What are the worst examples of technological illiteracy that you've ever encountered?
What are the worst examples of technological illiteracy that you've ever encountered?
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Remember laws of mathematics doesn't apply to Malcolm Turnbull
>instructions are written on the screen
>"user can you do it for me?"
This isn't illiteracy this is propaganda.
Good point, actually.
Also: "12 meg pipe" scene.
Pretty sure these are written that way on purpose.
Proof that linux kills college students futures.
>girls in tech
oh mien sideden
>Sup Forumstard trying to hollywood-hack a machine-learning system
>Skills in coding, gaming, computer programming
They should have just given up here, really.
>good point
>"I'm hacking into the mainframe!"
>opens up terminal
>cd code
>cd ..
>cd ..
>"I'm downloading the database!"
>Thousands of open windows pop up on screen all at once
Literally any hollywood film.
i've seen people so bad at computers, adware on their machines put ads on local hosted websites they're trying to develop
Only a few years ago I had to show my father how to pay with a debit card at a store and then I got him set up with telephone banking. He only just got a flip phone. He's a pretty Gruff old school guy and doesn't afraid of anything.
It astounds how Sup Forums is somehow able to continuously reach new levels of stupid.
>"user, the error says I should do this and this to solve it"
>"please help me out"
propaganda for what? it is technological illiteracy
>visiting family for two weeks out of time
>limited cash so have to conserve gas and funds in any way possible
>grandma calls me up and asks me to fix her computer
>say sure as she's gonna drive over to my parents house on Thanksgiving and I'll look at it then
>what's wrong with it?
">it won't turn on"
>have you checked to see if the rear power cable is plugged in all the way
>"Can you just do it"
>3 hour drive to her house
>Make it there
>she says hello and shows me her computer
>check back of it
>sure enough cable is literally unplugged in the back
>plug it back in, turn it on
>works fine
>tell Grandma what happened
>"oh silly me"
>"alright, that's all I needed, you can head back to your mom's now"
fucking hate old people so goddamn much.
>inb4 hurr hurr she wanted to spend time with you shell be dying soon hurr
Fuck off.
>title is in Calibri
my fucking sides
holy shit old people should just die aleady
>go to girlfriend's parents house
>they want to show me something on the computer
>they sign into AOL first and use the AOL browser
>ask them why they are using AOL
>"user, don't be silly. You have to dial into the internet first before you can use it."
>this was 2008
>they had cable internet and hadnt had dialup since the 90's
I've dealt with some pretty mentally deficient people in my time
Also my parents call me up just about every other weekend saying that their various devices aren't working. 99.9% of the time this is due to them accidentally signing out and not being able to follow simple prompts to sign back in or being unwilling to unplug something and plug it back in.
They use the "we're middle-aged, so we cant be expected to know this stuff" excuse but I've explained it to them, quite literally, hundreds of times and plugging something in or signing in doesnt require any tech knowledge at all. They're just lazy and stupid. If I tell them how to do it, they just complain and refuse to learn. If I refuse to do it, they get pissy and mean and bitch at me about it constantly.
The next time I'm asked to make an hour round trip to just unplug and replug their printer, I'm going to flip my shit.
>be pleb
>write notes in calibri
>tried switching to linux
>isn't able to use calibri
Microsoft can be cunts with their property restrictions.
Remember both political parties are fucked by foreign bribery. Including the greens and one nation,
>send notebook to service
>get it back with broken hinge, disabled wifi and fucked up cooling