't even know a tenth of what he thinks he does.

It's getting weird now, just stop dude.

Well it's called /Fglt/ for a reason.
We're not dealing with simple elitism here, I'm all for teaching people to fish rather than giving them fish.
But we're dealing with someone who behaves almost like he has a deep literally loathing of users who don't go and read the documentation before asking a simple question here. That's not the right way to go about things.

Well, as I said in an attempt to troll, videos actually have merit in that they're more engaging. And having several mediums at your disposal means it's easier to illustrate abstract ideas. One popular technique on YouTube is to have a host, which is good if your demographic overlaps with that of your host.

Ultimately, text is more powerful for the resources it takes, and there will always be people who are willing to apply themselves regardless of how challenging the text is. But other mediums are more evocative. All artistic mediums are valuable educational tools, but they have different applications and different ends. Of course, text is really the end-all meets-all.

YAMETE, it's not even funny.

Hey, kid, you want some GNU? Follow me behind that alleyway. I'll getcha some GNU/Linux.

How can do i decide which distro I should use first? Where do I learn which one does what? Windowsfag my entire life since win95, will be trying to make the switch when win7 becomes as obselete as xp/vista is now. Is it even possible for me to change at this point?

What part of my post could you possibly interpret as insincere?

Is that sarcastic?

The fact that you're one of 10 posters on GNU/Linux shit thread on Sup Forums.

Why did you capitalize /fglt/? Is that symbolic?

Sounds like a day on /baot/, honestly. Or a trip inside Theo de Raat's brain. Not mutually exclusive.

The IP count/post ratio is surprisingly low. I wonder if it's because it's the morning/evening here in the West.

As one of those 10 posters, pls don't remind me.

What am I doing with my life? Do I need to watch more anime?

Try reading the OP.

can qutebrowser handle userscripts (i.e. Sup Forums X, Stylechan) well yet?

Is it possible that you were being trolled? On Sup Forums? No way. Not possible.

What makes you think that it can handle userscripts at all?

How do you reconcile

> But other mediums are more evocative. All artistic mediums are valuable educational tools, but they have different applications and different ends.


> Of course, text is really the end-all meets-all.

Are all mediums of information contained in a heap upon which literature sits at the top? If so, I'm not necessarily disagreeing because I'm not really sure if I can with that. For instance, the proliferation of western music from gregorian chants to contemporary symphonies occured via the transfer of ideas via the text (music scores) upon which they were transcribed. So yeah... I guess I'm answering the question here.

lol damage control more

My life was briefly better last thread when it triggered my filter and I didn't see it.

I don't even understand how that can be construed as damage control when you're not even talking about me. I though we established this.

Well, that, too, but what I meant was that text permits more sophisticated logical structures. Whereas most people only comprehend other art at a subformal level.


Ah, that's the key word here. I see what you're trying to say now. Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks user, I thought about something in a new way today.


How can I use ffmpeg to convert a video to mpg format?

lmddgtfy.net/?q=How can I use ffmpeg to convert a video to mpg format?

Can you give some specific examples?

What's a good password manager + firefox autofill plugin?

KeePass, KeePassX, KeePassXC, LastPass

Which do you think is the best, and why?

Dropped as hard as possible.

Not sure what's too bad here

Which one of KeePass and KeePassX would you recommend? Is the GUI the only difference between the two? I read somewhere that KeePass was audited and KeePassX wasn't.

If you have anything related to security and the lead developer identifies as TheZ3ro with a naruto avatar then you should probably run.

I am still undecided on which distro I should use. What would be the best alternative to win10 enterprise ltsb? I was looking at fedora kde plasma.